240 lb Woman Worries About Going Hungry

My guess would be ho ho's and twinkies. Staples of every fat persons diet.

When talking about costs... she may want to consider the fact that if she ate healthy and in moderation as Damo suggested, she would also likely lose weight and save on healthcare costs. Especially if she exercised a bit as well.

No car and you think she actually pays for medical care ?
Yep DD, what I said.

the stores are in business to sell stuff and if it does not offer what you want to buy...

Although the loss rate and labor costs are higher for fresh produce. That can be a big factor in why the smaller stores do not sell it.

I agree, I dont see convenient stores being able to supply fresh produce, or they just aren't going to take the risk. Canned fruits and veggies is probably the best option for them.
Do away with Farm subsidies too ;)

May sound like you are taking away from the growers of fresh produce but most of that money goes to Corn in the production of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Which is why junk food is so cheap. We pay for that junk food before we even buy it with tax dollars.
Do away with Farm subsidies too ;)

May sound like you are taking away from the growers of fresh produce but most of that money goes to Corn in the production of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Which is why junk food is so cheap. We pay for that junk food before we even buy it with tax dollars.

It almost seems as if the government is trying to kill us/keep us sick and unhealthy.

But that would be paranoid crazy talk.
These problems are real folks. Do you really think a woman who wieghts 240 does not feel hunger pains when she cant afford food?

To many very poor people food is nearly their only pleasure. Would you rather this person drink as their pleasure? I really dont understand the Hate that exsists in our society for people who are over wieght. We seem to have compassion for drug addicts, sex addicts and the like but then given someone who is overwieght we scorn them.
CHEAP,OVERPROCESSED FOOD is the main culprit of this problem in our country. Its time we realised just how much money this is costing our country in a variety of ways and stop these corporate pushers from pumping out this crap and spending more in advertising than it takes to make this shit from adding to a serious problem we face.
It almost seems as if the government is trying to kill us/keep us sick and unhealthy.

But that would be paranoid crazy talk.

I don't mind being called paranoid as long as I know eventually people will agree with what I've said today :) Just wish it was sooner rather than later..
It almost seems as if the government is trying to kill us/keep us sick and unhealthy.

But that would be paranoid crazy talk.

Of course it would. butt then there is money to be made in misery. Many Billions of dollars in the health care industry would be at risk if we started living healthier lifestyles.
Of course it would. butt then there is money to be made in misery. Many Billions of dollars in the health care industry would be at risk if we started living healthier lifestyles.

Well, I didn't even think of that usc. That is a good, though very depressing, thought.
These problems are real folks. Do you really think a woman who wieghts 240 does not feel hunger pains when she cant afford food?

To many very poor people food is nearly their only pleasure. Would you rather this person drink as their pleasure? I really dont understand the Hate that exsists in our society for people who are over wieght. We seem to have compassion for drug addicts, sex addicts and the like but then given someone who is overwieght we scorn them.
CHEAP,OVERPROCESSED FOOD is the main culprit of this problem in our country. Its time we realised just how much money this is costing our country in a variety of ways and stop these corporate pushers from pumping out this crap and spending more in advertising than it takes to make this shit from adding to a serious problem we face.

decriminalize crack and other drugs to help the poor thru their misery.
These problems are real folks. Do you really think a woman who wieghts 240 does not feel hunger pains when she cant afford food?

To many very poor people food is nearly their only pleasure. Would you rather this person drink as their pleasure? I really dont understand the Hate that exsists in our society for people who are over wieght. We seem to have compassion for drug addicts, sex addicts and the like but then given someone who is overwieght we scorn them.
CHEAP,OVERPROCESSED FOOD is the main culprit of this problem in our country. Its time we realised just how much money this is costing our country in a variety of ways and stop these corporate pushers from pumping out this crap and spending more in advertising than it takes to make this shit from adding to a serious problem we face.

Great post Desh, and that is a good point (among many). No matter how much you weight, if you have no food, you get hungry.
Well, I didn't even think of that usc. That is a good, though very depressing, thought.

Our society/econopmy is a precarious balance and it is what it is.

If we started acting responsible in may different ways the economy would come down big time.

Take responsible spending. Or responsible Personal Credit management practices.
Remember consumer spending is now 2/3 of our economy.
On the health care with less people to treat the costs per person would rise.
You three are starting to sound more libertarian by the day... one step at a time :)

You still focus on the corporate side of the problem, but it all begins with the food production. Where are our government funds going to for growing foods? Mass production of Corn.

What gets done with that corn? Gets turned into High Fructose Corn Syrup, which gets put in junk food as a cheaper alternative to sugar.

But fructose is the sugar of fruits! It must be better for us than sugar... Fruit Fructose is natural... not refined crap that our bodies store as fat rather than sugar.

"Feinstein pointed to an analysis by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief economist that found a radical overhaul of farm programs would greatly benefit California farmers, 91 percent of whom are ineligible for current crop subsidies because they grow fruits, nuts or vegetables."
I agree it needs to be reformed, but not abolished.
But with our curent govt I fear the "reformation" would just go in the wrong direction.
We should not become dependent on imported food.
I agree it needs to be reformed, but not abolished.
We should not become dependent on imported food.

We would never become dependent on imported food. Subsidies or not... but if I have to take an extreme stance to get a better bill in place, I'm going to do it. There is something called compromise, and I'm willing to do that as long as others realize theres a problem in the first place.
These problems are real folks. Do you really think a woman who wieghts 240 does not feel hunger pains when she cant afford food?

To many very poor people food is nearly their only pleasure. Would you rather this person drink as their pleasure? I really dont understand the Hate that exsists in our society for people who are over wieght. We seem to have compassion for drug addicts, sex addicts and the like but then given someone who is overwieght we scorn them.
CHEAP,OVERPROCESSED FOOD is the main culprit of this problem in our country. Its time we realised just how much money this is costing our country in a variety of ways and stop these corporate pushers from pumping out this crap and spending more in advertising than it takes to make this shit from adding to a serious problem we face.

No, I would rather they EXERCISE as their pleasure. Exercise releases endorphins.... which make you FEEL better, it also helps you to lose weight... which makes your FEEL better.

Yes, I scorn people who are overweight. Because for the vast majority of overweight people, they are overweight because they choose not to eat healthy or exercise appropriately.