Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director


3 gun mishaps. Union workers left in protest. Someone left a loaded gun in a cart. Assistant director took it and yelled at Alec that it's "cold". BANG!

I gotta think that if there are criminal charges then it is the AD who gets strung up first. He obviously made no attempt to check the status of the weapon, and he is the person on set most responsible for gun safety over the entire shoot.
I won't go there. Baldwin bears some responsibility as he pointed the gun and pulled the trigger, but it isn't as if he set out to kill anyone or actually knew for sure the gun had live ammo in it.

You have no idea if he intended to point the gun at her and pulled the trigger.
Where is all of that "it wasn't intentional" stuff we normally see when a cop shoots an unarmed citizen?

And, btw, I'm almost always on the side of law enforcement, who I think are put in an untenable position (generally).

Conservatives are all over this one, after years of defending basically the opposite.
That is only the beginning of Baldwins likely problems ahead. People are stopping work because of their unhappiness with safety and then someone dies via gross negligence....and baldwin was not only on set aware of everything but this movie is his baby and everyone knows it.

Did he even speak to the AD about this? He is/was the fucking producer...that was his job before it was anyone elses job.

This question will be asked of Baldwin, why did you point a gun at cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and director Joel Souza. They were not in the movie.
He was told it was a cold gun.

If Baldwin wasn't a liberal, conservatives wouldn't be talking about this story.

I would talk about it. More loudly and angrily than I would talk about a lefty, in fact. There are lots of conservatives that don't own guns, and may not even like to shoot, but they support the 2nd amendment. I hold them to a higher standard. If you're a conservative ACTOR that doesn't own guns, and you're in a role that requires you to handle them, and you consent to that, you still need to be versed in gun safety, the anatomy of a gun, and gun safety(yes that 2nd "gun safety" was intentional).

In the military, before you can be authorized to carry a firearm you have to complete a qualification process that starts with something called "PQS"(personal qualification standard) for the weapon you are going to carry. It starts with reading the manual, then you field strip the thing, identify the parts, correctly reassemble it, functionally check it, explain the procedures for correcting any malfunction, and the procedures for clearing the weapon and cleaning it. I've seen 18 year old's do it in less than 10 minutes(excluding reading the manual). And STILL incidents occur(I call stuff like that incidents, because almost everything we call an accident is actually preventable). This particular clusterfuck could have been avoided by having an NRA certified instructor on that set, and they probably could have gotten one for free.
Who does the hiring of all those people? Do you think he sat down with interviews and did the selection? That is crazy. You are trying to blame him. It is a fail.
Who ever heard of an armorer before this accident? Now rights claim they are experts.

Baldwin is the producer, it's his responsibility to hire trained people, especially when guns are involved. He is liable.
This question will be asked of Baldwin, why did you point a gun at cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and director Joel Souza. They were not in the movie.

The LA Times piece talks about this. I dont pay them so I am not going to burn a free look to give you a link, but we know the answer to the question.

I think we also know why Baldwin apparently never did anything, they were on day 12 of the shoot and he was super exhausted, he did not have the bandwidth to deal with the safety problems, or to even practice safety himself. This is one of the downsides of being a principle actor in your own movie. He might (likely did) thus have exposed himself to substantial liability.
I would talk about it. More loudly and angrily than I would talk about a lefty, in fact. There are lots of conservatives that don't own guns, and may not even like to shoot, but they support the 2nd amendment. I hold them to a higher standard. If you're a conservative ACTOR that doesn't own guns, and you're in a role that requires you to handle them, and you consent to that, you still need to be versed in gun safety, the anatomy of a gun, and gun safety(yes that 2nd "gun safety" was intentional).

In the military, before you can be authorized to carry a firearm you have to complete a qualification process that starts with something called "PQS"(personal qualification standard) for the weapon you are going to carry. It starts with reading the manual, then you field strip the thing, identify the parts, correctly reassemble it, functionally check it, explain the procedures for correcting any malfunction, and the procedures for clearing the weapon and cleaning it. I've seen 18 year old's do it in less than 10 minutes(excluding reading the manual). And STILL incidents occur(I call stuff like that incidents, because almost everything we call an accident is actually preventable). This particular clusterfuck could have been avoided by having an NRA certified instructor on that set, and they probably could have gotten one for free.

Accidents happen w/ the police & military as well. I doubt anyone who has already drawn conclusions on this knows all of the facts - how much training anyone here had, and where the mistake occurred.

It's a tragedy. Let's take a day to mourn that, and more time to learn the facts and figure out what happened....instead of "dumb libbie actor can't handle guns." These kinds of experiences suck, and that's really understating it, but hopefully learning will come out of it and it will prevent other tragedies in the future.
Baldwin is the producer, it's his responsibility to hire trained people, especially when guns are involved. He is liable.

Where is all of that "it wasn't intentional" stuff we normally see when a cop shoots an unarmed citizen?

And, btw, I'm almost always on the side of law enforcement, who I think are put in an untenable position (generally).

Conservatives are all over this one, after years of defending basically the opposite.

The unarmed citizen is usually resisting arrest.

These movie people were not.

You know that, Nordy.

Yes he is.As I posted...This question will be asked of Baldwin, why did you point a gun at cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and director Joel Souza. They were not in the movie.
Baldwin apparently did not cry for us today. I suspect is lawyers told him to keep his yap shut, because he is in big trouble.