Alias has been permabanned

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So how come you know so much about the content of that link?
Why don't you post, what she's said that shows knowledge of what you accuse her of?
That is, unless you can't; because you're just jumping on the Darla bandwagon, but you want to leave yourself a way out when the wheels come off.
Why don't you post, what she's said that shows knowledge of what you accuse her of?
That is, unless you can't; because you're just jumping on the Darla bandwagon, but you want to leave yourself a way out when the wheels come off.

She only stated it a day or two ago but I can't be bothered to wade through a load of crap to get it. This has nothing to do with your ongoing hillbilly feud that goes back into the dim annuals of history. I wish Poet would come back and clear it all up but I doubt that very much.
She only stated it a day or two ago but I can't be bothered to wade through a load of crap to get it. This has nothing to do with your ongoing hillbilly feud that goes back into the dim annuals of history. I wish Poet would come back and clear it all up but I doubt that very much.

It's just to much trouble, as opposed of making unsubstantiated accustions.
So how come you know so much about the content of that link?

Because I know everything- I can hack everyone's PM's and email- Have you not been paying attention?

I know about the link as much as everyone else that read the posts you dolt! You Googled poet and scored on finding out about him. You shared that info with another poster without poet's permission- Like darla et al, sharing info about others is only taboo and outrageous when it happens to you- when you are the perpetrator it is perfectly OK and rationalized.
She only stated it a day or two ago but I can't be bothered to wade through a load of crap to get it. This has nothing to do with your ongoing hillbilly feud that goes back into the dim annuals of history. I wish Poet would come back and clear it all up but I doubt that very much.

OMG Tom come off it- chris has admitted she is the CIA keeper of EVERYTHING I have ever said for the past 10 years- just put her onto the trail of what you accuse- I mean come on dude use your resources!
Because I know everything- I can hack everyone's PM's and email- Have you not been paying attention?

I know about the link as much as everyone else that read the posts you dolt! You Googled poet and scored on finding out about him. You shared that info with another poster without poet's permission- Like darla et al, sharing info about others is only taboo and outrageous when it happens to you- when you are the perpetrator it is perfectly OK and rationalized.

What you neglected to mention, because it suits your purpose, is that I had already said on the board that I had heard some of Poet's music and compared it to Depeche Mode. He was more than happy with me endorsing his music and stated as much. I sent the link to Yurt to show a positive side to Poet and foolishly, as it turned out, thought that he was discreet. Not a mistake that I will repeat again.
Not too much trouble so much as totally pointless, I'm sure you are more than capable of finding it yourself.

I made the decision to help your poor lying ass and went back and checked.
ID made 13 posts on the 11th, 9 posts on the 12th, 0 on the 13th, and 9 more on the 14th.

Out of all the posts, I only found one that you might have assumed to read something out of:

Fuck you bitch. I don't have your nieces picture- I had a PB account where you got my picture from. I posted your picture there for you- I guess alias googled icedancer and came up with that account- Like Tom googled info about poet and sent a link to yurt. A link that had poets picture and personal information- No outrage from you over Tom doing that. You are conniving hypocrite darla. YOU have never left this site and have numerous troll accounts no wonder you know so much about how to never get banned and always be able to log in. If I wanted to post your personal info I would post the pictures of my caller ID that show your calling my home. You called my home and asked for my daughter. YOU are so in your element playing the femme fatal- See, Freedom, is the only conservative poster here that knows your dubious nature. Chris; zap and rana are as guilty as you- but they keep your secrets.

Time for you to put or shut up Tom.
But then, I'm sure you'll try to lie your way out of your own statement.
What you neglected to mention, because it suits your purpose, is that I had already said on the board that I had heard some of Poet's music and compared it to Depeche Mode. He was more than happy with me endorsing his music and stated as much. I sent the link to Yurt to show a positive side to Poet and foolishly, as it turned out, thought that he was discreet. Not a mistake that I will repeat again.

Like I said it is always justified when you or your pals do it- I guess it is not my fault that alias was not "discreet" right? No, of course not- because we are talking about me. You have been a total asshole to yurt- yet you decide in a benevolent moment to send yurt a link that would provide him with personal info about a poster that was an antagonist of his?

But thanks for making mine and yurts point about how it's only wrong when it is not you or your pals... nice.

One last thing, yurt, only disclosed getting that link from you while defending me against poet's accusations.
I made the decision to help your poor lying ass and went back and checked.
ID made 13 posts on the 11th, 9 posts on the 12th, 0 on the 13th, and 9 more on the 14th.

Out of all the posts, I only found one that you might have assumed to read something out of:

Time for you to put or shut up Tom.
But then, I'm sure you'll try to lie your way out of your own statement.

Well done, I knew you could do it if you tried. How did she know that the link had Poet's picture and personal info, I never revealed any of the details to anybody bar Yurt?
I made the decision to help your poor lying ass and went back and checked.
ID made 13 posts on the 11th, 9 posts on the 12th, 0 on the 13th, and 9 more on the 14th.

Out of all the posts, I only found one that you might have assumed to read something out of:

Time for you to put or shut up Tom.
But then, I'm sure you'll try to lie your way out of your own statement.

Here is where it started-
Not too much trouble so much as totally pointless, I'm sure you are more than capable of finding it yourself.

I'm sorry that something important came up and after making 4 posts in 30 minutes, 2 of which were you making and then supporting an accusation, you had to run off and weren't able to see what was presented to refute your assertion.

I hope the emegency works out ok, for you.
You do not have the slightest idea what communications I've had with Poet and that way it will stay. I notice that you are not denying sharing that info with others.

you think poet appreciates you giving out his personal information? that is why he left the board because of stalkers like you. i don't rise to your false accusations asshole.
Well done, I knew you could do it if you tried. How did she know that the link had Poet's picture and personal info, I never revealed any of the details to anybody bar Yurt?

UH-GEE, Let me think about this.

OH-YEAH; it's because Yurt and you discussed it and it was disclosed that the link you porvided Yurt had Poet's picture and personal info at the site.

YEAH, that's it.

Where's the support for your assertion accusation, Tom?
Why I did what you did TOM I Googled- but I, unlike you, NEVER sent a link to anyone.

Which is what I suspected all along, at least you've now admitted that you had done the exact same thing. I even willing to believe that you never shared info with Yurt but I'm damn sure you sent it to USF et al. Shame on me for trying to show a positive side to Poet when faced with an onslaught of negativity surrounding the man.
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