Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

I don't care what Baldwin's politics are in this case. I have stuck to just firearms safety issues here. I'd be saying the exact same thing if it were a conservative actor that did it.

I have to take your word for that, but you'll have to forgive me for being skeptical. Certainly, this incident has gotten much more attention from conservatives in general. I have no doubt that Baldwin's name is all that many see in this story.

But I'm not going to call you a liar. If it has nothing to do w/ politics for you, then it doesn't.
Agreed. Since it was an old revolver from the 1800's I believe, it should be obvious to anyone that it was loaded. You can literally see them.

If the AD is not taking his gun safety responsibilities seriously, after there was already serious gun safety problems on set to the point that people are going on strike, who is to blame for that?

I suspect that Baldwin gets hung by Hollywood, he has been pissing off the WOKE for awhile, it is time for his head to roll.
You flop the cylinder out of the pistol and can look at the cylinder from both ends to inspect the rounds loaded.


Now I wouldn't expect Baldwin to know a live wad cutter from a blank, but a regular round with a jacketed bullet would instantly stand out doing this.

Not the point. You can clearly see the live bullets in chambers.

I have to take your word for that, but you'll have to forgive me for being skeptical. Certainly, this incident has gotten much more attention from conservatives in general. I have no doubt that Baldwin's name is all that many see in this story.

But I'm not going to call you a liar. If it has nothing to do w/ politics for you, then it doesn't.

The thing I see is in Baldwin's line of work he should take the time--he certainly has both the time and money--to regularly go to a range and use various firearms with live ammunition to become familiar with and comfortable with them. If--and I don't know but suspect from his politics--that he doesn't do this regularly if at all, handing him a firearm on a set is a serious risk simply because he isn't familiar with using a firearm.
"Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, 24yr old, was head armorer in charge of guns. She admitted she wasn't sure she was ready for the job in an interview before filming started."

As the producer, Baldwin is liable and since she admitted that she was not sure she was ready for the job, he has exposure to a civil suit in the millions.
The thing I see is in Baldwin's line of work he should take the time--he certainly has both the time and money--to regularly go to a range and use various firearms with live ammunition to become familiar with and comfortable with them. If--and I don't know but suspect from his politics--that he doesn't do this regularly if at all, handing him a firearm on a set is a serious risk simply because he isn't familiar with using a firearm.

Are you saying that in many years of his acting career he has never been fully trained?
I mean, you've gotta wonder how many posters on this thread even know half of the facts at this point.

This is pretty transparent. If it was a conservative actor (and yeah - there are more of those these days), this wouldn't be a thread.
I mean, you've gotta wonder how many posters on this thread even know half of the facts at this point.

This is pretty transparent. If it was a conservative actor (and yeah - there are more of those these days), this wouldn't be a thread.

What's hilarious is that they think he's an anti-gunner.
I mean, you've gotta wonder how many posters on this thread even know half of the facts at this point.

This is pretty transparent. If it was a conservative actor (and yeah - there are more of those these days), this wouldn't be a thread.

Nobody has died this way in about 30 years..... it is rare, it is shocking, it was going to be a thing no matter who fired the gun and no matter who's movie this was.
Aggressively done so.

"Alec Baldwin has a history of opposing the NRA and gun rights act

Alec Baldwin has frequently spoke out against the NRA and other gun rights activists.

Baldwin discharged a prop firearm that contained a live round on the set of "Rust" Thursday.

Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed in the incident.

Alec Baldwin, who discharged a prop firearm on a film set Thursday, killing a cinematographer, has a history of speaking out against the National Rifle Association and other gun rights activists.

Baldwin discharged a prop firearm on the set of the western film "Rust" in New Mexico, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, 42, and injuring director Joel Souza, 48,.

The incident led to calls from those across Hollywood and the entertainment industry to end the use of firearm blanks.

And Baldwin himself has a notable tenure of speaking out against gun rights advocates, including the NRA.

Baldwin in 2018 joined a coalition of other celebrities and activists in forming the "No Rifle Association Initiative," which aimed to reduce the NRA's sphere of influence on American politics and society, according to a report in The Guardian at the time.

The group hoped to curb the NRA's influence by encouraging voter registration, demonstrations, and boycotts, the report said.

Baldwin also tweeted at former NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch back in 2018 after the gun rights group released a trailer for Loesch's show.

"The Second Amendment is not a moral credit card that buys you all the guns you want," he wrote. "That law needs to be rethought."

The Second Amendment is not a law, it is an amendment to the US Constitution.
"The Second Amendment is not a moral credit card that buys you all the guns you want," he wrote. "That law needs to be rethought."

Alec Baldwin
I'm not getting the connections here. He's concerned about gun control, and he's also part of a tragic accident.

Can anyone connect these things?