“3 dead in mass shooting at Arkansas grocery store”

I really wish you have the chance to involve yourself in a shootout someday!

As stupid as you are, you would probably get yourself killed.

Not only that, the police would show up and see you and the other shooter shooting guns- DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THE POLICE ARE GOING TO KNOW WHO THE GOOD GUY OR THE BAD GUY IS? When the police show up- they are looking for a shooter, and here your dumb ass is, holding a gun! You could be shot by the police yourself while they are trying to figure it all out. At this point, you are just in the way!

Not only that, you are so stupid, and not trained for handling mass shooters, you would probably end up killing some innocent bystanders.

I get it you want to be James Bond or John Wayne, but when the shooting starts- CHICKENSHITS WHO TALK BIG LIKE YOU ARE THE FIRST ONES TO RUN AND HIDE your scrawny asses! Chickenshits like you buy guns because you are a chickenshit scared of your own shadow- IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

You are not qualified to intervene- you have no POLICE TRAINING and I seriously doubt you have the balls to intervene in a public shooting!

Next idiot please!
I don't need police training to intervene.
I will NOT stand by and watch innocents get shot by some Democrat deranged lunatic wacked out on his drugs or demoralized by 'gender' BS.
the cowardly gun haters really need to get their lies straight. You morons tried to shame me for carrying at a grocery store trying to tell me that I'm a paranoid coward for being too scared to go to the grocery store without my 'bang bang' because grocery store shootings are so rare.............then Archives has to post this crap bitching about guns...............
The solution to the problem is taking place right before our very eyes. The ammosexuals have so inured us to the slaughter that no one even cares anymore. Problem solved! As you say it is as "American as apple pie" now. Soon it will be a positive "virtue" in our minds.

We are well and truly fucked and are now slaves to the almighty gun.

One day our future generations will simply accept that going to the grocery store carries a significant chance of being gunned down in cold blood. Like not finding the cereal you were shopping for, it just happens from time to time.
The gun is not a master, twit. It's a machine. It's also a weapon.
So are swords, baseball bats, knives, arrows, cannons, bombs, etc.

ALL are legal.
the cowardly gun haters really need to get their lies straight. You morons tried to shame me for carrying at a grocery store trying to tell me that I'm a paranoid coward for being too scared to go to the grocery store without my 'bang bang' because grocery store shootings are so rare.............then Archives has to post this crap bitching about guns...............
Remember that Anchovies is hoplophobic. It's his problem.
Oh boy, here we go with the guns are going to be confiscated propaganda again, you’d think the gun huggers would come up with new deflections by now

You don’t have to confiscate guns to reduce gun violence, rather making access more difficult would be the step in the right direction
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Anchovies.
the cowardly gun haters really need to get their lies straight. You morons tried to shame me for carrying at a grocery store trying to tell me that I'm a paranoid coward for being too scared to go to the grocery store without my 'bang bang' because grocery store shootings are so rare.............then Archives has to post this crap bitching about guns...............
Right, Rambutt. Your going to get down to a shootout with the bad guy, when you’re actually Barney Fucking Fife.
Crime is down, and mass shootings are up, the latter I suppose being only one indicator used in compiling statistics

And I have always stressed race doesn’t make a difference, in fact, shootings in urban areas only reinforce my position, there are too many guns out there and too easily access to too many guns, even the teenage wannabe gangster can possess one
Mass shootings get more attention for two reasons:

1) a larger number of people dying or getting shot at one time is more shocking than a larger number of individual shootings and killings


2) many shootings/killings are associated with poor people or those in the drug/hustle game - so many people in the country aren’t in fear of that; but random (mass) shootings now put those people in play

But as you have said crime is down. So those even in this thread saying they are scared to go to the grocery store because they may get shot are playing into the ‘crime is high’ fear game you denounce.
Well well well

Travis Eugene Posey


And nary a peep from the usual sheet wearing/christo-fascist/Maga cultist. Hmm? :sneaky:
Ah, “chiwawa,” it don’t make a difference, black, white, whatever, fact is there are too many guns out there, millions coming every year, and easy access to too many guns
So who do you want to disarm first?
“Arkansas State Police confirmed that 11 civilians and two officers were shot during a mass shooting at a Fordyce grocery store”

Now is this the third or fourth mass shooting this week? Happens so often now the gun huggers don’t even offer their usual useless “prayers and condolences” anymore. Mass shootings are as American as apple pie, happen so often now Americans have become desensitized

And the right’s solution is more guns and easier access to more guns

The nutty idea the Founders intended their single sentence edict on the "right to bear arms" to be forever understood by what things were like
in the age of muskets.

Raising the question: why isn't it okay for my nineteen year old to have a machine gun in the house?
Gangsta ghetto thug hood rats first, then ultra right-wing Trumper lunatics, then ignorant Confederate flag flying rednecks.
So disarm Black Americans and your political opponents, ... but not white libs like Alec Baldwin and Joe Biden or their private security. :thup:
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So disarm Black Americans and your political opponents, ... but not white libs like Alec Baldwin and Joe Biden or their private security. :thup:
They aren't the ones going around committing violent gun crimes or randomly shooting people.

And I didn't say I wouldn't disarm them too.

Your question was "So who do you want to disarm first?" so I listed them in order of worst first.

The white libs would be last on the list.
The nutty idea the Founders intended their single sentence edict on the "right to bear arms" to be forever understood by what things were like
in the age of muskets.
Muskets aren't mentioned in the Constitution, and there were all kinds of weapons other than muskets.
The Constitution does not have an expiration date.
Raising the question: why isn't it okay for my nineteen year old to have a machine gun in the house?
That is legal.