Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

I do not even know where to begin. You are clearly just trying to waste my time with stupidity. Dummy rounds are on sets all the time. Real guns are on sets all the time. Even fully fireable bullets are on sets all the time.

No, not really. Just trying to give you a little understanding of firearms and ammo. Believe what you want, but it's the person handling the firearm to ultimately make sure it is safely used. Period.
I do not even know where to begin. You are clearly just trying to waste my time with stupidity. Dummy rounds are on sets all the time. Real guns are on sets all the time. Even fully fireable bullets are on sets all the time.

I felt that way about you 2 years ago. You're a dumb motherfucker.
What you are suggesting is that the prop people had access to reloading equipment. I find that doubtful. You need a press, primer removal die with pin to remove a primer.

This is what firearms props people do. They get all the right equipment, and the right training, and they do their job. Do I know how to do their job? No, but I do know they do their job so well that it is rare anyone dies.
This is what firearms props people do. They get all the right equipment, and the right training, and they do their job. Do I know how to do their job? No, but I do know they do their job so well that it is rare anyone dies.

No, you don't know shit about their job.
No, not really. Just trying to give you a little understanding of firearms and ammo. Believe what you want, but it's the person handling the firearm to ultimately make sure it is safely used. Period.

Literally four minutes ago, you were claiming that firearm props people do not have enough training to make dummy bullets, and now you are demanding actors with absolutely no training make them? This is just silly.
No, you don't know shit about their job.

You are clearly the greatest expert ever, and have figured out all the common knowledge about Lee's death is false. Why are you wasting your expert time with us? You should be rushing off to North Carolina to tell the authorities how you solved the case.
Literally four minutes ago, you were claiming that firearm props people do not have enough training to make dummy bullets, and now you are demanding actors with absolutely no training make them? This is just silly.

No, I made no claim that actors should have training in handloading. But I did and will reaffirm that there is, without a doubt, the fact that firing a bullet using just a primer makes a very distinct and different sound than a blank or a fully loaded cartridge.
You are clearly the greatest expert ever, and have figured out all the common knowledge about Lee's death is false. Why are you wasting your expert time with us? You should be rushing off to North Carolina to tell the authorities how you solved the case.

No, I'm not but what I do know is how not to kill anyone. It's pretty easy to not kill anyone. You don't appear to know that though.
No, I'm not but what I do know is how not to kill anyone. It's pretty easy to not kill anyone. You don't appear to know that though.

I know best practices, but I do not have a magical method of knowing for certain that no one will be killed. Again, your expertise is well beyond anyone else's and you should go to the authorities and teach them your godlike power.
I know best practices, but I do not have a magical method of knowing for certain that no one will be killed. Again, your expertise is well beyond anyone else's and you should go to the authorities and teach them your godlike power.

You don't know jack shit and everyone reading your crap knows it.
You don't know jack shit and everyone reading your crap knows it.

Based on your expertise, you say that what happened could not have happened. That either means that somehow in almost 30 years no one noticed easily noticeable things about the Brandon Lee death..... OR, you are nowhere near the expert you claim to be. While I guess both are vaguely possible, we all know which one is probable.
No, you don't know shit about their job.

He doesnt. Walt likes to pretend he is many things with a vast working knowledge of much. Most of us know what he really is though......... just your standard everyday run of the mill loser.
Actor Alec Baldwin discharged a "prop firearm" that killed a cinematographer and injured the director of the movie Rust, being filmed on a set south of Santa Fe, a county sheriff's office spokesman said late Thursday.

Halyna Hutchins, 42 and the director of photography for the movie, died at University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque. The film's director, Joel Souza, was hospitalized in Santa Fe, Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office spokesman Juan Ríos said.

A source close to the investigation said Baldwin, 63, was questioned by investigators late Thursday and was seen by a New Mexican reporter and photographer in tears.

Why wasn't he arrested?
Once again. Baldwin proves that he is one of the most stupid, arrogant and reckless people on the planet.
1. Why was he allowed to handle a firearm without knowing RULE NUMBER ONE about firearms?
2. Why was he pointing it at a film crew?
3. Why did he pull the trigger while pointing the gun at the film crew?

Also, regarding the police that were called to the scene:4. Why didn't they arrest Baldwin?
I only have one thing to say on the subject. Mr Baldwin just learned a valuable lesson. Karma is a real BITCH. ;) BIGTIME karma that of all the people it could be, happened to him. Shame that someone had to lose her life over it though. But now,.... Mr Baldwin knows, bet he knows.
Can someone tell me why he was firing towards the cinematographer and the director at the same time and how one shot can kill one and injure another? How does that work?
Hopefully they will check Baldwin's blood for drugs and alcohol. With any luck he will serve time for manslaughter. Short fuse and a drug and alcohol problem. Hope there is a long and thorough investigation.

Under what possible scenario is it proper for an actor on the movie to point and shoot a prop gun at the cinematographer?
Also Baldwin is a big antigunner, and a POS angry Lib who was too arrogant and self-important to take the time to learn gun safety.

As a result, a young, talented woman is dead.