A Theology Question

As I said, you were never a Christian

And nobody can predict the rapture because God tells us nobody will know when it’s coming

Unfortunately for your already-dwindling credibility, you don't get to declare who's a real Xtian and who isn't.

So your god talks to you, does he? Does he have an accent? Does he sound like Bono of U2? Are you writing down his utterances? What's his take on your #MalignantMessiah, the fat orange bully?
Lying and deception are among the worst sins possible

Far worse than being homosexual. Being homosexual doesn't even make into the Ten Commandments, whereas lying does.

Your habit of lying on this forum is a deeper reflection on your character. And being an unrepentant liar is usually taken to be a sign you have not actually recieved God's grace and salvation, no matter how much you want to believe you have.

Stinker is the kind of "Christian" for whom lying for Jesus is an accepted, and often even encouraged, practice. The end justifies the means. Besides, when you are a "real Xtian" like Tinkle there, you can sin all you care to as long as you tell Jesus you're sorry later on. Their special Bibles have had John 8:11 ("Go and sin no more.") removed. lol
Lying and deception are among the worst sins possible

Far worse than being homosexual. Being homosexual doesn't even make into the Ten Commandments, whereas lying does.

Your habit of lying on this forum is a deeper reflection on your character. And being an unrepentant liar is usually taken to be a sign you have not actually recieved God's grace and salvation, no matter how much you want to believe you have.

Sin is sin there are no degrees to them
I never thought of the rapture, it’s irrelevant to me

God will bring me home when He is ready, doesn’t matter to me how He does it

Pushed out of a high window and splattered into goo? Trapped in your burning car? Slip and fall into a sewage lagoon? Heavy parasitic infection? Mowed down by a whackjob at church? Adverse vaccine reaction? lol
Stinker is the kind of "Christian" for whom lying for Jesus is an accepted, and often even encouraged, practice. The end justifies the means. Besides, when you are a "real Xtian" like Tinkle there, you can sin all you care to as long as you tell Jesus you're sorry later on. Their special Bibles have had John 8:11 ("Go and sin no more.") removed. lol

It's really bad Christian theology to claim that one can lie, deceive, hate as much as they want because they get a pass for having faith in Jesus.

Even Martin Luther and John Calvin thought a Christian life had to be a pursuit of moral righteousness, and unrepentant or relentless moral corruption could be a sign your faith in Jesus is false.
Pushed out of a high window and splattered into goo? Trapped in your burning car? Slip and fall into a sewage lagoon? Heavy parasitic infection? Mowed down by a whackjob at church? Adverse vaccine reaction? lol

I have a feeling it will be by drowning

There is no basis for that but I do know when God is giving me hints so yeah, not looking forward to that but I know I won’t be here for the rapture
It's really bad Christian theology to claim that one can lie, deceive, hate as much as they want because they get a pass for having faith in Jesus.

Even Martin Luther and John Calvin thought a Christian life had to be a pursuit of moral righteousness, and unrepentant or relentless moral corruption could be a sign your faith in Jesus is false.

They can’t

If they do live like that when they go to Heaven God will say He never knew them and they will be cast out
It's really bad Christian theology to claim that one can lie, deceive, hate as much as they want because they get a pass for having faith in Jesus.

Even Martin Luther and John Calvin thought a Christian life had to be a pursuit of moral righteousness, and unrepentant or relentless moral corruption could be a sign your faith in Jesus is false.

It's pretty insulting to Jesus to have such people claim to be His followers. Don't know what they preach in their churches these days. But when we were attending church and Sunday School without fail, we were taught that we all sin, but Jesus will forgive you if you are truly sorry and ask Him to. That was predicated upon resolving to not repeat those sins. One of my brothers complained once about having to come up with new ones. lol
Then why do you? Aren't you afraid that God's going to reject you for lying, bearing false witness, etc. on this board?

I worry about that every single day.

According to the Bible I am saved but it doesn’t always feel like that and I know it’s Satan playing on my fears but I constantly worry if I am doing something wrong.
I worry about that every single day.

According to the Bible I am saved but it doesn’t always feel like that and I know it’s Satan playing on my fears but I constantly worry if I am doing something wrong.

Let go of your hate and fear. That's how Satan gets you. That's how Satan has collected all the haters and fearful.

The faithful have no fear for God is with them. Psalm 118:6
Let go of your hate and fear. That's how Satan gets you. That's how Satan has collected all the haters and fearful.

The faithful have no fear for God is with them. Psalm 118:6

Easier said than done

I am no match for Satan but I know Jesus will guide me through it

It’s just hard sometimes
Easier said than done

I am no match for Satan but I know Jesus will guide me through it

It’s just hard sometimes

Agreed since it requires faith, not bullshit.

Yes, you are. God gave us Free Will. Satan is like a vampire; he can't enter your heart unless invited. If he's already there, you can kick him out at any time simply by having faith and letting go of your fear and hate.

It takes faith.
Agreed since it requires faith, not bullshit.

Yes, you are. God gave us Free Will. Satan is like a vampire; he can't enter your heart unless invited. If he's already there, you can kick him out at any time simply by having faith and letting go of your fear and hate.

It takes faith.

That amount of faith isn’t just given to a person, you have to build your relationship with God over a lifetime and I am still working on it but thank you for the very kind words

You seem to be a very excellent individual and I wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best
Then why do you? Aren't you afraid that God's going to reject you for lying, bearing false witness, etc. on this board?
You're just mocking Tinkerpeach for not being able to lie at your level. Tinkerpeach is afraid to ask you for a dishonesty clinic.