Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

Indie films by definition lack the full studio behind them. This often makes them more creative, but it also means that many of the professionals that would be on contract with the studios would be hired for a shorter time, and might not be as professional. When it comes to safety, this can be a disaster.

There is a person who should be in charge of weapon props. He should have his eyes on the props at all times, and should be making sure that actors can do no damage with them. That person is in a lot of trouble right now. It is possible that Baldwin is also in trouble, but far less probable.

Now for some conjecture, based on incomplete information:
Hutchins and Souza as directors would have been behind the camera, with Hutchins(director of cinematographer) closer to the camera. It appears to be a scene where Baldwin cocks the gun and points it at the camera. It was a rehearsal, but would have been filmed to find out how it worked on camera. The gun was loaded with at least one bullet.

Guns are extremely dangerous on film sets. That is why there is always a person in charge of making sure that a gun with live ammo is never pointed at anyone. That person is certainly not Baldwin. Baldwin, as an experienced actor, would have known that a gun with live ammo is never pointed at anyone, so would have been shocked that the gun had live ammo. Whoever failed to make absolutely sure the gun was not loaded is in a lot of trouble.

In any other situation, I would be blaming the guy with the gun. The possessor of the gun has to always consider the gun as loaded, even when he absolutely knows the gun is not loaded. There are no exceptions... EXCEPT THE ONE EXCEPTION. Making movies often require guns to be pointed at people. That is why gun safety is so important on movie sets. They are literally breaking the cardinal rule of gun safety.

Whatever your feelings about Baldwin are, it does not look like he did anything wrong. The known facts could change, but they probably won't. I would say the same if it were Baldwin, or his younger, less talented, conservative brother.

I saw some veteran armorer give an interview where he said that even on set (in professional productions), no one ever points a gun directly at anyone. Even in a point blank situation, creative shooting and camera angling, he said, eliminate the need to point a gun at a person or animal.
there would be no need to distinguish prop guns were that true.

A prop gun is a gun used as a prop, much like a prop umbrella is an umbrella used as a prop. The major distinction is in its use and handling. With guns this can have a major legal difference. For instance, if you want a regular gun in Tokyo, it just is not going to happen. If you want a prop gun in Tokyo, it can be done with proper safety. Even though the prop gun happens to be a real gun, there are exceptions in the Japanese law that makes it possible.
I haven't read every post in the thread.

Were they shooting a scene when Baldwin fired the lethal shot?
If that were the case, I can't see how he can be faulted.

If it were carelessness on the set, that's another matter.

As for places like Tokyo and Taipei, those are in democratic nations just like the United States.
If the citizens as a whole wanted the right to bear arms as in American culture, they could have it.
They don't want it.

Americans in turn seem to have to have it. It's merely a cultural predisposition.
Talking about the constitution is bullshit.
If Americans by consensus were virulently anti gun, the constitution is theoretically amendable.
When people have a globally unique right, however, you'll NEVER get the majority to give it up.
Who gives up globally unique things?
I don't even know why some still try.

We're going to cap each other asses no matter what. We're Americans with all the good and bad that entails. That's one of the bad things.

Let's worry about universal health care coverage and getting our workers unionized again. Those are actually doable.
Alec Baldwin is a producer of this particular movie. Alec Baldwin knew they had already had accidental discharges on set. He did nothing about it and someone died. If depraved heart works to convict Chauvin then it works for Baldwin too because this is a depraved heart scenario. Lock him up.
Alec Baldwin is a producer of this particular movie. Alec Baldwin knew they had already had accidental discharges on set. He did nothing about it and someone died. If depraved heart works to convict Chauvin then it works for Baldwin too because this is a depraved heart scenario. Lock him up.

Baldwin was a executive producer, not a regular producer. Basically, he got the project approved, but was not [officially] involved with the day-to-day running of the film. You would need to find a lot of evidence to put this on Baldwin, given that he was an executive producer.
Baldwin was a executive producer, not a regular producer. Basically, he got the project approved, but was not [officially] involved with the day-to-day running of the film. You would need to find a lot of evidence to put this on Baldwin, given that he was an executive producer.

We shall see what Hollywood says.

I am not at all sure that Baldwin will get a pass for what happened here, on his movie.
We shall see what Hollywood says.

I am not at all sure that Baldwin will get a pass for what happened here, on his movie.

