Alias has been permabanned

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you're absolutely right. i'm done.

Suuuuuuuuuuure you are...

lmao....sending me an PM has nothing to do with attorney/client privilege. you have no expectation of privacy. we had no agreement regarding privacy. you don't even know for sure if i am a lawyer, well, maybe you stalked me like you did poet. you did not send that PM to me as my client. your false analogy is truly hilarious.

and you still can't admit you were wrong to give out poet's information. you are truly amazing. oh well, your morals are fucked, at least i can sleep well at night knowing my morals are nothing like yours.

WOW...TWO whole posts later you're right back into it.

Just another example of how Yurt doesn't keep his word.
poet said he left because people outed his personal information. tom outed his personal information.

care to try again? or are you going to simply defend tom for passing along poet's personal information? bitch when others do exactly what tom did.

You outed the info, you blubbering vagina!!
It matters because you stated she was warned numerous times...she was not. Nice edit of context Mr. Bias. But yeah, grind, she couldn't stay out of it- /sarcasm

yes... she was, by damo.

Her posts were also edited/deleted, and we made posts in threads that you may not be counting as "official warnings" even though that's exactly what they are.

(and I am accepting what you are saying at face value, i probably did tell her warned her too, though I don't remember) why is this hard for you to understand? us mods don't act independently. sometimes a post will be reported and one of us is the one that goes off to warn/delete etc.

You keep bringing up christie, but if you go back to the thread where we talk about usaloyal behing banned, we emphasize very clearly it wasn't JUST about one incident, but the culmination of everything as well. Christie has no where near the violations that usaloyal (or you) have. And we almost never perma ban for a solitary offense. Your conservative buddy was even allowed to come back after posting a picture.

usaloyal definitely couldn't stay out of it. And everyone knows it. We were 100% open for our reasons in banning her, posted it all over the forum as to why.
Everyone has heard the things you have said about christie too.

But guess what? No one has written to us, or said much of anything about her being gone, except you, and maybe one other person. The whole board knows what's up. Your theories have been categorically rejected across the the site by pretty much everyone. Sorry your scumbag friend is gone, maybe they shouldn't have broken the rules
:( :( :( :( :(

He is such a lying prick, he outed the personal info. I told the oleaginous twat if he wasn't happy to just delete it but Yurt has a desperate need to play to the gallery and couldn't wait to spew his guts to all and sundry.

you're such a liar. how did i out his information? you're just pissy because you got caught being a stalker and outing poet's personal information. amazing how it is bad that i allegedly out his information, but completely okay that you actually outed his information. how do live with yourself?
you're such a moron. that was not talking about poet you fucking dumbass liar.


Damo's post was a response to the ongoing Poet discussion.

YOU said you were D-O-N-E.

Two posts later you respond to Tom's post about you, Tom and POET.

You really will say anything to keep from admitting you were wrong, won't you?

Damo's post was a response to the ongoing Poet discussion.

YOU said you were D-O-N-E.

Two posts later you respond to Tom's post about you, Tom and POET.

You really will say anything to keep from admitting you were wrong, won't you?

damo mentioned talking about poet when he isn't here. why do you lie so often?
is that why you constantly obsess over my personal life? constantly mentioning personal information about me....

you're a deranged stalker.

Your best buddies ID and USF have both admitted to exchanging private info, so why aren't you denouncing them as well, you partisan hack!
damo mentioned talking about poet when he isn't here. why do you lie so often?

So you admit Damo was referring to Poet when he made his comment.

Indeed...Poet was the subject when you replied to Damo that you were done...and Poet was STILL the subject when you reversed course and jumped right back into the discussion despite giving your word not two posts prior.
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