A Theology Question

Doesn't that indicate some form of mental defect to you? While some might succeed in spite of their lies, most people who are chronic liars end up as losers because no one trusts them. Ergo, being a chronic liar is detrimental to one's career path. That, IMO, is irrational behavior.

It indicates a person that I have no interest in being around. Calling all anti-social and/or immoral behaviors "mental illness" takes away the onus of personal responsibility and turns it into a "he can't help being an asshole, he was born that way." I don't buy that at all.
It takes both nature *and* nurture to create a moral person -- or a sociopath. Many powerful ppl have sociopathic traits, yet manage to get along in society for the most part. Someone taught them how to mask their inner selves in order to prosper.

Agree, there are bad seeds even in highly virtuous families

I suspect as we learn more about the brain and the neurosciences make advancements, there will be explanations for why sociopaths emerge from otherwise virtuous families and why they are immune to the mileu of proper moral education
Agree, there are bad seeds even in highly virtuous families

I suspect as we learn more about the brain and the neurosciences make advancements, there will be explanations for why sociopaths emerge from otherwise virtuous families and why they are immune to the mileu of proper moral education

Piaget and Kohlberg partially explain it with their stages of moral development theories. For some reason, sociopaths fail to level up. They appear to remain stuck at the "If I can avoid punishment, it's not bad to ___" level. If the misdeed benefits them in some way, and they don't get caught and punished, then it's righteous. "They are born without a conscience" is an old-fashioned way they used to describe it.
It indicates a person that I have no interest in being around. Calling all anti-social and/or immoral behaviors "mental illness" takes away the onus of personal responsibility and turns it into a "he can't help being an asshole, he was born that way." I don't buy that at all.

Like Jordan Neely? A violent, screaming, threatening asshole with 42 arrests?

Where do you draw the line between willful asshole and irrational behavior?
You just claimed you don't believe in the Bible God,and that you don't not believe in the Bible God! So you believe in nothing,by your own admission!

What on Earth does "believing" have to do with knowing.

You wrote, "You don't know shit about anything and just troll for shits and giggles!"

I asked why you think I do not know anything?

You seem to think that "knowing" and "believing" are somehow the same thing.

Oh, everyone who disagrees with you are making blind guesses.

Terrible number agreement...but also not correct.

The people who are making blind guesses...are the ones who are making blind guesses.

ANYONE asserting there is at least one god...is making a blind guess.

ANYONE asserting there are no gods...is making a blind guess.

Try to process that.
...more trolling

More laughing at you.

Terrible number agreement...but also not correct.

The people who are making blind guesses...are the ones who are making blind guesses.

ANYONE asserting there is at least one god...is making a blind guess.

ANYONE asserting there are no gods...is making a blind guess.

Try to process that.

blind guesses
Piaget and Kohlberg partially explain it with their stages of moral development theories. For some reason, sociopaths fail to level up. They appear to remain stuck at the "If I can avoid punishment, it's not bad to ___" level. If the misdeed benefits them in some way, and they don't get caught and punished, then it's righteous. "They are born without a conscience" is an old-fashioned way they used to describe it.

Good explanation!

I am pretty weak and ignorant of the psychological sciences, so appreciate the Intel!
Mr. Neely is not comparable to the typical lying poster on this board. He's an outlier.

It's a range of behavior, not just ON or OFF. I have no doubt most of the people you label "Reichwingers" are mentally ill. In most cases elderly dementia and/or just plain old chickenshitis AKA cowardice. A few of the Left Wingers are too. Anyone who is politically extreme is irrational, an "outlier".

JPP isn't a microcosm of America. The demographics here skew hard into over-55, Euro-American and male. That is not what the US looks like.

It's that narrowness of the demographic that catches my attention. Who are these people? Elderly, single men who are angry and bitter spending most of their day on a computer because they are lonely and retired....or like Stone, collect a paycheck without doing anything.