A Theology Question

That amount of faith isn’t just given to a person, you have to build your relationship with God over a lifetime and I am still working on it but thank you for the very kind words

You seem to be a very excellent individual and I wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best
Sorry but I disagree. Faith is easy. All you have to do is believe. I believe God is all merciful, all knowing and all powerful. I believe God gave us free will. Sure it took a few billion years, but what is a few billion years in eternity?

IMO, it's all going according to plan. All you have to do is let go of your fear, and the consequential hate. All you have to do is have faith that God will be there in the end. Some people say they believe, but their hatred and fear indicates they do not.

Same to you and yours, Tink.

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I worry about that every single day.

According to the Bible I am saved but it doesn’t always feel like that and I know it’s Satan playing on my fears but I constantly worry if I am doing something wrong.

No doubt. That's why you troll us and post nonsense like "If evolution is real, why are there monkeys" and that "moon landing was fake" b.s., along with your many other trolling threads regarding politics and political figures. You're just here to evangelize and spread political b.s. You use religion to establish your cred. It's not working, Toots.

If you really did care about how you are behaving, you'd interact with others as though you were interested in learning. You wouldn't constantly judge and condemn.

BTW I do realize that you are a mindless troll. This reply is just to debunk you and your future nonsense. *smoochies!*
No doubt. That's why you troll us and post nonsense like "If evolution is real, why are there monkeys" and that "moon landing was fake" b.s., along with your many other trolling threads regarding politics and political figures. You're just here to evangelize and spread political b.s. You use religion to establish your cred. It's not working, Toots.

If you really did care about how you are behaving, you'd interact with others as though you were interested in learning. You wouldn't constantly judge and condemn.

BTW I do realize that you are a mindless troll. This reply is just to debunk you and your future nonsense. *smoochies!*

Well said. All of it. Bravo!
No doubt. That's why you troll us and post nonsense like "If evolution is real, why are there monkeys" and that "moon landing was fake" b.s., along with your many other trolling threads regarding politics and political figures. You're just here to evangelize and spread political b.s. You use religion to establish your cred. It's not working, Toots.

If you really did care about how you are behaving, you'd interact with others as though you were interested in learning. You wouldn't constantly judge and condemn.

BTW I do realize that you are a mindless troll. This reply is just to debunk you and your future nonsense. *smoochies!*
I am here to teach, none of you have any knowledge I don’t already possess.

You should be thankful that God sent me here to make you a better person
I don't see Yaweh, God the Father playing a direct and active role in the NT the way he did in Genesis, Exodus, and Job.

But if that's what you see in the New Testament its not worth it to me to parse words.

If you wish to deny the standard Christian thought that Jesus = God then your point is correct. I tend to read the Bible with an attempt to understand the faith.
Jesus doesn't openly claim to be God incarnate in the Synoptic Gospels. God the Father does not directly speak or directly act in any of the Epistles and Pastoral letters in the New Testament.

You are free to deny standard Christian theology. I thought you made an effort to understand the theology.
I believe that Cypress said he attended the Russian/Eastern Orthodox church as a child. I'm not at all familiar with their teachings and don't know if they include the Nicene Creed as part of their liturgy.

My understanding is that the eastern christian churches do not. That may explain why Cypress is so unfamiliar with what the majority of Protestants and Catholics believe. Given his broad reading of many different religions I thought he knew.
You are free to deny standard Christian theology. I thought you made an effort to understand the theology.

Such pettiness on your part is why I doubt your veracity on your education, Perry.

OTOH, it could just be that you are cracking under the stress and reverting to acting like a 20something college dropout.
My point was that Yahweh, God the Father, whatever you want to call it doesn't directly and actively play a role in the NT the way he does in the OT's books of the Torah or Job.

Trinity became Catholic doctrine after the council of Nicea because the opponents of Trinitarianism were killed off or oppressed as heretics

Unitarians don't believe in the Trinity, but Catholics and Protestants will not accept them being "real christians" anymore than they considered the Nestorians or Arians to be 'real' christians..

And what does Cypress believe in? Or is this proof that organized religion is false Christianity?
Jesus isn't identified as God incarnate in the Synoptic Gospels. Its only later at turn of the Second century CE that the gospel of John declares Jesus to be God incarnate.

Even at that, the Gospel of John is only one out of 27 books of the NT, so my point still stands.

What's your point? Jesus is YHWH incarnated?
Jesus isn't YHWH incarnated?
Or just more name dropping ?
What's your point? Jesus is YHWH incarnated?
Jesus isn't YHWH incarnated?
Or just more name dropping ?

It sounds as if Cypress is from one of the Eastern variants of Christianity which doesn't necessarily hold to the Nicene Creed. I simply assumed because he's so well read, especially on various faiths, that he realized that Protestants and Catholics do.

His claim that Jesus never made the claim to be homoousious with God is reasonable enough, but as others have noted the Gospel of John kind of makes the case for the Trinity (one can debate the veracity of the Johannine Comma).
Indian religious ethics and philosophy are very advanced and sophisticated, scholars can spend years studying them.

I had to get one of those 'annotated and explained' scholarly translations of the Bhagavad-Gita to really get a lot out of it.

I don't think the theory that Homo sapiens since the Axial Age have the exact same ethics as dogs, squirrels, and Neanderthals would even be accepted as a doctoral dissertation at any accredited university.

I have never seen such a obnoxious self important
Name dropper in my life!
But has no views,no convictions,no nothing but inflated ego,with the assumption that name dropping makes you intelligent!
Jesus doesn't openly claim to be God incarnate in the Synoptic Gospels. God the Father does not directly speak or directly act in any of the Epistles and Pastoral letters in the New Testament.

" Before Abraham I AM,"!
" When you've seen me,you've seen the father"!
EO also has a Trinitarian doctrine.

I don't read the bible as a Christian. I read it as a piece of literature, a literary work. God the father does not speak or directly act in any of the Epistles or Pastoral letters in the New Testament. In the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus never claims to be God incarnate during his ministery, although he seems to have a lesser status during his lifetime as son of man or son of God.

You don't comprehend what Jesus meant when he said
"Before Abraham I AM"! But those that heard him Knew he was saying he was God,and tried to stone him!
Lying and deception are among the worst sins possible

Far worse than being homosexual. Being homosexual doesn't even make into the Ten Commandments, whereas lying does.

Your habit of lying on this forum is a deeper reflection on your character. And being an unrepentant liar is usually taken to be a sign you have not actually recieved God's grace and salvation, no matter how much you want to believe you have.