Now reputation risk is a real risk. He literally pulled the trigger and killed someone. It might be an issue with Hollywood, and people not wanting to work with him. Worse yet, it could be an issue with the public in general. Hollywood produces whatever people want to see. If Baldwin is radioactive, they will drop him like a hot potato.

For instance, Bill Cosby was able to bribe a Republican prosecutor to get him out of prison... BUT HE WILL NEVER MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE OR TV SHOW!!! We all know who he is now, and we do not want to watch him.
Now reputation risk is a real risk. He literally pulled the trigger and killed someone. It might be an issue with Hollywood, and people not wanting to work with him. Worse yet, it could be an issue with the public in general. Hollywood produces whatever people want to see. If Baldwin is radioactive, they will drop him like a hot potato.

For instance, Bill Cosby was able to bribe a Republican prosecutor to get him out of prison... BUT HE WILL NEVER MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE OR TV SHOW!!! We all know who he is now, and we do not want to watch him.

He hired the AD who failed here.....let's start there.
Alec Baldwin is a producer of this particular movie. Alec Baldwin knew they had already had accidental discharges on set. He did nothing about it and someone died. If depraved heart works to convict Chauvin then it works for Baldwin too because this is a depraved heart scenario. Lock him up.

fuck you. he was TOLD IT WAS UNLOADED, DICKFACED BITCH. fuck chauvin, you sick ass pussy boy. chauvin murdered that guy by choking him for 8 minutes, you stupid fuck bitch.
Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun on a set in New Mexico on Thursday, accidentally killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and wounding director Joel Souza.

The incident occurred on the set of “Rust,” an independent feature that was filming at the Bonanza Creek Ranch, a popular production location south of Santa Fe.

Hutchins, 42, was transported by helicopter to University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque, where she died. Souza, 48, was taken by ambulance to Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center in Santa Fe, where he was receiving emergency care.

The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s office said in a statement that Hutchins and Souza “were shot when a prop firearm was discharged by Alec Baldwin, 68, producer and actor.”

No one was arrested in the incident, and no charges have been filed, the office said. Detectives were interviewing witnesses, and the incident remains under an “open and active” investigation, according to the Sheriff’s office.




Now reputation risk is a real risk. He literally pulled the trigger and killed someone. It might be an issue with Hollywood, and people not wanting to work with him. Worse yet, it could be an issue with the public in general. Hollywood produces whatever people want to see. If Baldwin is radioactive, they will drop him like a hot potato.

For instance, Bill Cosby was able to bribe a Republican prosecutor to get him out of prison... BUT HE WILL NEVER MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE OR TV SHOW!!! We all know who he is now, and we do not want to watch him.

Michael Richards is the exception. ;)
I think Baldwin is suffering from this accident. He is not at fault. He was not trying to kill anyone. Why are people trying to hold him responsible, his politics?
I haven't read every post in the thread.

Were they shooting a scene when Baldwin fired the lethal shot?
If that were the case, I can't see how he can be faulted.

If it were carelessness on the set, that's another matter.

As for places like Tokyo and Taipei, those are in democratic nations just like the United States.
If the citizens as a whole wanted the right to bear arms as in American culture, they could have it.
They don't want it.

Americans in turn seem to have to have it. It's merely a cultural predisposition.
Talking about the constitution is bullshit.
If Americans by consensus were virulently anti gun, the constitution is theoretically amendable.
When people have a globally unique right, however, you'll NEVER get the majority to give it up.
Who gives up globally unique things?
I don't even know why some still try.

We're going to cap each other asses no matter what. We're Americans with all the good and bad that entails. That's one of the bad things.

Let's worry about universal health care coverage and getting our workers unionized again. Those are actually doable.

One of the most important rules in gun handling is to make sure you know if its loaded or not dont take others word for it liberals like him are not accustomed to following rules or doing things for themselves
Nope. Read the details of the story again.

According to several prop masters, they all say they let the actor examine the firearm with them when they receive it. They give a safety briefing at the same time, and supposedly the actors using these firearms have undergone safety training on top of that.

“In the film business, we take extreme caution with any kind of weapons.”
He continued, “Typically we will do a safety brief with the cast and crew. We’ll introduce the weapon to the cast and crew. We’ll let them examine it. We’ll explain safety precautions that go with each type of prop weapon.”