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Hey, here's an idea that you can bounce around that distorted cranium of yours.

Why didn't you just ask Poet for the link to his mucic and such AND then ask Poet if you could send it to Yurt?

I eagerly await your convoluted logic.

He gave me tacit permission by endorsing my comments about his music, you would not have known anything about it if Yurt hadn't spilled his guts over the board. He knows that he was wrong to do that, but tries to justify it by saying that I should have seeked Poet's explicit approval first. I think it has already been proven that the majority of the board including the admin staff disagree with that.
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See, there you go being not such an awful bastard~

He gave me tacit permission by endorsing my comments about his music, you would not have known anything about it if Yurt hadn't spilled his guts over the board. He knows that he was wrong to do that, but tries to justify it by saying that I should have seeked Poet's explicit approval first.

So the permission was "implied", which of course meant you could share hs info with who-ever you wanted to.
I see how your logic in that works.
It's Yurt's FAULT for you giving him the link.
So the permission was "implied", which of course meant you could share hs info with who-ever you wanted to.
I see how your logic in that works.

I didn't share it with anyone other than Yurt, you are just trying to shit stir in that inimical way you have of twisting words to suit your argument. It is interesting that I gave you the same info before and you sided with me, yet now you have come to a diametrically opposed position based on exactly the same facts. :palm:
He gave me tacit permission by endorsing my comments about his music, you would not have known anything about it if Yurt hadn't spilled his guts over the board. He knows that he was wrong to do that, but tries to justify it by saying that I should have seeked Poet's explicit approval first. I think it has already been proven that the majority of the board including the admin staff disagree with that. still believe what you did is not wrong. despite damo and others telling you that were wrong to do that. but oh no...only yurt did something wrong. it is perfectly ok to stalk someone and then give out their personal information. and nice try with the "tacit" permission. that is biggest load of bollocks ever spread on this forum. perhaps you "forget" how pissed he was that people now had his personal information. perhaps you "forget" that is why he left the board.

at least i can admit what i did was wrong. pity you lack that ability.
That happened during a period when I thought the man had mellowed, foolishly on my part, for the better. I'm sure that you want to imply some other motive but seriously if what you stated was true, why the fuck would I send him a link about Poet if I thought he would broadcast all over the board? As much as I've disliked him in the past, I always thought he was discreet and above petty juvenile behaviour, I now know that's not the case.

the only reason i told poet on the board was because he was accusing others of seeking out his personal information. i should have told him in PM it was you, but it just pissed me off that he thought it was ID and so i told him publicly you were actually the one giving out his information. nothing juvenile about that. there is no discretion when you violate someone else's privacy. still believe what you did is not wrong. despite damo and others telling you that were wrong to do that. but oh no...only yurt did something wrong. it is perfectly ok to stalk someone and then give out their personal information. and nice try with the "tacit" permission. that is biggest load of bollocks ever spread on this forum. perhaps you "forget" how pissed he was that people now had his personal information. perhaps you "forget" that is why he left the board.

at least i can admit what i did was wrong. pity you lack that ability.

Yes, I was wrong to trust you, you have been proven to be an anal retentive of the first magnitude. You only use Poet, in typical lawyer fashion, to distract from the fact that you are totally incapable of keeping private info to yourself. I wonder how much I would have to pay you per hour before you would consider honouring client privacy?
Yes, I was wrong to trust you, you have been proven to be an anal retentive of the first magnitude. You only use Poet, in typical lawyer fashion, to distract from the fact that you are totally incapable of keeping private info to yourself. I wonder how much I would have to pay you per hour before you would consider honouring client privacy?

lmao....sending me an PM has nothing to do with attorney/client privilege. you have no expectation of privacy. we had no agreement regarding privacy. you don't even know for sure if i am a lawyer, well, maybe you stalked me like you did poet. you did not send that PM to me as my client. your false analogy is truly hilarious.

and you still can't admit you were wrong to give out poet's information. you are truly amazing. oh well, your morals are fucked, at least i can sleep well at night knowing my morals are nothing like yours.
lmao....sending me an PM has nothing to do with attorney/client privilege. you have no expectation of privacy. we had no agreement regarding privacy. you don't even know for sure if i am a lawyer, well, maybe you stalked me like you did poet. you did not send that PM to me as my client. your false analogy is truly hilarious.

and you still can't admit you were wrong to give out poet's information. you are truly amazing. oh well, your morals are fucked, at least i can sleep well at night knowing my morals are nothing like yours.

