Would the US be better off without the South?

Should we let the South succeed?

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Even though most of the irrational hating and racism is coming out of the US south, a division of the country is not a possible answer. Suggesting it is only demonstrating that rational answers are not able to be discussed at this time.

Perhaps when Obama's term as pres is over the racism will again be defused for a few years. America will continue to be in steep decline until then at least and most likely after that the trend will be impossible to reverse.

It's every American's choice to do something about it now to stop the trend. I fear the will is not there.
Even though most of the irrational hating and racism is coming out of the US south, a division of the country is not a possible answer. Suggesting it is only demonstrating that rational answers are not able to be discussed at this time.

Perhaps when Obama's term as pres is over the racism will again be defused for a few years. America will continue to be in steep decline until then at least and most likely after that the trend will be impossible to reverse.

It's every American's choice to do something about it now to stop the trend. I fear the will is not there.

Is this a threat?

Who's calling for George Zimmerman's head right now? Is the south calling for his murder?

You nihilists shouldn't flatter yourself while you dump on your hated southerners.
Is this a threat?

Who's calling for George Zimmerman's head right now? Is the south calling for his murder?

You nihilists shouldn't flatter yourself while you dump on your hated southerners.

There is a threat that the racist hating will escalate. That threat comes from both sides as regardless of who fires the first shot, there will be a reaction from the other side. Peaceful coexistence is hanging by a thread.

I'm a nihilist? I care? Actually I'm taking part in a discussion where I have little at stake. And I don't even have to prejudge who's at fault in the US south for the ugly situation that could explode at any minute.

Are you hoping for a shootout? Do you think your side will gain the upper hand and that will be what will defuse the situation? I think it will make matters even worse.

People like Sharpton advocate peaceful remedies and I can't say how sincere he is in doing that. But even if I suspect that he is sincere, I also think that his persuasion can't continue to win the day. This could be the situation where black people feel aggrieved enough to take violent action again but in a way that make previous riots look like child's play.

For that reason you should start acting like a responsible adult.
Even though most of the irrational hating and racism is coming out of the US south, a division of the country is not a possible answer. Suggesting it is only demonstrating that rational answers are not able to be discussed at this time.

Perhaps when Obama's term as pres is over the racism will again be defused for a few years. America will continue to be in steep decline until then at least and most likely after that the trend will be impossible to reverse.

It's every American's choice to do something about it now to stop the trend. I fear the will is not there.
Why not end the decline? Why not just let the South go?
There is a threat that the racist hating will escalate. That threat comes from both sides as regardless of who fires the first shot, there will be a reaction from the other side. Peaceful coexistence is hanging by a thread.

I'm a nihilist? I care? Actually I'm taking part in a discussion where I have little at stake. And I don't even have to prejudge who's at fault in the US south for the ugly situation that could explode at any minute.

Are you hoping for a shootout? Do you think your side will gain the upper hand and that will be what will defuse the situation? I think it will make matters even worse.

People like Sharpton advocate peaceful remedies and I can't say how sincere he is in doing that. But even if I suspect that he is sincere, I also think that his persuasion can't continue to win the day. This could be the situation where black people feel aggrieved enough to take violent action again but in a way that make previous riots look like child's play.

For that reason you should start acting like a responsible adult.

I never said anything about violence except to mention several times that the violence will come from the central planning supporters when the southern states secede and it will and I stand by that statement. Our revolution will emphasize a peaceful secession from the empire only. But the violence will erupt from the empire over once again the loss of revenue when it does occur.
When my people left Ireland and mostly settled in the Appalachian Mountains in America, what were the two things they brought with them that make you and the Hopel despise them so badly?

The Hopel and yourself being progressive statists and using this ignorant redneck term to finger your enemies.

What have I posted that makes you believe I am a progressive statist?
The Hoople, who was Mr. Calvin?

Does he have anything to do with your hatred of these ignorant, dumb rednecks?

What's the other point of hate?

What did the people of the Scottish lowlands that eventually migrated across the North Sea to Ireland hold so passionately?

Something that you and football resent so badly.

You really do base your entire argument on what you think we believe, don't you??
Hoppel and football shirt .. both central planners .. both know who the people were who brought Calvinist Christianity to America with them along with this strong rejection of central planning government .. which was prevalent within the Scottish clans of the Scottish lowlands well before they migrated to Northern Ireland.

Hoppel and football shirt both know who the people were who introduced bottom to top type democracy instead of top to bottom type democracy that came about because of the English Angelican church with this new concept due to the Scots Irish strong Calvinistic faith and strong belief in local governing that went along with it which went back to those Scottish lowland clans.

Those are your ignorant, dumb rednecks and it's been discussed here in length as how best to deal with them by both the central planning progressives.

Unless you can show any post I have made that shows me to be a "central planning progressive", i call Bullshit on your argument. Repeating the same misinformation does not transform it into truth.
That's not even the complete story, as Lorax is not a real account. Stay tuned to see who else is a poser and a sellout in the weeks to come.