638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

The real killers???? Who besides an innocent female veteran was killed? And she was murdered by a black capital cop who felt threatened by a small unarmed woman. Come on dude, THINK

She was in the process of committing a serious crime that threatened the existence of the American government. She was unlucky that it was her, but no other woman was shot that day by capitol cops. They were not breaking through a door that kept the congresspeople safe. That was not murder. Are you that mentally twisted by Trumpism?
So people are free to attack police officers and it isn't a crime unless they actually kill one?

which people attacked police officers? give us their names or STFU and stop lying. How about the cops that waved the people into the capital then stood around watching? How about the 4 cops at the door where Ashli was shot who walked away just before the shooting? The videos of this are clear. Why have thousands of minutes of capital video of that day been withheld from public and congressional viewing?

Attacking police officers is a crime. Why weren't the people who did that in Portland, Chicago, NY and DC arrested and prosecuted last year?

the double standard of you lib turds is amazing and makes everything you say turn to bullshit.
She was in the process of committing a serious crime that threatened the existence of the American government. She was unlucky that it was her, but no other woman was shot that day by capitol cops. They were not breaking through a door that kept the congresspeople safe. That was not murder. Are you that mentally twisted by Trumpism?

exactly what crime was she in the process of committing? cite the statute that she was "about" to break. When a cop kills an unarmed person who is not putting anyone in danger that is murder. Face reality, if she was black and the cop white he would already be in jail.
exactly what crime was she in the process of committing? cite the statute that she was "about" to break. When a cop kills an unarmed person who is not putting anyone in danger that is murder. Face reality, if she was black and the cop white he would already be in jail.

They all should have been killed.
exactly what crime was she in the process of committing? cite the statute that she was "about" to break. When a cop kills an unarmed person who is not putting anyone in danger that is murder. Face reality, if she was black and the cop white he would already be in jail.

Absolutely none of what you typed is true. Zero. She was busting through a door that separated the speaker's lobby from the insurrectionists. They were threatening to kill Pelosi, Pence and Aok, among others. She was climbing through that door when she was shot. They are lucky that all of them were not shot.
The cop was totally exonerated. it was a justifiable shooting. If they got their hands on the politicians, they would have been killed.
exactly what crime was she in the process of committing? cite the statute that she was "about" to break. When a cop kills an unarmed person who is not putting anyone in danger that is murder. Face reality, if she was black and the cop white he would already be in jail.

“You can't let them see you," Schiff recalled one of his Republican colleagues saying of the rioters, who were then breaking windows and doors to the chamber, as members evacuated to a secure location through a path cleared by Capitol Police.

"He's right," another GOP member said, according to Schiff. "I know these people, I can talk to them, I can talk my way through them. You're in a whole different category."

“You can't let them see you," Schiff recalled one of his Republican colleagues saying of the rioters, who were then breaking windows and doors to the chamber, as members evacuated to a secure location through a path cleared by Capitol Police.

"He's right," another GOP member said, according to Schiff. "I know these people, I can talk to them, I can talk my way through them. You're in a whole different category."


the US congress belongs to the US citizens, it is not a private fortress belonging to Pelosi and Schumer. there should have been no violence, it should have been peaceful and patriotic protest of the cheating done in the 2020 vote. Why were FBI agents in the crowd stirring up violence? Why did the capitol cops not stop the people from entering the building? Why did the cops stand down? Why are the people arrested still in jail with no bail and no court dates? Do we now live in fricken China?