Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

Who said that? Every accusation is speculation at this point. Quit being a dick.

Lefties are strange people :|

You see this? That's an example.

Alec Baldwin pooched it. He apparently failed to (a) check the firearm loading prior to handling it, and (b) failed to follow the 4 common rules of firearm safety. Complete and utter negligence, if not actual recklessness.

Any fault is completely on him. And given his previous outbursts, he probably should have been background-checked and red-flagged.

Anyone else is an accessory to the fact.
Prove she knew it wasn't her Taser.......fact is she didn't double check

Prove Baldwin didn't know it was a live round...fact is he didn't double check

Let me explain this to you, my little child.

The taser gun was on the left. The gun was on the right. The taser gun feels different from the real gun.

Do you get it, my child?
Personally I would never fire a prop gun without personally making sure it had blanks in it and no live regular rounds in it. Its like a parachute . You want to pack it yourself.
Prove she knew it wasn't her Taser.......fact is she didn't double check

Prove Baldwin didn't know it was a live round...fact is he didn't double check

You always check the chamber when you first pick up a gun or someone hands you one. It's just what you do.
Prop gun. Did you read the circumstances?

This had nothing to do w/ Baldwin. But conservatives NEVER disappoint.

Baldwin was handed a prop gun. He failed to check it's condition with respect to being loaded correctly. This is his fault. The first thing you do on picking up any firearm is check to see if it's loaded or not.
The Daily Beast has hinted that the "prop gun" may not have been a proper "prop gun." but a real gun

Presumably the local police have the gun, and are checking it out.
yes I understand that , but a real primer shouldnt be used or a bullet , its what is called a squib and the chances are astronomical for such a series of fuck ups to happen was there a biden working in the prop or special effects department

A real bullet is often used in a dummy bullet. The primer should have been removed.

You do not seem to know what a squib is. I am no expert on guns, but I am a bit of an expert on spotting experts. You are no expert on guns. You keep saying your personal experience will prove things we all know is false. This is pointless.
The person handling and firing the gun has the ultimate responsibility to check the weapon before firing.

That is true everywhere but the entertainment industry. If the actor inspects the gun, it is no longer certified safe. The props people cannot guarantee it is in the condition they left it in. That means the actor must be fired immediately.
heres what I found out this morning walt and it differs from your account of events...A spokesperson for Baldwin

So now all you have to do to prove I was wrong was connect Baldwin to Lee's shooting.

Clearly, you have not bothered keeping up with the thread, and are just posting nonsense.
An NRA member would have had the proper training and would have ""never pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger""

Wow, that would kill the film industry. No more pointing guns at other actors.

By the way, based on what we know about NRA members in entertainment, an NRA member would have been in his trailer raping children.
That is true everywhere but the entertainment industry. If the actor inspects the gun, it is no longer certified safe. The props people cannot guarantee it is in the condition they left it in. That means the actor must be fired immediately.


Poor Walt. :rolleyes:
Shame that a guy who calls himself "Bulletbob" needed to have that explained to him. :palm:

It is bizarre the guy who claims to be the expert cannot understand how the real world happened, when it has been explained to him five times.
I have NEVER pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger....Lib Baldwin who is ignorant?

Quick, shutdown all movie production with guns. We must ban all gun use in movies. Because it is all about shooting people or cameras.
And apparently some leftist moron did something wrong. Take your pick it's Hollywood assholes.

Someone who is a firearms prop guy would be very into firearms. Given that it happened in New Mexico, and we are talking about a gun enthusiast, it is more likely it was a right wing moron.
The girl shot was not an actor or why did he point it at her?

The WOMAN(not girl) shot was the director of cinematographer. She would either have been looking through the camera, or with her head as close to the camera as possible to get the right perspective on the scene. The director, also injured, would have also been close to the camera, but not as close.

It is a normal shot to have an actor point the gun at the camera. From what little we know, that would be the most likely situation they were all in.

We could start making movies where no guns were ever pointed at actors, or cameras. They would only be pointed down range at completely certified and licensed firing ranges. All actors would be required to wear proper eye and ear protection. I could go on and on... But the simple fact is that we would lose Hollywood to a foreign country, with stronger gun laws, but saner gun laws (when it comes to movies).