
Yeah, they took the tick off, left the head in for two weeks then called the vet. *shrug*

I would say that is quite a difference from "Your cited opinion was based on the tick being in place for two weeks".

But as I said, "Hydrogen Peroxide is the absolute best agent to use on any spot after removing a tick. It will disinfect the wound, remove bug parts, kill all foriegn agents, and create a sterile environment for healing.

Anyone who uses anything less should be punished for animal abuse."
Now you're making little, if any, sense. Again I realize that you wish with all your might that The Southern Man will post something incorrect, but this ain't it.
Listen up you pair of fuckers.

Am i not human too? I appreciate that the answer to that is no but let us overlook that small point for now.

I have done nothing to either of you and all you talk about is wanting to kill me. Please just leave me be.
Now you're making little, if any, sense. Again I realize that you wish with all your might that The Southern Man will post something incorrect, but this ain't it.

I don't wish with all my might about anything concerning Southernman.

But Southernman did post that my link cited leaving a tick on for two weeks. And Southernman might not be willing to admit it. But WinterBorn's link said nothing of the kind.

I am making plenty of sense. I am saying that Hydrogen Peroxide is the end-all, be-all where ticks are concerned. And yet you still wish to argue over petty details.
Listen up you pair of fuckers.

Am i not human too? I appreciate that the answer to that is no but let us overlook that small point for now.

I have done nothing to either of you and all you talk about is wanting to kill me. Please just leave me be.

Keep your head and there is no problem.
I don't wish with all my might about anything concerning Southernman.

But Southernman did post that my link cited leaving a tick on for two weeks. And Southernman might not be willing to admit it. But WinterBorn's link said nothing of the kind.

I am making plenty of sense. I am saying that Hydrogen Peroxide is the end-all, be-all where ticks are concerned. And yet you still wish to argue over petty details.
The head of the tick is part of... the tick. Now you're just being petty. *shrug*
The head of the tick is part of... the tick. Now you're just being petty. *shrug*

Tell me about it.

You're all worrying about my head? You want to try worrying about some fat fingered fucker pawing at your bottom and drowning you with chemicals.

I hate you.
The head of the tick is part of... the tick. Now you're just being petty. *shrug*


Now you are stretching to try to avoid admitting you are wrong. Your statement said nothing about leaving part of the tick.

"Your cited opinion was based on the tick being in place for two weeks. anyone who would leave on there that long should be punished for animal abuse."

So that statement referred to a human having the tick head left after removing the tick? And you would have them punished for animal abuse?

Admit that you misread the link and everything is fine.

Otherwise you are being obstinate and dishonest.

Now you are stretching to try to avoid admitting you are wrong. Your statement said nothing about leaving part of the tick.

"Your cited opinion was based on the tick being in place for two weeks. anyone who would leave on there that long should be punished for animal abuse."

So that statement referred to a human having the tick head left after removing the tick? And you would have them punished for animal abuse?

Admit that you misread the link and everything is fine.

Otherwise you are being obstinate and dishonest.

The idiots only took out part of the tick, just as you suggested should be done, cover it over with some ointment. Dumb. *shrug*
Now you're just being petty.

Not at all. I am forcing you to reexamine what you said and (hopefully) see the truth.

I was laughing at your post, and I think you know that.

Plus, the reference you quoted was not about a dog, just like it was not about leaving a tick on for two weeks.

Shining the light of truth and all that. :cof1:
Again, the head of the tick is part of the tick. *shrug*

Again, you did not say "part" of the tick. You talked about the tick removal. When people talk about tick removal they say don't leave the head when you do. There is no discussion of leaving the head meaning the tick was not removed.

And the reference was about a person with a tick, and you talk about it being animal abuse.

You screwed up royally and are now making an utter fool of yourself by trying to dodge around.

And I had already said H2O2 was the best thing in the whole wide world for post tick treatments. If you had just taken that as a reason to stop, you wouldn't havethe humiliation you now have.

Fuck this shit.

I'm going to have you both kicked out of here for harassment.

You both clearly have a major problem with my kind you insensitive, spiteful insectist bastards.

Damocles or Grind could you please do something about these disgusting posters or i may have to :-
(1)contact the Tick press and organize a boycott of this site; and
(2)arrange to have you all severely bitten.

Fuck this shit.

I'm going to have you both kicked out of here for harassment.

You both clearly have a major problem with my kind you insensitive, spiteful insectist bastards.

Damocles or Grind could you please do something about these disgusting posters or i may have to :-
(1)contact the Tick press and organize a boycott of this site; and
(2)arrange to have you all severely bitten.

You worthless fucking blood sucking parasite! Why aren't you in Washington doing your job?