Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

I think the worse things are

1) There was live ammo on set

2) it was stored with the blanks.

3) this gun was used for fun time shooting with real bullets by actors and/or crew.

4) the AD was known to have been reckless on gun safety in previous movies

I think we should arm every prisoner with a pistol and let them loose.

After a gun safety course, of course.
Was the shotgun not pointed at Harry when Cheney shot him? was pointed at a bird!!!

Whittington ``came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn’t signal them or indicate to them or announce himself,″ said Armstrong, who was in the car.

``The vice president didn’t see him,″ she said. ``The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good.″

Baldwin pointed at her.. someone not part of any movie scene was pointed at a bird!!!

Whittington ``came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn’t signal them or indicate to them or announce himself,″ said Armstrong, who was in the car.

``The vice president didn’t see him,″ she said. ``The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good.″

Thank you for confirming. :thumbsup:
This was a rehearsal of a scene where Balwin upholsterers (quick draw?) his gun, they were working to get the cameras right, that was all that was supposed to be happening according to the LA Times.

Exactly. It was a legit accident. It's tragic. The other two people are responsible.
Exactly. It was a legit accident. It's tragic. The other two people are responsible.

Letting crew play with the guns on their off time, the AD handing a hot gun to Baldwin without checking it, storing live ammo with the blanks, are all gross negligence not accident.

I am increasingly convinced that those who covered the insurance will balk.
Yep. The camera.

Than she should have not been behind the cam! And if she was he should not have fired!

“If you need to point a weapon at the camera, the area must be locked off so that there is no one behind it. You never fire at or near the camera,” he adds. “Sometimes the shot may require it, in which case, the entire area must be cleared for safety precautions.”
Letting crew play with the guns on their off time, the AD handing a hot gun to Baldwin without checking it, storing live ammo with the blanks, are all gross negligence not accident.

I am increasingly convinced that those who covered the insurance will balk.

I bet the AD will be charged with negligent homicide. Alec? I do not know.

Examples include the crash of Aeroperu Flight 603 near Lima, Peru. The accident was caused by a piece of duct tape that was left over the static ports (on the bottom side of the fuselage) after cleaning the aircraft, which led to the crash. An employee had left the tape on[2] and was charged with negligent homicide. Other times, an intentional killing may be negotiated down to the lesser charge as a compromised resolution of a murder case, as might occur in the context of the intentional shooting of an unarmed man after a traffic altercation.
I bet the AD will be charged with negligent homicide. Alec? I do not know.

Examples include the crash of Aeroperu Flight 603 near Lima, Peru. The accident was caused by a piece of duct tape that was left over the static ports (on the bottom side of the fuselage) after cleaning the aircraft, which led to the crash. An employee had left the tape on[2] and was charged with negligent homicide. Other times, an intentional killing may be negotiated down to the lesser charge as a compromised resolution of a murder case, as might occur in the context of the intentional shooting of an unarmed man after a traffic altercation.

If one person is criminally charged it would have to be the AD.
If one person is criminally charged it would have to be the AD.

“If you need to point a weapon at the camera, the area must be locked off so that there is no one behind it. You never fire at or near the camera,” he adds. “Sometimes the shot may require it, in which case, the entire area must be cleared for safety precautions.”

If Alec fired at the camera without these guidelines than he bares some responsibly..he is the one that fired
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If Alec fired at the camera without these guidelines than he bares some responsibly..he is the one that fired

I feel like I am getting lied to about industry standards..... I read someone today who said basically "On my movies we check the guns about ten times, every time". It feels like virtue signalling by telling lies. I think people who know how gun safety on set has traditionally worked, and it has worked, are staying quiet. I am not believing the claims "on set one always assumes that the gun is loaded".
This was a rehearsal of a scene where Balwin upholsterers (quick draw?) his gun, they were working to get the cameras right, that was all that was supposed to be happening according to the LA Times.

If so, then why did the pistol have any ammunition of any sort in it at all?
From the director:

"I am gutted by the loss of my friend and colleague, Halyna," the director said in the statement. "She was kind, vibrant, incredibly talented, fought for every inch and always pushed me to be better. My thoughts are with her family at this most difficult time.I am humbled and grateful by the outpouring of affection we have received from our filmmaking community, the people of Santa Fe, and the hundreds of strangers who have reached out...It will surely aid in my recovery."


I know he got slightly injured but he is/was the director, he has responsivities to run a safe set, which he failed at.
If so, then why did the pistol have any ammunition of any sort in it at all?

Exactly....there should have been nothing in the gun.....but I think we know that the AD did not even attempt to look....I am told that it is impossible to miss a round in this weapon with a simple look.
Exactly....there should have been nothing in the gun.....but I think we know that the AD did not even attempt to look....I am told that it is impossible to miss a round in this weapon with a simple look.

The round under the hammer might not be visible, but the next round to be fired--the first-- would clearly be because the cylinder rotates before the gun fires.
So we get told that the armorer set up three guns on a cart, and the AD handed one of them to Baldwin proclaiming it questions are:

1) was the armorer present when the AD handed Baldwin the gun?

2) when had she set up the cart?

3) was it always in the possession of either the armorer or the AD?

4) if not are we looking at a situation were someone who was pissed at how the set was being run placed a live round in the weapon to get back at the people making the movie, or maybe just the AD, who I understand has a way of making himself deeply disliked? Remember the 911 call.
So we get told that the armorer set up three guns on a cart, and the AD handed one of them to Baldwin proclaiming it questions are:

1) was the armorer present when the AD handed Baldwin the gun?

2) when had she set up the cart?

3) was it always in the possession of either the armorer or the AD?

4) if not are we looking at a situation were someone who was pissed at how the set was being run placed a live round in the weapon to get back at the people making the movie, or maybe just the AD, who I understand has a way of making himself deeply disliked? Remember the 911 call.

The head armorer of 'Rust' once gave an 11-year-old actress a gun without checking it properly

She should have never been hired!! Who hired her,,, Baldwin?