240 lb Woman Worries About Going Hungry

Chose not to eat healthy?

Do you realise what the cheapest food you can buy consists of?

Poor people have physical labor jobs. You expect them to come home and exersize as their means of entertainment?

This also completetly ignores health problems which can make most forms of exersize difficult for many people.

I’m torn. I don’t agree with SF. And I don’t scorn people who are heavy. I mean, how does it affect me, that I’m going to be scorning someone over it?

But sometimes I see things…I see people who are so fat that they literally can barely walk a few steps, you can tell it is a struggle. And I just wonder, man, how did it get that bad? I love chocolate believe me, I can do junk food. I have a lot of sympathy. But, how does it get that bad? Just get up and start walking. You don’t have to go to a gym and do strenuous workouts – though, women should be, you don’t want your bones falling apart, at least do some weight machines – but you do have to get up and walk. Do you know that studies are coming out now showing that cardio exercise, and that includes walking briskly, regenerates brain cells? That means you don’t have to lose your memory or get dementia as you age. You can get smarter instead. I mean, the benefits are just amazing, beyond any pill you can take or anything you can eat.

So just get up, and walk, once a day. And I don’t think all that many physical laborers are so fat. Listen, if you are too fat to walk without struggling, what physical labor are you doing? You are most likely out on SS disability. Let’s be honest.

But, I do understand that poverty contributes, and so does depression, that is a big one, no doubt. I am not beating up on people.
Fruits and vegetables are very cheap compared to junk food. Potatoes, apples, even frozen vegetables are not an unreasonable source of food. Sorry, but the poverty thing is not going to fly here--- especially since if their jobs were so labour intensive that they are unable to exercise, they wouldn't need to exercise in the first place.
Good find Desh!

"Fruits and veggies also lack the backing of government subsidies, such as those for products like high fructose corn syrup, and they can't be mass produced in an automated assembly line. We just have to wait for nature to ripen the apples. "

they might not get direct monetary subsidies, but they are publically subsidized nonetheless.

In the west, at least, the water storage, delivery, and irrigation infrastructure was all largely built with tax dollars, and farmers use irrigation water that costs them a fraction of the rate municipal users would have to pay. Pesticide research and management practices are all largely developed using tax dollars and research at public universities. Soils management is researched and implemented to a large extent by public entities.

If we gave you libertarians what you wanted: an unregulated, unfettered market system, with no public resources or support, you'd probably starve. ;)
If we gave you libertarians what you wanted: an unregulated, unfettered market system, with no public resources or support, you'd probably starve.

No we would be eating imported food. With no regulations on it.
If we gave you libertarians what you wanted: an unregulated, unfettered market system, with no public resources or support, you'd probably starve. ;)

Agriculture is one of the biggest reasons this country has grown to be so powerful. I live in the midwest, where corn, soybeans, and livestock are plentiful. If we were to never have had subsidies, I'd still have our families farm.
Agriculture is one of the biggest reasons this country has grown to be so powerful. I live in the midwest, where corn, soybeans, and livestock are plentiful. If we were to never have had subsidies, I'd still have our families farm.

Standard Libertarian/Conservative response!

"I'd still be Okay"

If we gave you libertarians what you wanted: an unregulated, unfettered market system, with no public resources or support, you'd probably starve.

No we would be eating imported food. With no regulations on it.

I think now that we have become such an un-healthy society, imported foods sound somewhat healthy at this point in time. But anyways, we have rich fertile soil, why would you think we would import all of our food?
Chose not to eat healthy?

Do you realise what the cheapest food you can buy consists of?

Poor people have physical labor jobs. You expect them to come home and exersize as their means of entertainment?

This also completetly ignores health problems which can make most forms of exersize difficult for many people.

Oatmeal.... 17 cents a day to eat a good breakfast. Add in a bananna or piece of fruit for another 20 cents or so and you have a very good breakfast. How many choose instead to have that egg mcmuffin? I guarantee you cannot buy a fast food breakfast or other junk food for less.

If you have a physical labor job and thus get good exercise at work, then no, there is no need for that to be something done after work. But those people that have physical labor jobs also do not tend to be those that are overweight. If you have a physical labor job and are over-weight then you are typically eating crappy food.

The vast majority of people who are overweight do NOT have any health problems that eliminate exercise for them. There are some, but hardly the majority of overweight people.
Standard Libertarian/Conservative response!

"I'd still be Okay"


So would my neighbors and my town, and we'd be eating HEALTHY! The farm wouldn't be just for the family to be self-sufficient. But subsidies drove out family farms and created corporate owned megafarms, which now produce all this unhealthy shit.
So would my neighbors and my town, and we'd be eating HEALTHY! The farm wouldn't be just for the family to be self-sufficient. But subsidies drove out family farms and created corporate owned megafarms, which now produce all this unhealthy shit.

Umm bad credit practices and lazy inheritors just wanting money are a bigger cause of the family farms dying out.
So would my neighbors and my town, and we'd be eating HEALTHY! The farm wouldn't be just for the family to be self-sufficient. But subsidies drove out family farms and created corporate owned megafarms, which now produce all this unhealthy shit.

I seriously doubt your region's farms grow citrus, nuts, avocados, grapes, strawberries, artichoke. And I doubt you can grow anything in the winter.

If you want to cut off subsizdized water, soil and pest management pracitices, and cash subsidies to california farmers, you'll put them out of business...and you'll have nothing to eat over the winter months!
