638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

DC Insurrectionists So Brutal And Out Of Control They Trampled One Of Their Own To Death:

"Cappuccio, “using a deadly or dangerous weapon, that is, a baton, did forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, and interfere with an officer and employee of the United States … and any person assisting such an officer and employee, that is, D.H., an officer from the Metropolitan Police Department, while such officer or employee was engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties and where the acts in violation of this section involve physical contact with the victim and the intent to commit another felony,” the indictment said.

In a particularly brutal battle during the insurrection, members of the mob stormed past outer police barriers and climbed the scaffolding near where President Joe Biden was set to give his inauguration speech just two weeks later.

The warrant’s mentioning of “D.H.” is a reference to Daniel Hodges, an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington. At the doorway leading from the Capitol building to the inauguration terrace, Hodges and other officers were holding the line to prevent rioters from breaking through.

Video shared by the FBI shows Cappuccio grabbing Hodges’s gas mask and attempting to rip it off while the officer was in the doorway. Hodges and the FBI said Cappuccio also beat the officer with his own baton, leaving the officer bleeding from his mouth.

The mob, which included Cappuccio, eventually heaved itself in a coordinated fashion that crushed Hodges as he was pinned in the doorway, with video showing the officer screaming in pain. Hodges was hardly the only casualty from the attack, though ― members of the mob seized MPD Officer Michael Fanone, who was repeatedly electroshocked. Rioter Rosanne Boyland died after being trampled during the attack."

A D.C. Cop Testified In Congress’s Jan. 6 Probe. Now One Of His Attackers Has Been Charged.
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "lowest."
Trump's lowest unemployment rate was 3.5% for 2 months of his Presidency.
In 1929 the unemployment rate was 2.9%
From 1943-1945 the unemployment rate was below 2%
From February 1951-October 1953, the unemployment rate was 3.4% or below for every month with 8 of those months below 3%.
From September 1968-May 1969 the unemployment rate was at 3.4%
Clearly Trump did not have the lowest unemployment ever.

The US imported oil and electricity every month that Trump was in office.

He didn't end any either.
Hardly a great accomplishment. Every President from Clinton on has seen record highs in the DOW while in office.
LOL. How are those tariffs working out for you? That is what you consider effective?
No. He didn't. Not only that, his negotiations only benefitted North Korea. They didn't give up any nuclear ambitions and they got to be seen as equals with the US.
While inflation was low compared to historical numbers it was not zero and it was higher than under Obama's last 4 years.
Trump's consumer confidence numbers never matched the highs reached under JFK, Clinton, or GW Bush.

Out of your first 8 claims, 4 are proven false by actual data and the others are specious as to whether they occurred or are actually an accomplishment.

You forgot to include, Trump never threw up at a state dinner as an accomplishment.

rhetoric you get from MSNBC doesn't count in the real world. You are a very indoctrinated good little liberal sheep. You are exactly what the socialists need, an ignorant dummy that is incapable of doing anything but repeating lies fed to you by your masters. How are those Biden gas prices working out for you?
Now there's some Trump mathematics for ya! Disprove my numbers or I win, you lose. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Another redfish failure; you keep believing two wrongs make a right. You're an idiot. Please send all of your life savings to Trump right now because it appears he needs it:

A $100 million loan on Donald Trump's Fifth Avenue tower has reportedly been placed on a watch list.

were the quotes I posted lies? Try to be truthful for once. Trump is a successful billionaire businessman, as such he has enemies in the business world. So fricken what?
which people attacked police officers? give us their names or STFU and stop lying. How about the cops that waved the people into the capital then stood around watching? How about the 4 cops at the door where Ashli was shot who walked away just before the shooting? The videos of this are clear. Why have thousands of minutes of capital video of that day been withheld from public and congressional viewing?

Attacking police officers is a crime. Why weren't the people who did that in Portland, Chicago, NY and DC arrested and prosecuted last year?

the double standard of you lib turds is amazing and makes everything you say turn to bullshit.

All your comments are proving is that you're a meth addicted inbred
were the quotes I posted lies? Try to be truthful for once. Trump is a successful billionaire businessman, as such he has enemies in the business world. So fricken what?

Since you lie a lot, I can't trust you. You posted no evidence, no links, no proof any of your statements were true.

Meanwhile, join the Betting pool on how long Terry O'Brien will be banned on his first offense: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?177538-Terry-O-Brien-s-ban-Poll
rhetoric you get from MSNBC doesn't count in the real world. You are a very indoctrinated good little liberal sheep. You are exactly what the socialists need, an ignorant dummy that is incapable of doing anything but repeating lies fed to you by your masters. How are those Biden gas prices working out for you?

None of my links go to MSNBC. The sources are actual data.
Your statements were clearly lies based on the actual data.
Trump did not have the lowest unemployment ever based on the actual data.
Based the import data, the US imported oil and electricity every month that Trump was in office.
Trump did not have no inflation based on the actual data.
Trump did not have the highest consumer confidence numbers based on the actual data.
Based on the actual market data, every President from Clinton to Biden has seen new record high market numbers. Markets are currently higher with Biden then they ever were under Trump. This is not a Presidential achievement. It's the way markets are supposed to work.

The funny thing is, you accuse me of being a sheep but you can't refute any of the actual data on the links I gave you. It seems that you are the one that is a sheep. Not only are you a sheep, you are too stupid to recognize you are ignorant and easily led around by the nose.

Here is a simple way for you to prove how intelligent you are. Name the month were unemployment under Trump was less than the 2.9% unemployment in 1929 or prove that the unemployment was actually higher than 3.4% in 1929.
rhetoric you get from MSNBC doesn't count in the real world. You are a very indoctrinated good little liberal sheep. You are exactly what the socialists need, an ignorant dummy that is incapable of doing anything but repeating lies fed to you by your masters. How are those Biden gas prices working out for you?
None of my links go to MSNBC. The sources are actual data.
Your statements were clearly lies based on the actual data.
Trump did not have the lowest unemployment ever based on the actual data.
Based the import data, the US imported oil and electricity every month that Trump was in office.
Trump did not have no inflation based on the actual data.
Trump did not have the highest consumer confidence numbers based on the actual data.
Based on the actual market data, every President from Clinton to Biden has seen new record high market numbers. Markets are currently higher with Biden then they ever were under Trump. This is not a Presidential achievement. It's the way markets are supposed to work.

The funny thing is, you accuse me of being a sheep but you can't refute any of the actual data on the links I gave you. It seems that you are the one that is a sheep. Not only are you a sheep, you are too stupid to recognize you are ignorant and easily led around by the nose.

Here is a simple way for you to prove how intelligent you are. Name the month were unemployment under Trump was less than the 2.9% unemployment in 1929 or prove that the unemployment was actually higher than 3.4% in 1929.

The fact he refused to provide any evidence means he just used some Internet talking points, not an actual factual source.

Meanwhile, join the Betting pool on how long Terry O'Brien will be banned on his first offense: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?177538-Terry-O-Brien-s-ban-Poll
these are facts, fucko.

which one do you dispute?
dutch uncle is still striving for the argument-free victory.
dutch uncle is fully retarded.