A little history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'.

Yep, we have this relationship with Israel that goes way back. That’s what makes it difficult to break away. I understand that.

But, at some point, you quit making excuses and perpetuating an abusive relationship.

The Israeli people are now fully done with this evil leader Nuttinbuttayahoo
Israel is a long term ally, diplomacy is a delicate thing. Biden gave him the benefit of the doubt, if Bibi fails, Biden will take the necessary action. Israel needs to kick Bibi to the curb.

Nothinbuttayahoo butt hole brain is Israel’s Trump

He had to get re elected to stay out of prison

He stopped investigations into him once he got re elected

He cheated to win just like Trump

Now the Israeli people have figured it out

They want him gone forever
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Your take is simplistic and wrong. You are very one sided on this issue.

Disagreed on all points, Phan. Let's say there's a ceasefire and the bodies of the hostages are returned. What do you think will happen in 2-3 years? Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Although Israel has been under constant attack for 75 years, the Arabs only turned to asymmetrical warfare when the Israelis got nukes in the late 60s or so. Like me, you're old enough to remember all the American Presidents trying to establish create "Peace in the Middle East". All failed as October 7th proved.

While progress was made, the problem of Iran's state-supported terrorism and the rabid hate Palestinians have for Jews still remains.
Disagreed on all points, Phan. Let's say there's a ceasefire and the bodies of the hostages are returned. What do you think will happen in 2-3 years? Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Although Israel has been under constant attack for 75 years, the Arabs only turned to asymmetrical warfare when the Israelis got nukes in the late 60s or so. Like me, you're old enough to remember all the American Presidents trying to establish create "Peace in the Middle East". All failed as October 7th proved.

While progress was made, the problem of Iran's state-supported terrorism and the rabid hate Palestinians have for Jews still remains.
Again, a one sided perspective, never considering the oppression and the hate the Israelis have shown the Palestinians.
Again, a one sided perspective, never considering the oppression and the hate the Israelis have shown the Palestinians.
After 75 years of constant hatred and deadly attacks directed against them, I don't condone Israel going RW and dealing more harshly with the Palestinians, but I understand why they do it.

What is your solution, Phan? Do you think Israel granting sovereignty to the West Bank and Gaza would be accepted and a peace treaty signed by both parties? Would that stop the Palestinian attacks on Israelis?
Now, Israel has done nothing more than to ensure another generation or two of hate.

Aren't the constant attacks on Israel by Palestinian terrorists why Israel turned RW and generated a citizenry that sees Palestinians in Gaza as murderous animals??
Let’s see, dumbfuck. The topic is “restore Palestine.” So, the history of the conflict is relevant.

Not COVID. Not pedo Biden. Not Dresden. Not Japan. All of those, you brought up.

And, if you actually read my posts or even comprehend them, you would realize that I don’t blame the Jews for everything. But, you didn’t and you don’t, so you don’t.
Exactly. Context is everything.

Disagreed since connecting the context explains how and why each group behaves as they do.

I have. Most are like this one; calling people dumbfucks for disagreeing with you.

What is your plan for Peace in the Middle East, domer76?
Aren't the constant attacks on Israel by Palestinian terrorists why Israel turned RW and generated a citizenry that sees Palestinians in Gaza as murderous animals??

Israel already guaranteed generations of terrorists when they forced 700,000+ Palestinians of their land in 1947-48.

I was doing a little more reading on that war today. The Jews destroyed, stole or otherwise removed 400-500 or so Palestinian villages during that time, thus preventing any Palestinian to return to their home, even if they wanted to.
Exactly. Context is everything.

Disagreed since connecting the context explains how and why each group behaves as they do.

I have. Most are like this one; calling people dumbfucks for disagreeing with you.

What is your plan for Peace in the Middle East, domer76?

Mine is not to propose a peace plan for the Middle East.

But, in the context of this forum, as I do on other topics, I try to set the record straight and cut through the bullshit. And that includes calling people on their diversionary garbage.

This situation has no equivalency with COVID, or Japan or even Dresden. One can argue the moral equivalency of bombing the shit out of innocent civilians in the latter two, but the fact remains, those people were not only allowed to return or remain in their homes, but were assisted in doing so by their assailants, the US. That is not the case with Israel, as they continue to practice some sort of violent apartheid.
Israel already guaranteed generations of terrorists when they forced 700,000+ Palestinians of their land in 1947-48.

I was doing a little more reading on that war today. The Jews destroyed, stole or otherwise removed 400-500 or so Palestinian villages during that time, thus preventing any Palestinian to return to their home, even if they wanted to.

Five Arab countries invaded in 1948 and others were allies behind the scenes. They invaded, killed a huge number of Jews and hoped to kill all.

But there were Arab settlements dotted amongst the Jewish settlements. The invading armies didnt want to kill local Arabs, who were their allies, or have to shoot carefully to avoid killing friendlies.

Hence they told the residents of Arab settlements to leave so that they not have to worry whilst massacring Jews. They would then come back when they won and take over all their farms and homes.”

That’s it in a nutshell. The "Naqba" that Muslims whine about constantly was made up of people who withdrew from a war because they were allied with the invaders, and got upset because the invaders didn't win so they never got to return to grab the farms and cottages of the dead families. You can argue all the fuck you want but that's the long and short of it!!
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Mine is not to propose a peace plan for the Middle East.

