Alias has been permabanned

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Let's talk about what did happen then, since you desperately want it out there again.

You both wound up with a short vacation, because you can't stop harboring your grudge you wound up doing exactly what you are accusing her of and posting that crap on the board.

ID was warned, the board was changed so you can't leave reputation remarks, she and yourself both wound up with a short vacation, and since then only you have spoken of your daughter on this board in that way.

Maybe you should rethink your grudges, you're holding those thoughts in your head, she has no power over what you think so stop giving it to her.

The sad thing is, about two years ago, one of the posters on this site wanted to contact me, screwed up, and accidentally sent me a personal e-mail, thus revealing their real name to me. I replied back, so they have mine as well, but I don't think they meant to. Anyway, I forgot the last name, but it would be funny to drop the real first name of this person, because a lot of people would be like "LOLZ, that makes so much sense!!!" However, I am determined to reign myself in, and not drop the real first name of this unnamed poster.

Aren't I awesome?!!? :cool:

I know the actual names of a few posters on here, but why would I want to post it?

Actually, I have posted my own name once. I don't think many people caught it.
If you find it, link us up. Anybody that this happens to needs to know who to report it to and what can be done.

Every state varies, as always. It seems you need to file a police report, as I was told, my computer was down and I finally got it up and running, so I will continue to research.
The sad thing is, about two years ago, one of the posters on this site wanted to contact me, screwed up, and accidentally sent me a personal e-mail, thus revealing their real name to me. I replied back, so they have mine as well, but I don't think they meant to. Anyway, I forgot the last name, but it would be funny to drop the real first name of this person, because a lot of people would be like "LOLZ, that makes so much sense!!!" However, I am determined to reign myself in, and not drop the real first name of this unnamed poster.

Aren't I awesome?!!? :cool:

Such self control, such mind muscles! Ooooolaaaaa!
don't forget zappa defended tom searching out poet's personal information and giving that personal information out to other forum member(s)

Hey arsehole, I gave that info to no one else but you. That you are an anal faggot who cannot keep anything to yourself is your fucking problem. You didn't even have the decency to apologise. I notice that ID seemed to have a lot of details about that link which only you were party to, so I can only assume that you passed it on to her.
Were you arrested?
Did you go to court?
Did you serve time?
Do your neighbors hold protests, against you?

If it's just about the accusation, then you need to reconsider your position; especially after all the "accusations" you've made yourself.

Grow the fuck up.

Grow the fuck up?? Who says that Americans can't do irony albeit unintentionally in this case.
Let's talk about what did happen then, since you desperately want it out there again.

You both wound up with a short vacation, because you can't stop harboring your grudge you wound up doing exactly what you are accusing her of and posting that crap on the board....
LOL Zippy The Fat was banned.
.....but I would rather be known as Threedee, because that is a badass name to be called. People at work have even started writing "3D" down on whiteboards in place of my last name, and I do not discourage this practice in the least. It will likely become my call-sign when I become a controller or technical assistant to controllers.

...If only he wouldn't wear those stupid 3-D glasses everywhere, the nickname would have never stuck...
Wow. Well, if that ain't the voice of experience speaking huh? "And you give yourself away..."

Not a thought that would ever cross my mind. Or anyone's. Anyone who hadn't had a BAD case of herpes and knew all about these "angry bumps" and "hellish itching" you are so vividly describing.

You are so fucking E-A-S-Y, you two are! Of course you would latch on to the herpes comment because you fail to see the irony of the analogy. You are, if nothing else, as predictable as a morning bowel movement and equally FOS!

How's the view perched up there on the head of my pin? What???? You feeling a little wobbly? Does it keep slipping up your cavernous butt cheeks and puncturing your twisted up intestines?

Keep on a'twistin' sistahs!
Herpes, huh? Well I wouldn't know but apparently you're up close and familiar with it. Those symptoms rolled off your tongue so easily I fear you've had personal experience with it.

You didn't say "whiskey breath" because it wasn't in the PM. You've been saying "vodka breath" and "beer breath" for a solid year now, all the while bragging that your "birdies" sent you this info. Why all the references to birdies, ID? Did you think that all your taunts about getting personal info from birdies was suddenly going to be erased from my memory, now that push comes to shove?

You are a desperate woman and it shows. I personally am not intimidating you; it's your lies and past behaviour that are the culprits. Chickens coming home to roost, to coin a phrase.

No, I'm not a legend in my own mind or otherwise. But I am patient and methodical. And We Know What You Did.

Well if not herpes- then what's your excuse for being such a crotchety hag? Like I said, no wonder the people in your life drink. And to think it's just your natural disposition and all. So am I to take it to mean that you prefer "vodka breath" or "beer breath" over whiskey breath then? <curious look>

Yes, yes, dear- your 10 years of "christies inane accumulation files <CIA>. Of course it's definitely a legendary feat if ever there were one :rofl:
Well if not herpes- then what's your excuse for being such a crotchety hag? Like I said, no wonder the people in your life drink. And to think it's just your natural disposition and all. So am I to take it to mean that you prefer "vodka breath" or "beer breath" over whiskey breath then? <curious look>

Yes, yes, dear- your 10 years of "christies inane accumulation files <CIA>. Of course it's definitely a legendary feat if ever there were one :rofl:


Hey arsehole, I gave that info to no one else but you. That you are an anal faggot who cannot keep anything to yourself is your fucking problem. You didn't even have the decency to apologise. I notice that ID seemed to have a lot of details about that link which only you were party to, so I can only assume that you passed it on to her. haven't apologized for stalking poet and giving out his personal information....:pke:

of the two wrongs, me telling people you gave me his info vs. you stalking him and giving out his info...yours is definitely the greater wrong. haven't apologized for stalking poet and giving out his personal information....:pke:

of the two wrongs, me telling people you gave me his info vs. you stalking him and giving out his info...yours is definitely the greater wrong.

You do not have the slightest idea what communications I've had with Poet and that way it will stay. I notice that you are not denying sharing that info with others.
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