A Perfect Metaphor

They got the Hunter laptop right when the NYT and WaPo didn't. :laugh:

^^^ This is why I despise many repugs and especially trumpers.. you all lie viciously and shamelessly. Fetterman did not live with his parents for 49 years, that's an egregious falsehood. I posted several articles PLUS pictures of Fetterman's and his wife's house in Braddock; also he lived at three different universities, in and out of state, and in rentals while he worked in PA as an insurance risk manager. You people can't open your mouths or type on a keyboard without lying. You all disgust me.

He's still an idiot. A "yes man" for the far left. He is unsuitable to hold office.
Waaah, Fetterman got money from his parents in 2015 and that implies that he lived off his parents his whole life.

Get a life, liar.
Trump got bailed out by his dad on several occasions. I guess he lived with his parents as well according to Trumper logic.
He's a carpetbagger and a phony grifter, that's what's wrong with him. He knows nothing about PA and its problems. He's such a slimy, geographically-challenged idiot that he thinks PA is on the Atlantic coast.

"This is important: We do not have a Republican senator north of North Carolina on the Atlantic coast until you get to Maine, if I don't hold this seat," Oz said.

He's a heart surgeon. What is Fetterman?
Like I said, he's a "yes man" for the far left.

It is important. We must vote out all you far leftists.
^^^ This is why I despise many repugs and especially trumpers.. you all lie viciously and shamelessly. Fetterman did not live with his parents for 49 years, that's an egregious falsehood. I posted several articles PLUS pictures of Fetterman's and his wife's house in Braddock; also he lived at three different universities, in and out of state, and in rentals while he worked in PA as an insurance risk manager. You people can't open your mouths or type on a keyboard without lying. You all disgust me.

I ask the question that if they lie so readily on a keyboard, how much lying are they doing in real life to family, girlfriends, spouses?
Trump got bailed out by his dad on several occasions. I guess he lived with his parents as well according to Trumper logic.

I wonder how much Oz was helped by his wealthy wife's parents?

"Lisa (Lemole) Oz, the wife of Pennsylvania senatorial candidate Mehmet Oz, is the maternal granddaughter of one of the cofounders [of Asplundh Tree Expert Co.]"

Maybe he learned grifting from them, too.

"In 2017, the company pleaded guilty to a federal criminal charge and was ordered to pay a $95 million fine, the largest ever in an immigration case. This was after an investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement found that Asplundh hired thousands of illegal immigrants between 2010 and 2014. The illegal hiring was first uncovered in a 2009 audit, and although Asplundh did dismiss the workers that same year, many of the same workers were rehired by their managers after using fraudulent documents.

"We accept responsibility for the charges as outlined, and we apologize to our customers, associates and all other stakeholders for what has occurred," said Chairman and CEO Scott Asplundh in a statement at the time."[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][8][/SUP]

I ask the question that if they lie so readily on a keyboard, how much lying are they doing in real life to family, girlfriends, spouses?


What's really interesting is that these people can't point to anything Oz ever did for PA because there is nothing. Instead their entire pro-Oz support is dependent on bashing Fetterman.