The rules on here are explicit and simple enough for any to understand. A Private Message is exactly what it says on the tin, except to you who chooses to try to rewrite the definition. As to you being a lawyer, well I can only say that you've spoken about your briefs often enough in the past on here, I can only assume that you were not referring to your underwear!!
The rules on here are explicit and simple enough for any to understand. A Private Message is exactly what it says on the tin, except to you who chooses to try to rewrite the definition. As to you being a lawyer, well I can only say that you've spoken about your briefs often enough in the past on here, I can only assume that you were not referring to your underwear!!

1. the rules also state you cannot stalk someone and pass along their personal information. funny how you ignore that rule. only an idiot who is desperate to defend himself would compare a PM to attorney/client privilege.

2. i have never talked about any briefs on this site. how do you know i even write briefs? did you stalk me tom?
Well if not herpes- then what's your excuse for being such a crotchety hag? Like I said, no wonder the people in your life drink. And to think it's just your natural disposition and all. So am I to take it to mean that you prefer "vodka breath" or "beer breath" over whiskey breath then? <curious look>

Yes, yes, dear- your 10 years of "christies inane accumulation files <CIA>. Of course it's definitely a legendary feat if ever there were one :rofl:

My, my what an interesting rewrite of history. A solid year of vodka posts, like... "yeah you and your vodka breathing hubby, know all about the stuff"... the years and years of birdie posts, like... "all anyone knows is that you are spun out good and hard. birdies :D; ut-oh how could I know you have a size 14 ass- birdies..." the unending stream of sly digs about names, streets, children, ages, websites, appearances... All down the memory hole, huh.

We Know What You Did. Such as saying "vodka breath" or "beer breath" because that was the info you got from your "birdies", and you never stopped bragging about it.

And really dear, I know you're screwed by your big mouth and your own actions but there's no need to exaggerate. I never said I had "10 years of files". Even if I had 10 years' worth, only the last three would apply to this forum. :D
I didn't share it with anyone other than Yurt, you are just trying to shit stir in that inimical way you have of twisting words to suit your argument. It is interesting that I gave you the same info before and you sided with me, yet now you have come to a diametrically opposed position based on exactly the same facts. :palm:

I never said or implied that you shared it with anyone other they Yurt.
Did you have permission to give Yurt a link to Poet's info?

If you can't figure out the where and why, regarding your last comment; then you truly are an idiot, or just willfully stupid.
I'll leave the choice to you. :)
Yes, I was wrong to trust you, you have been proven to be an anal retentive of the first magnitude. You only use Poet, in typical lawyer fashion, to distract from the fact that you are totally incapable of keeping private info to yourself. I wonder how much I would have to pay you per hour before you would consider honouring client privacy?

So you weren't wrong in giving out Poet's info; just WHO you gave it to. :good4u:
OMG Tom come off it- chris has admitted she is the CIA keeper of EVERYTHING I have ever said for the past 10 years- just put her onto the trail of what you accuse- I mean come on dude use your resources!

I know you're an incurable narcissist but really. You can't repeat a single comment without lying. I never wrote that I kept everything you said for the past 10 years, apparently your self-absorption overcame your reading comprehension.

"I want you to remember how your pal Tutu used to say I had a "Nazi notes file" about different posters. Damn straight I do, and whatever you think you can accuse me or the others of doing, I can trump you ten times over."
I know you're an incurable narcissist but really. You can't repeat a single comment without lying. I never wrote that I kept everything you said for the past 10 years, apparently your self-absorption overcame your reading comprehension.

"I want you to remember how your pal Tutu used to say I had a "Nazi notes file" about different posters. Damn straight I do, and whatever you think you can accuse me or the others of doing, I can trump you ten times over."
LOL- OH look chris is embarrassed about her obsessiveness and is now trying to split hairs :rofl:

Listen I DO HAVE a birdie or 2 or 3 <winkers> vodka breath; beer breath; whiskey breath OH-MY - Now file this away and threaten me with it in another 10 years BWA-HAHAHA~ hey chris "birdies" BOO!
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