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Which is what I suspected all along, at least you've now admitted that you had done the exact same thing. I even willing to believe that you never shared info with Yurt but I'm damn sure you sent it to USF et al. Shame on me for trying to show a positive side to Poet when faced with an onslaught of negativity surrounding the man.

Where is your PROOF of anything from the last few days Tom?
And please show where ID posted anything that was of a personal nature to Poet?

By the way; I knew more about Poet, before the situation between you and Yurt ever came up.
It's because he posted so much info about himself, that he was easy to find and I never shared anything with anyone.

Tom I know you like being the Queen of England; but right now, you're acting like the Bitch of Britian. :)
Where is your PROOF of anything from the last few days Tom?
And please show where ID posted anything that was of a personal nature to Poet?

By the way; I knew more about Poet, before the situation between you and Yurt ever came up.
It's because he posted so much info about himself, that he was easy to find and I never shared anything with anyone.

Tom I know you like being the Queen of England; but right now, you're acting like the Bitch of Britian. :)

No, you didn't share info directly. What you chose to do instead was post any amount of negative info that you had gleaned from the clues that he provided. The constant references to his stature, hair style and the mayor of Houston are examples that spring to mind.
Which is what I suspected all along, at least you've now admitted that you had done the exact same thing. I even willing to believe that you never shared info with Yurt but I'm damn sure you sent it to USF et al. Shame on me for trying to show a positive side to Poet when faced with an onslaught of negativity surrounding the man.

I have always said I have done the exact same as you and your pals Tom- apart from you getting busted by yurt, you'd still be pretending to be completely innocent. Let us recall however that you sent links in PM's not me.

I never sent anything to Free either- do you have proof that I did? Of course not, but by all means continue the part of benevolent board hero of the poor underdog, that asshole, aka poet. Yes, you only get all snoopy and stuff for the good of others ;)
No, you didn't share info directly. What you chose to do instead was post any amount of negative info that you had gleaned from the clues that he provided. The constant references to his stature, hair style and the mayor of Houston are examples that spring to mind.

Whereas you just used it to to google him :rofl:
I have always said I have done the exact same as you and your pals Tom- apart from you getting busted by yurt, you'd still be pretending to be completely innocent. Let us recall however that you sent links in PM's not me.

I never sent anything to Free either- do you have proof that I did? Of course not, but by all means continue the part of benevolent board hero of the poor underdog that asshole aka poet. Yes, you only get all snoopy and stuff for the good of others ;)

So here is the important difference, I liked Poet and thought that he was a valuable addition to the board. I disagreed with him vehemently on many issues, but I never wanted him to leave, he pissed me off many times but what is the point of an ostensibly political forum if everybody agrees on everything?
No, you didn't share info directly. What you chose to do instead was post any amount of negative info that you had gleaned from the clues that he provided. The constant references to his stature, hair style and the mayor of Houston are examples that spring to mind.

Since you like to throw out accusations and then run away; I'll address each, in turn.

1. His stature was discussed, due to his desire to make himself appear larger then life.
2. His hair stayle wasn't discussed or known, until he stated it himself.
3. He's the one who mentioned the Mayor.

Now; when you find the time, in your busy schedule, please show what you disagree with and why.
Thanks a lot.
So here is the important difference, I liked Poet and thought that he was a valuable addition to the board. I disagreed with him vehemently on many issues, but I never wanted him to leave, he pissed me off many times but what is the point of an ostensibly political forum if everybody agrees on everything?

Which has what to do with the price of tea in China?
So here is the important difference, I liked Poet and thought that he was a valuable addition to the board. I disagreed with him vehemently on many issues, but I never wanted him to leave, he pissed me off many times but what is the point of an ostensibly political forum if everybody agrees on everything?

But when you googled Loyal and I way back, when you didn't like us- You may not have gotten much of a scoop back then- but what you did get, you posted on the board. Do you recall poet having PMP banned from another forum for ostensibly doing that? How about when you fist started posting here and you posted my real name? The point you keep wishing to pretend is non-existent, is that you and your pals do this shit all the time- you have for years. You are all a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Since you like to throw out accusations and then run away; I'll address each, in turn.

