Alias has been permabanned

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The only way you "know" what I'm doing behind the scenes is via info from your hackers. Let's get that out in the open. And now you're mad because your support system is gone and your supply line's been shut down. I feel so bad for you... really, I do.

So now it's "my hackers and support system"??? :rofl: Nope- it's just birdies (whistling)

I PMed with poet, but since I'm not you, what we discussed stays in PM.

He is such a lying prick, he outed the personal info. I told the oleaginous twat if he wasn't happy to just delete it but Yurt has a desperate need to play to the gallery and couldn't wait to spew his guts to all and sundry.
So you weren't wrong in giving out Poet's info; just WHO you gave it to. :good4u:

So why did you side with me before and then do a complete volte face? There is nothing that you know now that you didn't know then! Anyway, since when did you try to take the moral high ground as we all know that you and yours share info and have done for many years.
1. the rules also state you cannot stalk someone and pass along their personal information. funny how you ignore that rule. only an idiot who is desperate to defend himself would compare a PM to attorney/client privilege.

2. i have never talked about any briefs on this site. how do you know i even write briefs? did you stalk me tom?

You have mentioned once or twice on here that you have been busy or will be busy studying briefs, so stop being so fucking paranoid.
Suggestion for Damo.
Either put this twaddle in the 'Where threads go to die' or confine the major trouble causers to this thread and nothing else.
This is, quite possibly, the most immature, most offensive thread I have ever seen.

Advice to the 'nicer' people who have been drawn in: Leave Damned Yank, Ice Dancer and that ridiculous immature excuse for an adult Dumbo, to themselves. They can rip everyone to shreds and only the stupids will give a damn.
Dumbo, don't bother.
she was warned twice by damo, not grind,

why is that relevant? all mods consent to a banning. something you continually miss. The fact that I didn't warn her means literally nothing. Also, there were numerous times where damo would post in threads to stop, to cut it out, to edit posts, etc. Usaloyal was warned amply. She wouldn't stop playing the personal information game, and it bit her in the ass. Most people are able to stay out of that low area, she was unable too.
why is that relevant? all mods consent to a banning. something you continually miss. The fact that I didn't warn her means literally nothing. Also, there were numerous times where damo would post in threads to stop, to cut it out, to edit posts, etc. Usaloyal was warned amply. She wouldn't stop playing the personal information game, and it bit her in the ass. Most people are able to stay out of that low area, she was unable too.

It matters because you stated she was warned numerous times...she was not. Nice edit of context Mr. Bias. But yeah, grind, she couldn't stay out of it- /sarcasm
Where is your PROOF of anything from the last few days Tom?
And please show where ID posted anything that was of a personal nature to Poet?

By the way; I knew more about Poet, before the situation between you and Yurt ever came up.
It's because he posted so much info about himself, that he was easy to find and I never shared anything with anyone.

Tom I know you like being the Queen of England; but right now, you're acting like the Bitch of Britian. :)

I am well aware of that, you couldn't stop bragging about it!
So the permission was "implied", which of course meant you could share hs info with who-ever you wanted to.
I see how your logic in that works.
It's Yurt's FAULT for you giving him the link.'s Yurt's fault for PASSING THE INFO ALONG.

When will that bit of info finally sink through that thick skull of yours?
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