But, in the context of this forum, as I do on other topics, I try to set the record straight and cut through the bullshit. And that includes calling people on their diversionary garbage.

This situation has no equivalency with COVID, or Japan or even Dresden. One can argue the moral equivalency of bombing the shit out of innocent civilians in the latter two, but the fact remains, those people were not only allowed to return or remain in their homes, but were assisted in doing so by their assailants, the US. That is not the case with Israel, as they continue to practice some sort of violent apartheid.
Of course not. You're free to promote Islamic terrorism and spit on the Jews as much as you like without any ideas about how to make it better...aside from "From the River to the Sea", of course.

You're free to your opinions, domer. You're free to support the Palestinian "freedom fighters" attacking the evil occupation Jews. If you want really set the record straight you'd back up your opinions with factual links like the one below.

Speaking of which, I disagree about the analogies. There's a clearly a difference between an agressor taking land like the Russians in Ukraine and Isreal taking land after being attacked. The Golan Heights is a prime example of Israel defending itself by taking territory after being attacked.

Golan Heights, hilly area overlooking the upper Jordan River valley on the west. The area was part of extreme southwestern Syria until 1967, when it came under Israeli military occupation, and in December 1981 Israel unilaterally annexed the part of the Golan it held. The area’s name is from the biblical city of refuge Golan in Bashan (Deuteronomy 4:43; Joshua 20:8)....

...After the Arab-Israeli War of 1948–49, Syria fortified the western crest of the Golan Heights, which commands the Ḥula Valley, the Sea of Galilee, and the upper Jordan River valley, all in Israel. In these sections many Israeli civilians were killed by Syrian artillery and sniper fire; agriculture and fishing were rendered difficult, and at times impossible.

On the last two days (June 9–10, 1967) of the Six-Day War, the Israeli armed forces, after defeating Egypt and Jordan, turned their attention to Syria. Under cover of the Israel Air Force, engineer troops built access roads up the steep Golan Heights, which were then frontally assaulted by armoured vehicles and infantry. The Syrian defenders and most of the Arab inhabitants fled, and Syria asked for an armistice; fighting ceased on June 10. The heights were placed under Israeli military administration, and Golan was integrated into the communications and financial framework of Israel. Five villages of mostly Druze Arabs remained and were offered Israeli citizenship, though most declined and retained Syrian citizenship. By the late 1970s nearly 30 Jewish settlements had been established on the heights, and in 1981 Israel unilaterally annexed the area.

A disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria, signed following the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, established a United Nations buffer zone in the Golan Heights, monitored by a UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). The UNDOF mandate was renewed every six months thereafter.
Israel already guaranteed generations of terrorists when they forced 700,000+ Palestinians of their land in 1947-48.

I was doing a little more reading on that war today. The Jews destroyed, stole or otherwise removed 400-500 or so Palestinian villages during that time, thus preventing any Palestinian to return to their home, even if they wanted to.

What are you reading? Do you have a link or the name of a book?
Five Arab countries invaded in 1948 and others were allies behind the scenes. They invaded, killed a huge number of Jews and hoped to kill all.

But there were Arab settlements dotted amongst the Jewish settlements. The invading armies didnt want to kill local Arabs, who were their allies, or have to shoot carefully to avoid killing friendlies.

Hence they told the residents of Arab settlements to leave so that they not have to worry whilst massacring Jews. They would then come back when they won and take over all their farms and homes.”

That’s it in a nutshell. The "Naqba" that Muslims whine about constantly was made up of people who withdrew from a war because they were allied with the invaders, and got upset because the invaders didn't win so they never got to return to grab the farms and cottages of the dead families. You can argue all the fuck you want but that's the long and short of it!!

A document by the IDF created in 1947 identified 11 main reasons for the exodus. They were listed in order of importance, that is, what was the main cause on down. Some Palestinians were urged to leave for their own safety by Arab institutions. Sorry, pally boy, that reason comes in a measly number 4. Behind direct attacks by the Jews on their settlement, on nearby settlements and their neighbors.
Of course not. You're free to promote Islamic terrorism and spit on the Jews as much as you like without any ideas about how to make it better...aside from "From the River to the Sea", of course.

You're free to your opinions, domer. You're free to support the Palestinian "freedom fighters" attacking the evil occupation Jews. If you want really set the record straight you'd back up your opinions with factual links like the one below.

Speaking of which, I disagree about the analogies. There's a clearly a difference between an agressor taking land like the Russians in Ukraine and Isreal taking land after being attacked. The Golan Heights is a prime example of Israel defending itself by taking territory after being attacked.


Notice, dumbfuck, that when I refer to Palestinians, I am not talking about Hamas. You get your tit in a wringer when being identified as a dumbfuck, but you earn the title by not comprehending what has actually been posted.

You can fucking divert all you want with “whatabout …. “, but it doesn’t change the facts of what has and is occurring in Israel.
There are references and podcasts from every perspective all over the place. Do yourself a favor and avail yourself of some.
Can't name them, eh? Again, this is where you and the MAGAts have the same perspective, albeit from opposite extremes.

No worries if you don't want to reveal. I was simply curious to see if you'd share. TBH, it was also a bit of a litmus test for honesty. Sadly, you failed.