240 lb Woman Worries About Going Hungry

I just looked it up BB, only the leaves are poisonous but it's recemmonded that you don't eat the stalk raw because they are 'unbearably tart'.... unbearable for my ass, but not my taste buds...
I just looked it up BB, only the leaves are poisonous but it's recemmonded that you don't eat the stalk raw because they are 'unbearably tart'.... unbearable for my ass, but not my taste buds...

Face it you're a limosine liberal.
Google is your friend...right!

I just looked it up BB, only the leaves are poisonous but it's recemmonded that you don't eat the stalk raw because they are 'unbearably tart'.... unbearable for my ass, but not my taste buds...

look at the symptoms...you experience...classic friend...and for the record the leaves 'are' the most toxic...even in small quantities...but the stalk has the same toxin..just in smaller amounts...if ya eat enough the same results will occur...bimbo..and usc too!
The stalks and leaves both have oxalic acid, but the stalks are not near as toxic as the leaves and can be consumed raw. It can cause kidney problems but it just increases the risk. It's was very beneficial for my colon :)
look at the symptoms...you experience...classic friend...and for the record the leaves 'are' the most toxic...even in small quantities...but the stalk has the same toxin..just in smaller amounts...if ya eat enough the same results will occur...bimbo..and usc too!

I have no symptoms... I'm very healthy...when I start to notice symptoms, I'll stop eating them :)
If it is dangerous to eat I am suprised that rhubarb is not an elite delicacy.

LOL, I can't stand those elite resteraunts that serve Dandelion leaves for salad. Or lasagna with something that tastes like Pine needles (might be) garnishing the side. Screws the whole thing up. Why do people pay so damn much for weeds I can pick out of my backyard, I'll never understand.
What about raw fish that is deadly if not prepared right ?
And I am talking about neurotoxins here not bacteria or something.
Civic Cat poop Coffee ?
Where the heck did that come from ?
I mean someone actually had to think about making coffee from monkey poop :shock:

It's the 'I need to eat now and what will fill me up' mentality these people have. They lack caring for the long-term health because they have to focus on right now. There is a problem with their decision making because they feel like they have to get the most filling food for right now and cheap. McDonald's $1.00 Double cheeseburgers sound cheap, but I had a pot pie today cheaper than that.

No you are missig the point entirely!

You get paid and then you pay the bills. Elec ,gas ,water ,rent, take out bus fair , buy the kids some new shoes at Kmart and look at what you have left after all that. Then you go to the store and buy enough with what is left to last the whole week. Each meal has to be really fucking cheap and enough to feed everyone.

It kills me just how hard it is for peopel to REALLY understand what it is like to be poor.

Some people just can't get it I guess?
No you are missig the point entirely!

You get paid and then you pay the bills. Elec ,gas ,water ,rent, take out bus fair , buy the kids some new shoes at Kmart and look at what you have left after all that. Then you go to the store and buy enough with what is left to last the whole week. Each meal has to be really &*$ cheap and enough to feed everyone.

It kills me just how hard it is for peopel to REALLY understand what it is like to be poor.

Some people just can't get it I guess?

two words: Rice & beans

My mother grew up pretty poor and my grandmother had to feed 5 kids while she worked a full time job, and she still managed stressed the importance of a balanced meal in South East DC. I'm nto saying its necessarily easier, but if people make a concerted effort to buy healthy foods they can. For instance, Wendy's dollar menu has a salad option. I'm not suggesting that you can feed an entire family on that every night but certainly when poorer people go out to purchase foods they should be thinking about options that are better for their health. Simply acting like they have no choice in the matter and not encouraging them to make better choices will harm all of us in the long run.
No you are missig the point entirely!

You get paid and then you pay the bills. Elec ,gas ,water ,rent, take out bus fair , buy the kids some new shoes at Kmart and look at what you have left after all that. Then you go to the store and buy enough with what is left to last the whole week. Each meal has to be really fucking cheap and enough to feed everyone.

It kills me just how hard it is for peopel to REALLY understand what it is like to be poor.

Some people just can't get it I guess?

I got your point Desh. They have no money so they need to find something cheap and has to fill them up. They aren't going to think clearly and make a choice based on nutritional value of the food. That's what I'm saying.
Tia when you have ten people to feed and you dont have enough money to buy enough meat to have enough protien in their diet you certainly are not spending 5 bucks on a bag of salad big enough to feed the whole family and then 5bucks on salad dressing for it.

You get the big bag of pasta the cheap ground meat and the cheap bottle of catsup.

I swear some people just refuse to understand.

Your Grandma had better cheaper food available in her time than what the poor have now. When you would have to take the bus acrossed town to the grocery store which actually has fresh salad you have to then add that cost to it.

Your grandma had local farms which supplied her mom and pop store. Now they food is produced on a mega farm and is shipped acrossed half the country and the little local store can afford it and the possible spoilage.