WOW! Dems doing a heluva job already!!!

And as you discussed the other day Ornot, open collusion is not required when the goals are the same.

I actually think that the price of oil is a bit too low to do what is necessary to promote alternative energy development.
Transition will be somewhat painful in any event, but will be much more painful the longer we put it off.
And as you discussed the other day Ornot, open collusion is not required when the goals are the same.
Very true. In this case, they're neither dumb enough nor cooperative enough to risk explicit collusion, in my view. They don't need to. All they have to do is to tack a little extra onto each price increase they pass along.
Very true. In this case, they're neither dumb enough nor cooperative enough to risk explicit collusion, in my view. They don't need to. All they have to do is to tack a little extra onto each price increase they pass along.

Yes, the record profits tell that story.
they don't have to tack anything on to anything. the price they get is what the wholesalers pay them. the price is driven by the gasoline futures market (wholesale). the oil compaines either sell it to wholesalers or if they think they can do better, they retail it themselves, which is sholesale the COULD get plus expenses and a little profit n the reatil end (plus of course the BIG profit on the wholesale price the wholesalers 9and speculators) choose to pay the oil companies... and all this happens by what these wholsalers think the market is going to do; are suppiles tihgt or overloaded? is demand up or down, how's the whether? naural disasters? terrosist atacks? all that stuff.

the high prices were due to the ncertainty of the international situation as well as weather, demad aetc. now that most of that has staibilzed, the price has subsided, too. simple economic laws at work here.
Of course it is record demand, more people, more cars, more homes to heat and cool. And almost no efforts to reduce our dependancy on oil.
Whadda ya expect ?
Of course it is record demand, more people, more cars, more homes to heat and cool. And almost no efforts to reduce our dependancy on oil.
Whadda ya expect ?
Record demand has little to do with it being a solely American event. Record demand is also created by the fact that more cars than ever are being bought and driven in China. In fact, in ten or so years, they will soon have more highway than we do here in the US. All of that also takes oil as asphault is an oil-based substance.

Demand comes from other things than an American demand...
True Damo, but I was speaking only of American demand which was up as well.

that is a demand which we can have an impact on if we so desire.
Kinda hard to control China's demand.
True Damo, but I was speaking only of American demand which was up as well.

that is a demand which we can have an impact on if we so desire.
Kinda hard to control China's demand.
We each can impact that on our own... Let's get working on it. Get long-lasting energy sipping bulbs at Walmart for starters.
We each can impact that on our own... Let's get working on it. Get long-lasting energy sipping bulbs at Walmart for starters.

Already done that on the squiggly bulbs, I burn less than 20gal of gas a month, am insulating my new/old house. Installed a high efficiency gaspack furnace/heatpump combo last month.
I am driving a 17 yr old car that gets a bit over 30mpg, sort of recycling in place :)

I think I have done my part. My personal responsibility is satisfied, how about all of yours ?
We each can impact that on our own... Let's get working on it. Get long-lasting energy sipping bulbs at Walmart for starters.
Does anyone know the proper way to dispose of old compact flourescent bulbs? They contain mercury, so regular garbage is not proper.
The regular grabage men take them here, I dunno what they do with them.
I would suspect they go in the landfill with everything else as they put them in the squeezer with everything else.
thanks I was not aware of that. I ordered 100 3 watt high power LEDs to make my own lighting system. The second phase will be to make all my lighting solar powered. This is for lighting only, too expensive for the rest of the energy hoggish equipment in the house and shop.