1. His stature was discussed, due to his desire to make himself appear larger then life.
2. His hair stayle wasn't discussed or known, until he stated it himself.
3. He's the one who mentioned the Mayor.

Now; when you find the time, in your busy schedule, please show what you disagree with and why.
Thanks a lot.

Fascinating diatribe which is somewhat undermined by the admission by ID that she, and no doubt you as well, looked up his personal info. Frankly, I don't have any problem with that unless it is used in a malevolent manner. Therein, in my mind, lies the quintessential difference.
Fascinating diatribe which is somewhat undermined by the admission by ID that she, and no doubt you as well, looked up his personal info. Frankly, I don't have any problem with that unless it is used in a malevolent manner. Therein, in my mind, lies the essential difference.

Yep justifier's <sic> are always above it all- That is all you have proven Tom.
Fascinating diatribe which is somewhat undermined by the admission by ID that she, and no doubt you as well, looked up his personal info. Frankly, I don't have any problem with that unless it is used in a malevolent manner. Therein, in my mind, lies the essential difference.

I've already said that he provided so much information, that I was able to find him.
NOW, show how I used it in a malevolent manner.

Tom; you're doing nothing but making yourself look even worse, by trying to appear innocent.

You accused me of three things, which I addressed.
Can't you refute them; because we only have your ADMISSION that you liked Poet and a case could be made that you passed on the info, because you had evil intentions?
I've already said that he provided so much information, that I was able to find him.
NOW, show how I used it in a malevolent manner.

Tom; you're doing nothing but making yourself look even worse, by trying to appear innocent.

You accused me of three things, which I addressed.
Can't you refute them; because we only have your ADMISSION that you liked Poet and a case could be made that you passed on the info, because you had evil intentions?

Tom who has been nothing if not rude and nasty towards yurt, benevolently sent him personal info about one of his, yurt's, antagonists- Nah- Tom was just being "benevolent" :rofl:
Tom who has been nothing if not rude and nasty towards yurt, benevolently sent him personal info about one of his, yurt's, antagonists- Nah- Tom was just being "benevolent" :rofl:

It looks like Tom could be under investigation, if Yurt says that Tom sent him the info just so Yurt could use it against Poet.
Tom who has been nothing if not rude and nasty towards yurt, benevolently sent him personal info about one of his, yurt's, antagonists- Nah- Tom was just being "benevolent" :rofl:

That happened during a period when I thought the man had mellowed, foolishly on my part, for the better. I'm sure that you want to imply some other motive but seriously if what you stated was true, why the fuck would I send him a link about Poet if I thought he would broadcast all over the board? As much as I've disliked him in the past, I always thought he was discreet and above petty juvenile behaviour, I now know that's not the case.
That happened during a period when I thought the man had mellowed, foolishly on my part, for the better. I'm sure that you want to imply some other motive but seriously if what you stated was true, why the fuck would I send him a link about Poet if I thought he would broadcast all over the board? As much as I've disliked him in the past, I always thought he was discreet and above petty juvenile behaviour, I now know that's not the case.
Hey, here's an idea that you can bounce around that distorted cranium of yours.

Why didn't you just ask Poet for the link to his mucic and such AND then ask Poet if you could send it to Yurt?

I eagerly await your convoluted logic.
It looks like Tom could be under investigation, if Yurt says that Tom sent him the info just so Yurt could use it against Poet.

OH KNOWS- not JPP investigations! Where the objectivity is reserved for people who want you gone ;) Yes, Loyal understands that objectivity. Though it was claimed she was warned over and over numerous times- the facts are that she was warned twice by damo, not grind, and then BAM perma banned though chris committed the exact same offence- yes, investigations by the magnanimous mods of jpp-

Do I sound cynical?

I was told I could not report posts and told to report posts- I have been accused of illegal activity and had that accusation given credibility by these magnanimous objective mods- so yeah, I guess cynicism is not an unlikely result?

Then again I think if I had darla and her screeching co- hors (snicker) zapp, chris and rana screeching bloody murder and flailing about, I would just want them to STFU and throw them a carrot or two.
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