A little history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'.

This post is troublesome on so many levels. First, I just asked you to back up your claim of "many" - which apparently you simply cannot do. Ergo, you were just saying stuff. Obviously no truth to your claim.

Then, the contention that I think there are ZERO Gold Star families there - which I never said, or even implied, at least to anyone who understands the language.

Last, of course, the contention that anyone who supports innocents in Gaza is a Nazi who hates Jews, which is obviously ludicrous, wrong-headed and desperate.

All that, in just one short post. Nice work.

My post is quite logical and reasoned.

How many more Jew babies have to be taken hostage before you start caring about the innocent Jews that were intentionally targeted? When will you demand that Hamas surrenders?
The Jews were a tiny minority. What the fuck would you say if another country offered half of your homeland to a tiny minority?

Then, when that became a reality and the minority was given “legal” authority to confiscate your property and turn you into a refugee in your own homeland, do you really think they should have just let that go?

I see that DUMBER76 is still stuck on stupid and lying his dumb ass off.

Yes, Jews are a tiny minority in the Arab Middle East. And yet, even the tiny sliver of land they have is simply too much for Arab Fascists and morons like you who know little to nothing about the region and support the terrorists. It takes a special level of stupid to support terrorists you dumb fuck.

My post is quite logical and reasoned.

How many more Jew babies have to be taken hostage before you start caring about the innocent Jews that were intentionally targeted? When will you demand that Hamas surrenders?

It wasn't logical & reasoned. It was the opposite, on both counts. You cannot back up a single claim you have made on this thread.

You just say stuff.

For example - can you provide anything I've said to indicate that I don't care about innocent Jews that were targeted, or that I'm pro-Hamas in any way? I have stated maany times that Hamas' attack was horrific and evil, and that I support Israel's right to retaliate against Hamas and wipe them out. They're scum.

Do you have anything I've said to indicate otherwise? Spoiler alert: you don't. But please - keep saying stuff that has nothing to do w/ reality.
It wasn't logical & reasoned. It was the opposite, on both counts. You cannot back up a single claim you have made on this thread.

You just say stuff.

For example - can you provide anything I've said to indicate that I don't care about innocent Jews that were targeted, or that I'm pro-Hamas in any way? I have stated maany times that Hamas' attack was horrific and evil, and that I support Israel's right to retaliate against Hamas and wipe them out. They're scum.

Do you have anything I've said to indicate otherwise? Spoiler alert: you don't. But please - keep saying stuff that has nothing to do w/ reality.

Denial is a river in Mexico.

So what will you do to protect Jew babies?
Biden said he gave his uncle a Purple Heart and his uncle rejected it. His uncle had been dead for years at the time. That is stolen valor. Bummer

I never heard that story before but find it interesting that you claim he's a bumbling demented geezer yet you think he intentionally lies to advance his career in politics. WTF? Which is it?
When I have an interest in a certain subject, I take it upon myself to educate myself about it until that curiosity is satisfied. I don’t rely on anyone else to wipe my nose or ass to do that work for me.

From grade school on, when I needed to research a project, I went to the library and searched through the index cards to find the pertinent material on the subject.

It’s obvious you have neither the intellectual curiosity to do the former nor the ability or experience to do the latter.

Lazy. Intellectually and physically.

Your behavior is both odd and interesting. You claim to be older than me but act like a teenager. Most older people know tthe benefits of self-education and could see that I wasn't asking to educated on the subject. I was asking about your sources of information that you claim to have been reading today. Your evasion indicates dishonesty. Most likely because you lied and didn't read anything or that you did read it but it was on some wackadoodle antisemitic website. No worries. I'm fine with my knowledge of history of the Middle East, it was the views of the antisemitic, pro-jihadist Lefties that I'm interested in understanding.

Libraries were a good friend of mine too growing up in the 60s and 70s.

Thanks, but I disagree on both counts.

The fact you would rather sling personal insults than discuss the facts behind your views of the Middle East says a lot about your personality, domer76.
Your behavior is both odd and interesting. You claim to be older than me but act like a teenager. Most older people know tthe benefits of self-education and could see that I wasn't asking to educated on the subject. I was asking about your sources of information that you claim to have been reading today. Your evasion indicates dishonesty. Most likely because you lied and didn't read anything or that you did read it but it was on some wackadoodle antisemitic website. No worries. I'm fine with my knowledge of history of the Middle East, it was the views of the antisemitic, pro-jihadist Lefties that I'm interested in understanding.

Libraries were a good friend of mine too growing up in the 60s and 70s.

Thanks, but I disagree on both counts.

The fact you would rather sling personal insults than discuss the facts behind your views of the Middle East says a lot about your personality, domer76.

I already did my part to educate you on the subject. And encouraged you to do the same. All you did was snivel and ask me to provide you the sources. In my education, my teachers left that part up to me. Obviously, yours hand held you through everything.

Great that you’re fine with your knowledge of the Middle East. I was not, so I spent hours and hours reading and listening to lectures, papers, podcasts and dissertations from both sides. Then, I formed my own opinion.

When someone chooses not do your homework for you, try to avoid accusing them of covering up or being secretive. It’s noone’s job to educate you. That’s yours and yours alone.
I already did my part to educate you on the subject. And encouraged you to do the same. All you did was snivel and ask me to provide you the sources. In my education, my teachers left that part up to me. Obviously, yours hand held you through everything.

