Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

Tom Selleck a gun collector. The press roasted him for yelling at an extra that was pointing a prop gun at people and playing around.

Guess Tom the gun nut should have been on this set instead of anti-gun nut Lib Baldwin, this woman would still be alive!!!!
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Good point

We should not let idiots have guns

How stupid are you?


Hand in your gun brainless asshole

I have spent decades annually certifying to use firearms and have been through numerous safety and training classes. It's morons like you--or Baldwin-- that think you can learn to use one by simply picking it up and osmosis that are the danger.
I have spent decades annually certifying to use firearms and have been through numerous safety and training classes. It's morons like you--or Baldwin-- that think you can learn to use one by simply picking it up and osmosis that are the danger.

Prop gun. Did you read the circumstances?

This had nothing to do w/ Baldwin. But conservatives NEVER disappoint.
Actor Alec Baldwin discharged a "prop firearm" that killed a cinematographer and injured the director of the movie Rust, being filmed on a set south of Santa Fe, a county sheriff's office spokesman said late Thursday.

Halyna Hutchins, 42 and the director of photography for the movie, died at University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque. The film's director, Joel Souza, was hospitalized in Santa Fe, Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office spokesman Juan Ríos said.

A source close to the investigation said Baldwin, 63, was questioned by investigators late Thursday and was seen by a New Mexican reporter and photographer in tears.

Awww he was in tears?????? Fuck him and fuck you
Many years ago while in college, I worked for a national dept store chain.

There was a youngish gal there who, when not on duty as a police officer, worked part time as security at the store.

Every night after closing, as the emplyees were leaving the store, she'd be posted by the exit.

There was a counter there which she would usually be sitting on right around a corner we had to go around to get to the door.

One night as I came around that corner, I look up and see her pointing her service revolver straight at my face, then she actually pulled the trigger!!!

Of course, it wasn't loaded but still.... the idea that a trained police officer would point a real gun at me or anyone else and pull the trigger to this day is just incomprehensible to me.

She ID'd you as a waste of DNA even back then.
You. He was in a movie using a movie prop.

So an accident???? Baldwin ""THOUGHT"" he had a prop gun with blanks

Kim Potter, the Minnesota cop who ""THOUGHT"" she was pointing a Taser at Daunte Wright last year. she by accident pulled her gun and fatally shot him. And it wasn't called an "accident," it was called "first degree manslaughter."
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I don’t like Alec Baldwin’s politics. Can’t stand them. But I will in no way believe that he has deliberately killed someone in such a way. What a tragedy and how badly he must feel.
Alec Baldwin is a POS Lib jerk. That’s a fact. Ask his friends and family, they’ll concur. I bet he DID put it up to her as a mean joke and pulled the trigger.

And a second guy?

This is going to be a very, very telling court case. Because he’s going to court. If he doesn’t go to court something is seriously wrong.

This is not the guns fault etc. Its Baldwins fault and he needs to pay! .... At a minimum, he is going to get sued. I wonder if this will cause him to reflect on “gun violence,” and the fact that when people get shot, the guns don’t fire themselves. Criminals and negligent stupid ass people do.

Such an angry low IQ peckerwood , wait until the investigation is over ,so stop twisting your panties into a knot Ellie may
I don’t like Alec Baldwin’s politics. Can’t stand them. But I will in no way believe that he has deliberately killed someone in such a way. What a tragedy and how badly he must feel.


Kim Potter, the Minnesota cop who ""THOUGHT"" she was pointing a Taser at Daunte Wright last year. she by accident pulled her gun and fatally shot him. And it wasn't called an "accident," it was called "first degree manslaughter."