638 People Charged In Capitol Insurrection So Far

The building was closed to the public, you stupid jackass.

closed to the public?????????????? Why????????????? was it to hide the actual vote totals from the people? the proof of cheating was about to be presented to congress when the "insurrection" started-------------was it planned and carried out by the deep state to keep Trump from exposing them? think fool, they are lying to you.
closed to the public?????????????? Why????????????? was it to hide the actual vote totals from the people? the proof of cheating was about to be presented to congress when the "insurrection" started-------------was it planned and carried out by the deep state to keep Trump from exposing them? think fool, they are lying to you.

Public parks close too. You're too goddam stupid to debate.
NO, that would be you, Biden, Pelosi, and most of the deep state dems and repubs in congress. Their only interest is preserving their power and money. they dont give a shit about YOU.

While that's probably true, why do you think your love for Trump will result in a difference?
the US congress belongs to the US citizens, it is not a private fortress belonging to Pelosi and Schumer. there should have been no violence, it should have been peaceful and patriotic protest of the cheating done in the 2020 vote. Why were FBI agents in the crowd stirring up violence? Why did the capitol cops not stop the people from entering the building? Why did the cops stand down? Why are the people arrested still in jail with no bail and no court dates? Do we now live in fricken China?
Jesus, kid. Slow down on that Kool-Aid. Trump still needs people for a suicide bombing.
closed to the public?????????????? Why????????????? was it to hide the actual vote totals from the people? the proof of cheating was about to be presented to congress when the "insurrection" started-------------was it planned and carried out by the deep state to keep Trump from exposing them? think fool, they are lying to you.

You may not understand it, but there are Repubs and Dems in a joint congress. The vote was already done. It was a ceremonial act of certification. There was no voting going on there.
That is one of the dumbest posts I have read in years.
You may not understand it, but there are Repubs and Dems in a joint congress. The vote was already done. It was a ceremonial act of certification. There was no voting going on there.
That is one of the dumbest posts I have read in years.

He doesn't understand it. I'm not sure if that's an ignorance thing or a stupidity thing.

Since most Trumpers are mentally ill, it's a given he's a little wacky. People can be wacky stupid or wacky smart.
I'm leaning to the former but don't want to seem judgy. ;)
You may not understand it, but there are Repubs and Dems in a joint congress. The vote was already done. It was a ceremonial act of certification. There was no voting going on there.
That is one of the dumbest posts I have read in years.

The evidence of vote fraud was going to be presented to congress before they certified the election-------------it never happened because of the antifa and BLM inspired chaos at the capital. Its you who is dumb if you cannot understand what really happened on that day. It was a successful coup, we became a banana republic on that day.
Failure after failure?

idiot, the following are not failures
1. lowest unemployment rates ever, especially for blacks, hispanics, and women
2. energy independence
3. no new wars
4. record stock market
5. effective trade deals with china and the EU
6. opened dialog with north korea
7. no inflation
8. consumer confidence at record highs
9. covid vaccines in record time
10. a secure border
11. strong military
12. respect for police and first responders
idiot, the following are not failures
1. lowest unemployment rates ever, especially for blacks, hispanics, and women
2. energy independence
3. no new wars
4. record stock market
5. effective trade deals with china and the EU
6. opened dialog with north korea
7. no inflation
8. consumer confidence at record highs
9. covid vaccines in record time
10. a secure border
11. strong military
12. respect for police and first responders

You shouldn't swallow that bullshit and I certainly won't without facts.

Trust, but verify and never trust a liar.
You shouldn't swallow that bullshit and I certainly won't without facts.

Trust, but verify and never trust a liar.

which of those things did not happen during Trump's 4 years? If you can disprove any of them, go for it. Liar? , here are some lies: "If you like your plan you can keep it" "we landed under sniper fire" " I never had classified data on my personal server" "I never had sex with that woman"
idiot, the following are not failures
1. lowest unemployment rates ever, especially for blacks, hispanics, and women
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "lowest."
Trump's lowest unemployment rate was 3.5% for 2 months of his Presidency.
In 1929 the unemployment rate was 2.9%
From 1943-1945 the unemployment rate was below 2%
From February 1951-October 1953, the unemployment rate was 3.4% or below for every month with 8 of those months below 3%.
From September 1968-May 1969 the unemployment rate was at 3.4%
Clearly Trump did not have the lowest unemployment ever.

2. energy independence
The US imported oil and electricity every month that Trump was in office.

3. no new wars
He didn't end any either.
4. record stock market
Hardly a great accomplishment. Every President from Clinton on has seen record highs in the DOW while in office.
5. effective trade deals with china and the EU
LOL. How are those tariffs working out for you? That is what you consider effective?
6. opened dialog with north korea
No. He didn't. Not only that, his negotiations only benefitted North Korea. They didn't give up any nuclear ambitions and they got to be seen as equals with the US.
7. no inflation
While inflation was low compared to historical numbers it was not zero and it was higher than under Obama's last 4 years.
8. consumer confidence at record highs
Trump's consumer confidence numbers never matched the highs reached under JFK, Clinton, or GW Bush.

Out of your first 8 claims, 4 are proven false by actual data and the others are specious as to whether they occurred or are actually an accomplishment.

You forgot to include, Trump never threw up at a state dinner as an accomplishment.
which of those things did not happen during Trump's 4 years? If you can disprove any of them, go for it. Liar? , here are some lies: "If you like your plan you can keep it" "we landed under sniper fire" " I never had classified data on my personal server" "I never had sex with that woman"
Now there's some Trump mathematics for ya! Disprove my numbers or I win, you lose. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Another redfish failure; you keep believing two wrongs make a right. You're an idiot. Please send all of your life savings to Trump right now because it appears he needs it:

A $100 million loan on Donald Trump's Fifth Avenue tower has reportedly been placed on a watch list.