A little history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'.

Can't name them, eh? Again, this is where you and the MAGAts have the same perspective, albeit from opposite extremes.

No worries if you don't want to reveal. I was simply curious to see if you'd share. TBH, it was also a bit of a litmus test for honesty. Sadly, you failed.

Google is your friend, pally boy.

You can do a search on youtube and find lectures, documentaries and other scholarship on the subject. It’s obvious you haven’t. I have.

That’s why I don’t have to divert.
Typical old school lefty, you're too long in the tooth to ever change now.


I don't remember the Israelis murdering citizens in their own homes, beheading infants and burning them alive in front of their parents.

It appears that it will be the Israelis who will be saying "from the river to the sea."

The Palestinians (Hamas) refused a two state solution, twice and now they will have a no state solution.
Not blinded at all. Not angry either.

I merely take the time to inform myself. Try it sometime.


I like to inform myself too. Unfortunately, you refuse to share what you were reading and that piques my curiosity about your sources and your veracity.
Google is your friend, pally boy.

You can do a search on youtube and find lectures, documentaries and other scholarship on the subject. It’s obvious you haven’t. I have.

That’s why I don’t have to divert.
Claims to have factual sources, but refuses to share so that they can be discussed apples-to-apples. Sad.
Israel already guaranteed generations of terrorists when they forced 700,000+ Palestinians of their land in 1947-48.

I was doing a little more reading on that war today. The Jews destroyed, stole or otherwise removed 400-500 or so Palestinian villages during that time, thus preventing any Palestinian to return to their home, even if they wanted to.

I like to inform myself too. Unfortunately, you refuse to share what you were reading and that piques my curiosity about your sources and your veracity.

Are you really that fucking lazy that you can’t plug a few words into a search engine?

Fuck man. That’s pathetic

I don't remember the Israelis murdering citizens in their own homes, beheading infants and burning them alive in front of their parents.

It appears that it will be the Israelis who will be saying "from the river to the sea."

The Palestinians (Hamas) refused a two state solution, twice and now they will have a no state solution.

You don’t remember because you weren’t present, and neither was the internet, in 1947.
Claims to have factual sources, but refuses to share so that they can be discussed apples-to-apples. Sad.

I can’t fix your fucking laziness, Jethro.

Have you always needed people to do your homework for you or is that a more recent phenomenon?
Miniluv (Ministry of Love) — Responsible for spine chilling human rights violations law, order and compliance.
Minipax (Ministry of Peace) — Responsible for perpetual war and epic military attrocities special operations.
Minitrue (Ministry of Truth) — Responsible for peddling outrageous lies to favor Big Brother's agenda broadcasting fullwise believable news and annoucements.
Miniplenty (Ministry of Plenty) — Responsible for hellish famines economic planning and rationing.

Are you really that fucking lazy that you can’t plug a few words into a search engine?

Fuck man. That’s pathetic
Thanks for the highly emotional rant. Yes, domer76, I can and have looked up the history of the conflict. What I was curious about was your sources, but you have repeatedly proved to be secretive about your particular sources. A fact that I find more interesting that reading about a conflict I've lived with my entire 68 years of life.

You and Fredo share a lot of the same traits and ideology. Interesting, eh?

^^^can't stop sucking Zionist dick long enough have a doubleplusgood selfthought.
I can’t fix your fucking laziness, Jethro.

Have you always needed people to do your homework for you or is that a more recent phenomenon?

The fact you refuse to share your particular sources is interesting, domer76. What are you hiding?
Thanks for the highly emotional rant. Yes, domer76, I can and have looked up the history of the conflict. What I was curious about was your sources, but you have repeatedly proved to be secretive about your particular sources. A fact that I find more interesting that reading about a conflict I've lived with my entire 68 years of life.

You and Fredo share a lot of the same traits and ideology. Interesting, eh?

You’ve LIVED with that conflict? Funny, I’ve merely observed it.

Now, since you’re 68 and I’m a month shy of 70, I haven’t lived with the 1947-48 conflict. Or even the situation at the end of WWI (and before) that set the stage. I had to inform myself of those events. You haven’t.

You’re lazy and blame me for not doing your homework for you. I taught for a bit in my former career. Your grade - F.
You’ve LIVED with that conflict? Funny, I’ve merely observed it.

Now, since you’re 68 and I’m a month shy of 70, I haven’t lived with the 1947-48 conflict. Or even the situation at the end of WWI (and before) that set the stage. I had to inform myself of those events. You haven’t.

You’re lazy and blame me for not doing your homework for you. I taught for a bit in my former career. Your grade - F.
Lived with it in the news and the service. I had friends serve in Lebanon while I was on the West Coast. I've also been there with the Navy in the late 80s during the Intifada and worked with the IDF. Sorry for being unclear.

You're free to insult me and prove you are nothing more than the flip-side of MAGAt political extremism. I have confidence that anyone paying attention to our discussion knows I was asking about your particular sources in your previous claim, not that I am unable to look up the history myself.
I was doing a little more reading on that war today.
Lived with it in the news and the service. I had friends serve in Lebanon while I was on the West Coast. I've also been there with the Navy in the late 80s during the Intifada and worked with the IDF. Sorry for being unclear.

You're free to insult me and prove you are nothing more than the flip-side of MAGAt political extremism. I have confidence that anyone paying attention to our discussion knows I was asking about your particular sources in your previous claim, not that I am unable to look up the history myself.

Have you had people wipe your ass for you your entire life or has that been a more recent problem?
Diversionary bullshit.

As I pointed out with my previous facts, there are many reasons the Palestinians have rejected those proposals. One of which, probably the main reason, is that the land was stolen from them in the first place.

“Here. We took your land, your property, your possessions and now we feel a little bad about it. How about we give you this small bit of shit land to make up for it?”

Sounds a little bit like moving our natives onto the reservations, doesn’t it?

So your 'main reason' is that Palestinians are drawing a line of 'All or None' when it comes to any land offer?

I do not agree with your position but if it is accurate then i say the Palestinians will fail on that, as the disputed lands are vast and far and predate any Arab occupations in the region and I would lose all my sympathies for any group who draw such a hard line, when it is clear it is unworkable.

If the Palestinians have a chance to establish a State, even if only a portion of the lands they feel they deserve, they should grab it, because from with the establishment of a State they will gain more power to push for more land concessions over time, and to better help their own people to some semblance of stability and a homeland.