WOW! Dems doing a heluva job already!!!

"What, you need to tag up already?"

Nope just wanted to see him sit on your face and fart again.
That wasn't Buddha, that was Ganesh, and you know it! Damn, can't get the story the same way twice can you, twinkle toes?

You know that Mr. Compassion is way too High and Mighty for parties. It's all contemplation and foregiveness and shit with him. What a prig.
"You know that Mr. Compassion is way too High and Mighty for parties. It's all contemplation and foregiveness and shit with him. What a prig."

you may be an evil backstabbin lil shit, but you are a funny lil bastard.
"You know that Mr. Compassion is way too High and Mighty for parties. It's all contemplation and foregiveness and shit with him. What a prig."

you may be an evil backstabbin lil shit, but you are a funny lil bastard.
Who you callin' little, there, teeny weanie? We all know why Michaelangelo was so into strategically placed clouds.


Mike says "Hi and fuck you" by the way. He's painting my garage again.
"Aw crap. Have you started already? I can't find my freakin' cell phone."

Nope. Not me. But its coming soon. You won't know when. You won't know where. But it's coming.
"With cheap paint. All in shades of green. Only it's gonna change to red when he's about 99% through. Shhh: don't tell him."

Hell of an artist, but a total moron. That'll really freak him out.
"GOD, where have you been?"

Ummm.. like EVERYWHERE.
Ha! I've got your ass now. Tell Gabriel to start tunin' up: I think it's time for his solo.

Ahem. Is not San Francisco generally known to be a Godless city? As in "not knowing God" and all that? Why, I do believe it is! Nancy? You still around? You ever seen God? I thought not.

Liar, liar pants on fire!
"Bastard! Like we don't have enough pickups and gunracks down here already. I swear to . . . oh forget it. Fuckin' line item veto."

Ya snooze... ya looze.

Helps being omnipotent too. ;)
"Ha! I've got your ass now. Tell Gabriel to start tunin' up: I think it's time for his solo.

Ahem. Is not San Francisco generally known to be a Godless city? As in "not knowing God" and all that? Why, I do believe it is! Nancy? You still around? You ever seen God? I thought not."

Funny you should mention "having my ass" and "San Francisco" in the same post. That said, I still try to convert the heathens (meaning politicians) in San Fran from being such complete wack jobs. But I will admit, you have been kicking my ass there for a while now. Something I will have to work on.
"Ha! I've got your ass now. Tell Gabriel to start tunin' up: I think it's time for his solo.

Ahem. Is not San Francisco generally known to be a Godless city? As in "not knowing God" and all that? Why, I do believe it is! Nancy? You still around? You ever seen God? I thought not."

Funny you should mention "having my ass" and "San Francisco" in the same post. That said, I still try to convert the heathens (meaning politicians) in San Fran from being such complete wack jobs. But I will admit, you have been kicking my ass there for a while now. Something I will have to work on.

You don't have a chance. What with MTV and all.