An Apology for DamnYankee

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Excuse me, but when you don't recall saying something....something so personal, obviously in a "fit of anger", and someone reminds you of it, months later...were you lying, or simply didn't remember? Rhetorical. Unjustly? Is it just to make reference to my sexual orientation, the n-word, and to submit that I'm headed to Hell in a gasoline handbasket, day in and day out...on a "political debate forum"? Were it any other person other than DY, Alias, ID, or yourself, I'd apologize in a heartbeat. But I suggest you wait for it. You'll be waiting.

Yes, I can actually agree with this sentiment... Though I ask only YOU and your pals remember it when demanding higher standards for yourselves from those you name.
First of all, I would like to thank USFreedom for ripping into the mods and exposing the truth. We've had some heated debates over the years but we are united over our common enemy, the lying dirt bag, Patch. :D

I saw what I thought was an unfairness and undertook the task of righting it.
I would have done the same if it had been Poet.

What you and Poet both fail to see; is that both of you are cut from the same cloth, just from different corners.
Neither one of you is willing to consider anything that goes against your ingrained beliefs and both of you automatically dismiss the majority of anything that is presented to you.

Where I differ, is that I've argued with you on some of your comments; but heaven forbid that a Liberal ever challange Poet.

On the other hand, I do believe that a percentage of the mods are to willing to fasten themselves to oneside, rather then be objective and deal with all violations the same.

Now that I've posted this; let all of the spitefull comments commence. :D
He clearly stated he didn't remember posting the info. You acusing someone of lying does not then compell them to apologise.

So if the information hadn't been posted by Poet and DY had mentioned it; you would be willing to have the ban on DY listed, when he said that he thought it had been posted?
And here you are lying again.
I find you amusing and nothing else and I'm not groaning your every post, nor am I "chasing you" all over the forum.

Go lie to your counseler, seeing as how it's obvious you have no intention of bettering yourself.

Once again, I don't lie. You're a liar. And you dumb mf'er, counselor is spelled thusly. And what I do in my personal life is none of your goddamn business.
Bettering one's self. Think about going back to school and getting your GED, and perhaps, you could move to an adult correctional facility, starting from the ground up...instead of supervising juveniles. Don't worry. That personal info was on your profile.
Awwwww...USF gots his undies all bunched up cuz hims don't like Grind pointing out that USF is a stalker...

AH LOOK, zippy not only defends Poet's lies; but now Grind's also.
You really should try thinking for yourself, zippy; but then, that would mean that you actually have to take a stand and be responsible.
Excuse me, but when you don't recall saying something....something so personal, obviously in a "fit of anger", and someone reminds you of it, months later...were you lying, or simply didn't remember? Rhetorical. Unjustly? Is it just to make reference to my sexual orientation, the n-word, and to submit that I'm headed to Hell in a gasoline handbasket, day in and day out...on a "political debate forum"? Were it any other person other than DY, Alias, ID, or yourself, I'd apologize in a heartbeat. But I suggest you wait for it. You'll be waiting.

But wait a minute.
Isn't the growth dependent upon you and not others; therefore you offering an apology should have nothing to do with what anyone else does or says, you lying fuckwad.
I saw what I thought was an unfairness and undertook the task of righting it.
I would have done the same if it had been Poet.

What you and Poet both fail to see; is that both of you are cut from the same cloth, just from different corners.
Neither one of you is willing to consider anything that goes against your ingrained beliefs and both of you automatically dismiss the majority of anything that is presented to you.

Where I differ, is that I've argued with you on some of your comments; but heaven forbid that a Liberal ever challange Poet.

On the other hand, I do believe that a percentage of the mods are to willing to fasten themselves to oneside, rather then be objective and deal with all violations the same.

Now that I've posted this; let all of the spitefull comments commence. :D




We've got our winner ladies and gentlemen...the MOST, self-righteous, sanctimonious post ever to grace these boards!
Once again, I don't lie. You're a liar. And you dumb mf'er, counselor is spelled thusly. And what I do in my personal life is none of your goddamn business.
Bettering one's self. Think about going back to school and getting your GED, and perhaps, you could move to an adult correctional facility, starting from the ground up...instead of supervising juveniles. Don't worry. That personal info was on your profile.

You truly are an idiot and that alone is reason enough to continue to poke you with the pointy stick.
You lied when you said I groaned your every post.
You lie everytime you try to infer anything about my employment; because you have no knowledge of what it entails.
You lie everytime that you suggest that anyone "better" themselves and yet you completely ignore your own failings and shortcomings.
You lied when you said either DY was leaving or you were.
You lied when you said I was a "dumb mf'er", unless you have proof that I ever knew your mother.
You could help me remember her though. Does she wiggle and take part, or just lay there? Does she cry out in enjoyment, or does she remain mute? Does she smoke afterward, or just collect her quarters and leave?

You want to play the dozens?
It's just a little game.
But the way I fucked your mother, was a CRYING SHAME.

You're nothing but a village idiot; but at least you belong to our village.
Well, the first impression you made on me, that you were just another sacntimonious douchebag, has pretty much proven to be accurate, for the past decade.

But then, eveyone is aware that your perception is woefully lacking and that you have no ability to make a logical conclusion anyway.
You are a lying cunt. I know what my behavior has been . I also know what yours has been. You are a lying disingenuous hypocrite. You, zap, darla, and frog have played your BS in the background. One thing I know damo knows about me, is that I have always owned my crap bitch. You getting caught for posting personal info PROVED you are no different, except in the fact of owning your crap!.

I know you'd love to know where tutu is, but you'll just have to keep sticking your nose into internet searches to try and score the info.

Oh really? How would you know what anybody's doing or where they're doing it? Maybe you should provide some evidence of all this background business you're accusing us of.

Oh that's right, you don't do evidence. You just park your nasty ass here and reel out the lies in the hopes some gullible fool believes them. Well, you got one on the line, didn't you, the imbecilic bigot alias. I don't mind telling you I laughed uproariously when he got caught and banned for posting personal info you provided. Bet he'll think twice about doing your bidding when he returns. :D

You try to make it appear as if your "above the fray", so to speak; but everyone knows that you're no better then anyone else here, when it comes to the very things you whine about.
The only difference is; is that those who "align" themselves with you, don't dare to call you on it.
They're to worried about losing part of their febble foundation.

I am so much better than many here. You ought to know, from personal experience. Again, your stupid ass couldn't place in an second grade spelling bee. "Febble"?????????????????????????????????????????? The word you were going for was "feeble". It's ok, once in a while , to pick up a dictionary....provided you can find it based on how it's spelled. LOL.

None of those "aligned' with me, would hesitate to call me on my shit, were shit present. Can you say that? I think not...vermin have to stick up for vermin. I respect the moderation, and they have respected me, in this situation...contrary to popular belief.
You're the one with the weak position. And I can spell, bitch.
You were warned and forbade to ever bring our children up on these boards- Facts are this you attacked my personal life I attacked back- you, as was the case before, drug my children into it. PERIOD.

I mentioned no one but myself and my daughter...I am certainly allowed to mention my own daughter if I choose.
What a surprise...ID doesn't feel the need to corroborate any of her, until proven, BASELESS fictional tales.

I bet she comes up with her crazy "stories" about others while trying to blot out how often her first three exes looked elsewhere for the love and affection she couldn't provide.

Everybody here's going to have to bleach their screens after reading the filth she responded with.
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