Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

Alec Baldwin is a POS Lib jerk. That’s a fact. Ask his friends and family, they’ll concur. I bet he DID put it up to her as a mean joke and pulled the trigger.

And a second guy?

This is going to be a very, very telling court case. Because he’s going to court. If he doesn’t go to court something is seriously wrong.

This is not the guns fault etc. Its Baldwins fault and he needs to pay! .... At a minimum, he is going to get sued. I wonder if this will cause him to reflect on “gun violence,” and the fact that when people get shot, the guns don’t fire themselves. Criminals and negligent stupid ass people do.
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The first take was with a blank round. That is a round that has a real bullet, but no powder. It was also supposed to have no primer, but the props people left the primer on it. The primer pushed the bullet into the barrel. The props people were supposed to check the barrel for the bullet, but again failed to do this. Then a dummy bullet was put in the gun for the next take. That is the powder without the bullet. When it went off, it propelled the bullet from the blank round into Lee.

There are a dozen safety procedures to make sure that this never happens, most were intentionally ignored by the props people. On one level it was an accident, but on another level it was an accident caused by not caring about basic safety.

yes I understand that , but a real primer shouldnt be used or a bullet , its what is called a squib and the chances are astronomical for such a series of fuck ups to happen was there a biden working in the prop or special effects department
I forget what they call the person in charge of prop guns, but whatever the title, he is in a lot of trouble right now.

The person handling and firing the gun has the ultimate responsibility to check the weapon before firing. Alec probably thought he was to big a star to have to take the time to inspect the weapon. He’ll blame the prop guy, but it was in his hand. He pulled the trigger.

yes I understand that , but a real primer shouldnt be used or a bullet , its what is called a squib and the chances are astronomical for such a series of fuck ups to happen was there a biden working in the prop or special effects department

heres what I found out this morning walt and it differs from your account of events

A spokesperson for Baldwin said there was an accident on the set involving the misfire of a prop gun with blanks, though a charge without a metal projectile is unlikely to kill at a moderate distance.
Good point

We should not let idiots have guns

How stupid are you?


Hand in your gun brainless asshole

An NRA member would have had the proper training and would have ""never pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger""

Baldwin is a stupid clueless lib POS anti-gun nut, and thats why she is dead
The first take was with a blank round. That is a round that has a real bullet, but no powder. It was also supposed to have no primer, but the props people left the primer on it. The primer pushed the bullet into the barrel. The props people were supposed to check the barrel for the bullet, but again failed to do this. Then a dummy bullet was put in the gun for the next take. That is the powder without the bullet. When it went off, it propelled the bullet from the blank round into Lee.

There are a dozen safety procedures to make sure that this never happens, most were intentionally ignored by the props people. On one level it was an accident, but on another level it was an accident caused by not caring about basic safety.

Shame that a guy who calls himself "Bulletbob" needed to have that explained to him. :palm:
A blank round is dangerous, especially one loaded with powder.

Walt, you don't have any experience, or knowledge of the pressures that exit a barrel, even a round firing just a primer. How did a bullet get in the barrel in the first place?

It is ALWAYS the person's responsibility handling the gun to make sure it is safe. There is NO other "situation," period. That is one of the things I stressed most when I taught firearms training.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

STFU, self-important, bloviating moron.
An NRA member would have had the proper training and would have ""never pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger""

Baldwin is a stupid clueless anti-gun nut, and thats why she is dead

You don’t know all the facts yet turd brain

You suck at life and are too stupid to own a gun your buddy says
Walt, I was a firearms instructor for over 20 years. I shot wax bullets for practice in my parent's basement for years, propelled with just the primer, in my younger days. I haven't purchased a box of cartridges in longer than I can remember (other than .22s). I reload for everything I shoot, so understanding pressures is very important so I don't blow up my firearms. Expert? Sure, there are those more knowledgeable than me, but I sure as hell know far more about firearms and reloading for them than you. And yes, blanks can be dangerous.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

STFU self-important, bloviating moron.
Alec Baldwin is a POS Lib jerk. That’s a fact. Ask his friends and family, they’ll concur. I bet he DID put it up to her as a mean joke and pulled the trigger.

And a second guy?

This is going to be a very, very telling court case. Because he’s going to court. If he doesn’t go to court something is seriously wrong.

This is not the guns fault etc. Its Baldwins fault and he needs to pay! .... At a minimum, he is going to get sued. I wonder if this will cause him to reflect on “gun violence,” and the fact that when people get shot, the guns don’t fire themselves. Criminals and negligent stupid ass people do.

Your mother should have just wiped her ass then flushed the toilet rather than scooping you out, naming you and raising you to become the ignorant redneck turd you are today.

It's still not too late for you to jump back in and pull the flush lever though...
Many years ago while in college, I worked for a national dept store chain.

There was a youngish gal there who, when not on duty as a police officer, worked part time as security at the store.

Every night after closing, as the emplyees were leaving the store, she'd be posted by the exit.

There was a counter there which she would usually be sitting on right around a corner we had to go around to get to the door.

One night as I came around that corner, I look up and see her pointing her service revolver straight at my face, then she actually pulled the trigger!!!

Of course, it wasn't loaded but still.... the idea that a trained police officer would point a real gun at me or anyone else and pull the trigger to this day is just incomprehensible to me.
Your mother should have just wiped her ass then flushed the toilet rather than scooping you out, naming you and raising you to become the ignorant redneck turd you are today.

It's still not too late for you to jump back in and pull the flush lever though...

I have NEVER pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger....Lib Baldwin who is ignorant?