A Theology Question

Why do you equate a pack of dogs with human morality, Perry? Like most animals, their behavior is largely instinctual. Humans are not. Our forebrains allow us to choose. Well, some of us. The smarter ones and the sane ones.

Ants and bees have very sophisticated social framework. Are they moral? Or only reacting to biological programming?

I don't know this is open to debate. Humans were given the cognition to make choices and improve our art, our technology, our vision of an ethical human life.

There is no pack of dogs, no squirrel colony, and no tribe of Cro-magnon man who thought this deeply and abstractly about ethical perfection-->

Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 16

Fearlessness, purity of being, knowledge, generosity, discipline, sacrifice, sacred study, austerity, honesty, non-harm, truth, non-anger, letting go, peace, non-slander, kindness to living things, non-greed, gentleness, modesty, non-caprice, energy, forgiveness, resolve, cleanliness, non-aggression, non-arrogance -- those exist in one born to godly assets.
I don't know this is open to debate. Humans were given the cognition to make choices and improve our art, our technology, our vision of an ethical human life.

There is no pack of dogs, no squirrel colony, and no tribe of Cro-magnon man who thought this deeply and abstractly about ethical perfection-->

Given or developed per the rules of the Universe. Regardless, results count and you're correct; no squirrels, dogs or other creatures are capable of thinking "this deeply and abstractly".
I guess you didn't know that in Christianity Jesus IS God. They are one and the same. It's basic Christianity 101.

I'm surprised you don't know this. You seem so well read.

99 times out of 100 in normal, everyday message board parlance when somebody writes 'the Holy spirit ', they are talking about the holy spirit.

When they talk about Jesus, they are talking about Jesus

When they talk about God, they are talking about God the father, Yahweh, whatever you want to call it.

Hope that clears it up for you.
Given or developed per the rules of the Universe. Regardless, results count and you're correct; no squirrels, dogs or other creatures are capable of thinking "this deeply and abstractly".

Right, I make no claims about the origin of human conciousness, just the fact that we have the ability to think abstractly and deeply about moral and ethical cultivation and perfection
99 times out of 100 in normal, everyday message board parlance when somebody writes 'the Holy spirit ', they are talking about the holy spirit.

When they talk about Jesus, they are talking about Jesus

When they talk about God, they are talking about God the father, Yahweh, whatever you want to call it.

Hope that clears it up for you.

Standard Christian Theology since the Council of Nicea in the 300's that is followed by most protestant and Catholic churches is that Jesus is one and the same with God.

I'm sorry if you are unfamiliar with Protestantism or Catholicism.
99 times out of 100 in normal, everyday message board parlance when somebody writes 'the Holy spirit ', they are talking about the holy spirit.

When they talk about Jesus, they are talking about Jesus

When they talk about God, they are talking about God the father, Yahweh, whatever you want to call it.

Hope that clears it up for you.
Standard Christian Theology since the Council of Nicea in the 300's that is followed by most protestant and Catholic churches is that Jesus is one and the same with God.

I'm sorry if you are unfamiliar with Protestantism or Catholicism.

Finally! After two fucking days, Perry PhD finally gets some of his facts straight. LOL

The Trinity thing is controversial since, as the links I've previously posted, not all Protestants and Catholics believe Jesus = God as you assert.

Your petty comments and dishonest attacks on Cypress are the stand Perry PhD behavior which caused you to change your username. :)
Standard Christian Theology since the Council of Nicea in the 300's that is followed by most protestant and Catholic churches is that Jesus is one and the same with God.

I'm sorry if you are unfamiliar with Protestantism or Catholicism.
Passive-aggrressive Perry

If are genuinely curious about what I think of the trinity, you can use the search function and find at least two dozen posts written by me about it going back many years.
The Bible is very clear about the trinity so there is no controversy

If people don’t want to believe it then that’s their problem
Finally! After two fucking days, Perry PhD finally gets some of his facts straight. LOL

The Trinity thing is controversial since, as the links I've previously posted, not all Protestants and Catholics believe Jesus = God as you assert.

Your petty comments and dishonest attacks on Cypress are the stand Perry PhD behavior which caused you to change your username. :)

My point was that Yahweh, God the Father, whatever you want to call it doesn't directly and actively play a role in the NT the way he does in the OT's books of the Torah or Job.

Trinity became Catholic doctrine after the council of Nicea because the opponents of Trinitarianism were killed off or oppressed as heretics

Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but Catholics and Protestants will not accept them being "real christians" anymore than they considered the Nestorians or Arians to be 'real' christians..
My point was that Yahweh, God the Father, whatever you want to call it doesn't directly and actively play a role in the NT the way he does in the OT's books of the Torah or Job.

Trinity became Catholic doctrine after the council of Nicea because the opponents of Trinitarianism were killed off or oppressed as heretics

Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but Catholics and Protestants will not accept them being "real christians" anymore than they considered the Nestorians or Arians to be 'real' christians..

He didn’t need to because He was doing it in the form of Jesus
My point was that Yahweh, God the Father, whatever you want to call it doesn't directly and actively play a role in the NT the way he does in the OT's books of the Torah or Job.

Trinity became Catholic doctrine after the council of Nicea because the opponents of Trinitarianism were killed off or oppressed as heretics

Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but Catholics and Protestants will not accept them being "real christians" anymore than they considered the Nestorians or Arians to be 'real' christians..

The good news is that the Catholics and Protestants have stopped executing those they deem heretics. :)
He didn’t need to because He was doing it in the form of Jesus
Jesus isn't identified as God incarnate in the Synoptic Gospels. Its only later at turn of the Second century CE that the gospel of John declares Jesus to be God incarnate.

Even at that, the Gospel of John is only one out of 27 books of the NT, so my point still stands.
Jesus isn't identified as God incarnate in the Synoptic Gospels. Its only later at turn of the Second century CE that the gospel of John declares Jesus to be God incarnate.

Even at that, the Gospel of John is only one out of 27 books of the NT, so my point still stands.

Doesn’t matter, John 8:58 clearly tell us that Jesus is God
Passive-aggrressive Perry

If are genuinely curious about what I think of the trinity, you can use the search function and find at least two dozen posts written by me about it going back many years.

The fact remains that the Council of Nicaea put to rest the concept that Christ was anything but God incaranate. One and the same. Homoousious. This is standard Christian theology. You should know this.

To say otherwise is technically Christian Heresy. The heresy of Arius was why the Nicene Creed exists. It is said in most if not all Protestant Churches as well as the Catholic Church.

I am curious why you think you know anything about Christianity if you think a heresy that was anathematized over 1,700 years ago is somehow controlling.

This isn't really up for debate.
The fact remains that the Council of Nicaea put to rest the concept that Christ was anything but God incaranate. One and the same. Homoousious. This is standard Christian theology. You should know this.

To say otherwise is technically Christian Heresy. The heresy of Arius was why the Nicene Creed exists. It is said in most if not all Protestant Churches as well as the Catholic Church.

I am curious why you think you know anything about Christianity if you think a heresy that was anathematized over 1,700 years ago is somehow controlling.

This isn't really up for debate.

Your Evangelista parents really did a number on you, kid.