Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

He should have known enough to check for live ammunition and not hire out his responsibility for gun safety.

You are taking very good rules, and applying them to the one situation where they do not apply.

Once you pull a bullet out of the gun, and look at it... It is no longer a certified safe gun. The props people have no idea what bullet you put back in. They cannot be asked to risk not just their professional careers, but also their very freedom from prison based on what an actor tells them.

Basically, it then becomes a crime to use that gun in a movie. The gun has to be re-certified by the props people, before it can be used. So if every time it is re-certified, the actor choses to mess with it, there will never be a movie shot.
The WOMAN(not girl) shot was the director of cinematographer. She would either have been looking through the camera, or with her head as close to the camera as possible to get the right perspective on the scene. The director, also injured, would have also been close to the camera, but not as close.

It is a normal shot to have an actor point the gun at the camera. From what little we know, that would be the most likely situation they were all in.

We could start making movies where no guns were ever pointed at actors, or cameras. They would only be pointed down range at completely certified and licensed firing ranges. All actors would be required to wear proper eye and ear protection. I could go on and on... But the simple fact is that we would lose Hollywood to a foreign country, with stronger gun laws, but saner gun laws (when it comes to movies).

Better safe than sorry!!!! kinda like masks
Why are you people so fascinated with Hollywood, this should barely be news. You people are fucked in the head.
A real bullet is often used in a dummy bullet. The primer should have been removed.

You do not seem to know what a squib is. I am no expert on guns, but I am a bit of an expert on spotting experts. You are no expert on guns. You keep saying your personal experience will prove things we all know is false. This is pointless.
Because you know so much about guns right? :laugh: Bulletbob shoots and reloads more than anyone on JPP.
Better safe than sorry!!!! kinda like masks

The same people who have no problem with 40,000 deaths per year, suddenly say even one death every 20 years is too much.

We do a risk/reward assessment, and if reasonable, we try to reduce the risk even further. The reward from using guns in movies is a huge entertainment industry. We try to reduce the risk from poor safety on the movie set.

Now here is the part the alt right does not seem to understand: there will always be risk.
I am no expert on guns, but I am a bit of an expert on spotting experts..

Because you know so much about guns right? :laugh: Bulletbob shoots and reloads more than anyone on JPP.

Knowing a lot about guns would help spot experts in guns, but not the more general spotting experts in other fields. I have been brought in to evaluate experts in fields I did not even know existed before I was had to evaluate them.

I have had to explain to Bulletbob what happened in the Lee case five times. I doubt he understands it even now. He has gotten several key facts wrong. Rather than show any expertise, he demands to be treated as an expert and not questioned.

I have no idea how many shoots and reloads Bulletbob has done, or how many other posters have done. But here is the big point, YOU HAVE NO IDEA EITHER!!!. You are basing your claim on what a self-professed expert has told you, even though he would have no idea either.
Knowing a lot about guns would help spot experts in guns, but not the more general spotting experts in other fields. I have been brought in to evaluate experts in fields I did not even know existed before I was had to evaluate them.

I have had to explain to Bulletbob what happened in the Lee case five times. I doubt he understands it even now. He has gotten several key facts wrong. Rather than show any expertise, he demands to be treated as an expert and not questioned.

I have no idea how many shoots and reloads Bulletbob has done, or how many other posters have done. But here is the big point, YOU HAVE NO IDEA EITHER!!!. You are basing your claim on what a self-professed expert has told you, even though he would have no idea either.

Yeah right :rofl2: Word of advice don't get too close to a pin because you may explode. :rofl2:
That is true everywhere but the entertainment industry. If the actor inspects the gun, it is no longer certified safe. The props people cannot guarantee it is in the condition they left it in. That means the actor must be fired immediately.

The actor could inspect the firearm in front of the prop person when it is handed over. In fact, that's how it should be. The firearm shouldn't leave the prop department in the actor's hand until it is inspected by that actor. That's how you are supposed to do a turnover on firearms between two persons anywhere else. There should be a discharge barrel to allow this to be done safely.


By the way, I am by no means an "expert" on firearms. I am trained to use them properly and have been for a very long time.
The actor could inspect the firearm in front of the prop person when it is handed over. In fact, that's how it should be. The firearm shouldn't leave the prop department in the actor's hand until it is inspected by that actor. That's how you are supposed to do a turnover on firearms between two persons anywhere else. There should be a discharge barrel to allow this to be done safely.


By the way, I am by no means an "expert" on firearms. I am trained to use them properly and have been for a very long time.

You are just speculating.
So now all you have to do to prove I was wrong was connect Baldwin to Lee's shooting.

Clearly, you have not bothered keeping up with the thread, and are just posting nonsense.

I post what the article said dumb ass , and my opinion. Im not trying to prove you wrong

Im a gun person and reload ammo thousands of rounds a year pistol and rifle .Below is what blank rounds look like so its highly unlikely that anyone wouldn't know the difference between a blank and a real bullet.Next your claiming there was a bullet suck in the barrel OK then tell us how it got there , next blanks contain very small powder charges, its made to make noise not for firing a round . now to expand on that , you see walt a
shell has a primer and a case and powder and a bullet its seated to the proper depth and CRIMPED so as when the power goes off it creates pressure which in tern makes the bullet come out.

Now walt I doubt a blank would have enough force to to send a bullet down range with any real force.

It would take a incredible sequence of events AKA fuck ups for this to happen .
Now walt I doubt a blank would have enough force to to send a bullet down range with any real force.

Well, it certainly had enough force to send a bullet into Lee killing him. I guess we can all feel better that your "expertise" is not used in movie making life and death situations.
I have now read about a dozen Mind Molder accounts, not a single one identifies who was responsible for the weapons on set.