Alias has been permabanned

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OH KNOWS- not JPP investigations! Where the objectivity is reserved for people who want you gone ;) Yes, Loyal understands that objectivity. Though it was claimed she was warned over and over numerous times- the facts are that she was warned twice by damo, not grind, and then BAM perma banned though chris committed the exact same offence- yes, investigations by the magnanimous mods of jpp-

Do I sound cynical?

I was told I could not report posts and told to report posts- I have been accused of illegal activity and had that accusation given credibility by these magnanimous objective mods- so yeah, I guess cynicism is not an unlikely result?

Then again I think if I had darla and her screeching co- hors (snicker) zapp, chris and rana screeching bloody murder and flailing about, I would just want them to STFU and throw them a carrot or two.

You can defend loyal's lying ass till hell freezes over but we know what she did, and it wasn't limited to posting a name. And, since she herself referred to your kid's name without a peep of criticism from you, your outrage seems a little feigned. And don't bother claiming that you gave her permission to do it because then it changes your complaint from being outraged that the name was posted at all (in a play on words, too), to being outraged because someone you hate posted it.

And let's not forget that you did the same thing loyal did except you didn't bother to disguise it. So, why are you still here?
LOL- OH look chris is embarrassed about her obsessiveness and is now trying to split hairs :rofl:

Listen I DO HAVE a birdie or 2 or 3 <winkers> vodka breath; beer breath; whiskey breath OH-MY - Now file this away and threaten me with it in another 10 years BWA-HAHAHA~ hey chris "birdies" BOO!

Embarrassed? Hardly. Just pointing out another one of your congenital lies.

We know you have birdies, except we refer to them by their formal name as "hackers". :D
Sorry but I know why poet left and it wasn't because of Tom. You lose.

So Poet didn't mind that Tom gave out a link to his personal info!! :good4u:

you've said so much about yourself that tom sent me a link of your music.


Well, that was patently against the rules. Which means you're aware of my alias, and privy to my personal info.

i asked him if he was giving me personal information against the rules and he said you put the info out on the board.

for someone who cares so much about his privacy, why do you give out so much personal information?

I have never posted links to my music. My music is under my alias, which I haven't revealed here, but, funnily, quite a few of you seem to know. Wonder how.
If I had posted links to my music....what would be the need for an alias? Think about it.

take it up with tom. i didn't ask for the PM about you. and expressed my concerns to him about giving out personal information.

I'm over it, at this point. I'm not ashamed of who I am....and find it pathetic that you and others are so concerned with the personal aspects of my life, which I'd match any day, to yours.
Sorry but I know why poet left and it wasn't because of Tom. You lose.

poet said he left because people outed his personal information. tom outed his personal information.

care to try again? or are you going to simply defend tom for passing along poet's personal information? bitch when others do exactly what tom did.
poet said he left because people outed his personal information. tom outed his personal information.

care to try again? or are you going to simply defend tom for passing along poet's personal information? bitch when others do exactly what tom did.

I PMed with poet, but since I'm not you, what we discussed stays in PM.
You can defend loyal's lying ass till hell freezes over but we know what she did, and it wasn't limited to posting a name. And, since she herself referred to your kid's name without a peep of criticism from you, your outrage seems a little feigned. And don't bother claiming that you gave her permission to do it because then it changes your complaint from being outraged that the name was posted at all (in a play on words, too), to being outraged because someone you hate posted it.

And let's not forget that you did the same thing loyal did except you didn't bother to disguise it. So, why are you still here?

Fuck you, chris, who is up to your eyeballs in playing the behind the scenes search and post and pass and sniff! You did exactly what loyal did. YOU posted my children's names without my permission. THAT is what she was banned for doing using a spelling that was SO exaggerated that NO ONE knew who she was talking about- EXCEPT darla and perhaps someone who KNEW her niece already. The outrage all of you shriek over this whole cluster fuck is disgusting in its hypocrisy!
I PMed with poet, but since I'm not you, what we discussed stays in PM.

then you already gave out PM conversation because you claim you know that poet didn't leave because tom outed him. and that was from poet's PM.


good job. and you only prove what a dishonest hack poet is. whining about others outing him, but having no problem tom outed him. you guys are truly sick in the head.
So Poet didn't mind that Tom gave out a link to his personal info!! :good4u:

Quote Originally Posted by christiefan915 View Post
Sorry but I know why poet left and it wasn't because of Tom. You lose.

Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
you've said so much about yourself that tom sent me a link of your music.

Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
Well, that was patently against the rules. Which means you're aware of my alias, and privy to my personal info.

Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
i asked him if he was giving me personal information against the rules and he said you put the info out on the board.

for someone who cares so much about his privacy, why do you give out so much personal information?

Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
I have never posted links to my music. My music is under my alias, which I haven't revealed here, but, funnily, quite a few of you seem to know. Wonder how.
If I had posted links to my music....what would be the need for an alias? Think about it.

Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
take it up with tom. i didn't ask for the PM about you. and expressed my concerns to him about giving out personal information.

Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
I'm over it, at this point. I'm not ashamed of who I am....and find it pathetic that you and others are so concerned with the personal aspects of my life, which I'd match any day, to yours.

Nailed it Free! Or should I say <3 Cowboy ;)
You can defend loyal's lying ass till hell freezes over but we know what she did, and it wasn't limited to posting a name. And, since she herself referred to your kid's name without a peep of criticism from you, your outrage seems a little feigned. And don't bother claiming that you gave her permission to do it because then it changes your complaint from being outraged that the name was posted at all (in a play on words, too), to being outraged because someone you hate posted it.

And let's not forget that you did the same thing loyal did except you didn't bother to disguise it. So, why are you still here?

Fuck you, chris, who is up to your eyeballs in playing the behind the scenes search and post and pass and sniff! You did exactly what loyal did. YOU posted my children's names without my permission. THAT is what she was banned for doing using a spelling that was SO exaggerated that NO ONE knew who she was talking about- EXCEPT darla and perhaps someone who KNEW her niece already. The outrage all of you shriek over this whole cluster fuck is disgusting in its hypocrisy!

The only way you "know" what I'm doing behind the scenes is via info from your hackers. Let's get that out in the open. And now you're mad because your support system is gone and your supply line's been shut down. I feel so bad for you... really, I do.
then you already gave out PM conversation because you claim you know that poet didn't leave because tom outed him. and that was from poet's PM.


good job. and you only prove what a dishonest hack poet is. whining about others outing him, but having no problem tom outed him. you guys are truly sick in the head.

Wrong. But spin it whatever way you want, if it helps to take the onus off your stupid decision to bring private info to the forum.
That's right you save posting personal info for those you don't like.

The only way you "know" what I'm doing behind the scenes is via info from your hackers. Let's get that out in the open. And now you're mad because your support system is gone and your supply line's been shut down. I feel so bad for you... really, I do.

The supply line is still open; because hackers are really good. :)
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