Great that you’re fine with your knowledge of the Middle East. I was not, so I spent hours and hours reading and listening to lectures, papers, podcasts and dissertations from both sides. Then, I formed my own opinion.

When someone chooses not do your homework for you, try to avoid accusing them of covering up or being secretive. It’s noone’s job to educate you. That’s yours and yours alone.
I'm left with two choices; either you really don't understand what is being discussed or you are being deliberately obtuse which is dishonest. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Let me know when you get your degree. I'll send you a present. :thup:

Who is asking you to do your homework, son? All of these High School analogies, plus your inability to use critical thinking, tells me you are either in HS or you have the mind of a teenager regardless of chronological age.
Google is your friend, pally boy.

You can do a search on youtube and find lectures, documentaries and other scholarship on the subject. It’s obvious you haven’t. I have.

That’s why I don’t have to divert.

Pally boy, wtf, stop being a total cuntwhistle!!
It’s not mine to decide what’s wrong with any land proposal. At this point, I really don’t see an equitable end game to this entire shit show. We can go on and on about what “should have” been done at any one given point in time. As I say time and again, “if”, “could have”, “should have”, “would have” have never occurred in the entire history of mankind. Only the present reality. And that present reality is a human tragedy with no winners.

Ok. I was responding to your question which seemed to suggest there was no way to make an equitable land offer, that would be fair and showed you one that was and could be.

The "should have", "if", "could have" "would have" are very important in terms of understand if you are negotiating with serious people actually seeking a solution, or more importantly 'the right people who can make the decision'. If you have put forth many deals that 'should have and could have' been accepted and they were not, then you have to assume you are wasting your time. That the group does not want land and only wants the fight.

I do not blame that on the Palestinians but do their leadership, who took over $1B from Arabs who do not support Peace and do not want either Palestinian nor Israel state on their borders and thus will always through massive money at Palestinian leaders to never accept a peace.
Ok. I was responding to your question which seemed to suggest there was no way to make an equitable land offer, that would be fair and showed you one that was and could be.

The "should have", "if", "could have" "would have" are very important in terms of understand if you are negotiating with serious people actually seeking a solution, or more importantly 'the right people who can make the decision'. If you have put forth many deals that 'should have and could have' been accepted and they were not, then you have to assume you are wasting your time. That the group does not want land and only wants the fight.

I do not blame that on the Palestinians but do their leadership, who took over $1B from Arabs who do not support Peace and do not want either Palestinian nor Israel state on their borders and thus will always through massive money at Palestinian leaders to never accept a peace.

As I have said, Arab states are complicit in this. As is the US. As was the UK.

But, as I look into the entire history of this, my conclusion is that the formation of the State of Israel was an immoral land grab of similar magnitude as ours to Native Americans.

Once the State of Israel was established, they were NEVER going to cede back territory equitably because it would mean the end of the Jewish state.
As I have said, Arab states are complicit in this. As is the US. As was the UK.

But, as I look into the entire history of this, my conclusion is that the formation of the State of Israel was an immoral land grab of similar magnitude as ours to Native Americans.

Once the State of Israel was established, they were NEVER going to cede back territory equitably because it would mean the end of the Jewish state.

So do you not believe that neither the Palestinians or the Jews should have ever been given a State in the region and instead the peoples in the areas should have just continued to live where they were under Arab borders or no borders at all?
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So do you not believe that neither the Palestinians or the Jews should have ever been given a State in the region and instead the peoples in the areas should have just continued to live where they were under Arab borders or no borders at all?

The Arabs were never given a state. No “should have” about it. They merely lived in Palestine.

The Jews WERE given a state, though, weren’t they? At the expense of the Palestinians.
The Arabs were never given a state. No “should have” about it. They merely lived in Palestine.

The Jews WERE given a state, though, weren’t they? At the expense of the Palestinians.

I cannot follow what you are saying.

Arab States exist. I am sure you can name them.

And yes the Jew were offered a State and accepted. The Palestinians were offered a State (many times) and refused.

What does 'at the expense of the Palestinians' mean to you? Are you suggesting that only the Palestinians had a right to a State and not the Jews? Why do not both of them deserve States?
There has never been a State called Palestine.
After 1946, as a result of 22 years of hatred, fighting, battles, clash of religions, riots and lots of shouting, the British empire turned her Palestine problem over to the UN. The UN voted to divide up the LAND. The Jews got their 14.3% of the LAND, and created a Jewish and democratic STATE-called Israel.
the Arabs missed their chance to get an independent STATE; went to war, lost and so started a 70 plus years ‘state of hysteria, hate, new facts, a special narrative and a missed chance.
I cannot follow what you are saying.

Arab States exist. I am sure you can name them.

And yes the Jew were offered a State and accepted. The Palestinians were offered a State (many times) and refused.

What does 'at the expense of the Palestinians' mean to you? Are you suggesting that only the Palestinians had a right to a State and not the Jews? Why do not both of them deserve States?

When were any Arabs given a state like Israel? They haven’t. The Arab states were carved up after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, but no tract of land was ever set aside, the natives pushed out and a state was created like Israel.

The Arabs were systematically removed from the land they occupied, their villages were demolished and thrir property was confiscated. They were even denied the right to return after the 1948 war. Now, what offer of a smaller portion if land would satisfy you?

I can’t answer such an absurd question as your last one.