240 lb Woman Worries About Going Hungry

Wow. I don’t know anything about rural America, I really never thought about how isolated it can be, and how far a grocery store that stocks fresh fruits and vegetables can be.

If it’s that hard to find spinach, can you imagine what it must be like to find a pair of nine west boots? I guess trying to buy Bobbi Brown’s gel eyeliner would be like asking “which bus to Mars?”

I love New York.

I can't imagine living in rural America without a car. Then again, I live less than a mile from a grocery store. I'm in the "suburbs" of a community college, but I'm still surrounded by trees. There just aren't that many poor people here. Maybe it's different up in north Mississippi?
If you think about it, these problems are almost directly related to our farm subsidies. We give out huge amounts to Corn which is then used to make junk food, and give out just about nothing for fresh produce.
We have the capability to do lots of wonderful things, but do we have the resolve and will to do it ?

My area is AG based, and I have a small farm and am working on being as self sufficient as possible.
I know what is in my food if I raise it.

I was limited to a garden growing up, and grew mostly tomatoes and had a few everbearing strawberry plants that required a lot of maintenance to get a decent amount to make a pie. Probably because I just picked them straight off the plant and ate them so we'd never get enough to make that damn pie. lol

I also hated plucking Lima Beans, what a chore, for something I really didn't like all that much unless you soaked them in Butter and salt. The Blueberries were easy though, we just needed to fertilize it once a year and put netting over it to keep the birds from getting them. Here's my list of things I've grown:

String Beans
Lima Beans
Everbearing Strawberries
Green Onion
Sweet Potatoes
Cherry Trees
Apple Trees
Iceberg Lettuce
Romaine Lettuce
I was limited to a garden growing up, and grew mostly tomatoes and had a few everbearing strawberry plants that required a lot of maintenance to get a decent amount to make a pie. Probably because I just picked them straight off the plant and ate them so we'd never get enough to make that damn pie. lol

I also hated plucking Lima Beans, what a chore, for something I really didn't like all that much unless you soaked them in Butter and salt. The Blueberries were easy though, we just needed to fertilize it once a year and put netting over it to keep the birds from getting them. Here's my list of things I've grown:

String Beans
Lima Beans
Everbearing Strawberries
Green Onion
Sweet Potatoes
Cherry Trees
Apple Trees
Iceberg Lettuce
Romaine Lettuce

I never grew blueberries or cherries, but have all the rest covered plus.
bibb lettuce
summer and various squashes

we grew about 3 acres of just garden food for the family when I was growing up.

We would store away about 50 bushels or so of taters in the cellar and a couple hundred quarts of green beens, canned tomatoes, strawberry preserves, etc...
LOL. Like anyone would ever do that. That is just completely unheard of. Mas transportation is just beyond pointless in a rural area.

Rural areas just have to get to know their neighbors and work with them as much as possible. In a small town, you pretty much know everyone, at least from my experience. Neighbors are always willing to help if they can, unless your a dickhead. Then you're on your own.. lol
LOL. Like anyone would ever do that. That is just completely unheard of. Mas transportation is just beyond pointless in a rural area.

It wouldn't really be mass transit. It would be a shuttle service for a grocery store. They'd get more people in their store and they'd get money for the bus service.
Rural areas just have to get to know their neighbors and work with them as much as possible. In a small town, you pretty much know everyone, at least from my experience. Neighbors are always willing to help if they can, unless your a dickhead. Then you're on your own.. lol

Pretty much and yep the dickheads are on their own, or they can try the local church for chairty help. Churches help dickheads.
I never grew blueberries or cherries, but have all the rest covered plus.
bibb lettuce
summer and various squashes

we grew about 3 acres of just garden food for the family when I was growing up.

We would store away about 50 bushels or so of taters in the cellar and a couple hundred quarts of green beens, canned tomatoes, strawberry preserves, etc...

Thats awesome.. I forgot the rhubarb!!!! I loved that stuff raw! No one else could stand it.

I was a generation too late to work on the farm, but Pigs and Cows were the main livestock. They had chickens too but it was no giant chicken farm. Just eggs in the morning for the fam.
Ohh and I had forgotten how good fresh picked peas taste raw.

gotta have a bigger garden next year....
With lots of electric fence to keep the groundhogs , turkeys, deer, and rabbits out.

It is my food and I want to eat it!
Thats awesome.. I forgot the rhubarb!!!! I loved that stuff raw! No one else could stand it.

I was a generation too late to work on the farm, but Pigs and Cows were the main livestock. They had chickens too but it was no giant chicken farm. Just eggs in the morning for the fam.

Pffftt. tomatoes, corn, and lima beans. You midwesterners crack me up. How about some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with that? ;)

Practically any day of the week, I can buy dozens of kinds and varities of freshly grown citrus, produce, and veggies, both of north american and asian varities, and five minutes later I can buy a freshly caught salmon from a fisherman.


I'm just giving you a hard time.
heck I can get veggies from the freezer I raised this year and catch a mess of fish from the pond. And even a steak or some pig from the freezer. I did not raise the pig though bought that from a guy down the road, actually traded him some beef meat for it.
You are full of shit.........

Thats awesome.. I forgot the rhubarb!!!! I loved that stuff raw! No one else could stand it.
I was a generation too late to work on the farm, but Pigs and Cows were the main livestock. They had chickens too but it was no giant chicken farm. Just eggs in the morning for the fam.

Rhubarb..is extremely toxic if not prepared properly...no one with a sane mind eats rhubarb raw...ya are a fraud kiddo! Don'tgive it to your dogs or asparagus for that matter!;)
I just notice a huge difference from the rural and urban areas as far as the general mentality of people. Growing up being very courteous and thankful for others as well as always willing to lend a helping hand was just the way most rural families are, but piss them off and disrespect them, they come at you with a vengence. City folk, well, they take a lot of shit for granted.