An Apology for DamnYankee

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Uh, I don't have a problem telling the truth about myself, in any forum that I have been in. Anyone that has been in a 12-step program knows that honesty is the key to reclaiming one's life. I did not willfully lie about anything. I simply didn't recall that I had shared that bit of info about myself. And look, as in another forum, some forum members take the info and use it as a weapon............"to score points". How low is that? As if they have no skeletons in their closets, or "have a past". Always the "holier-than-thous". The "fake" Christians. I'm not going to change who I am because people have low self-esteem, and are unable to compete with my intelligence or integrity. Sorry.

Isn't asking for forgivness also part of those 12 steps; because you lied and created a situation where DY was consequenced unjustly. You owe an apology; but since you've based your life on lying to yourself, I'm sure none will be given.
:rofl: don't need to ms ugly stick- but I think you should keep stamping your orthopedic shoes and demand that I do so :D

What a surprise...ID doesn't feel the need to corroborate any of her, until proven, BASELESS fictional tales.

I bet she comes up with her crazy "stories" about others while trying to blot out how often her first three exes looked elsewhere for the love and affection she couldn't provide.
What a surprise...ID doesn't feel the need to corroborate any of her, until proven, BASELESS fictional tales.

I bet she comes up with her crazy "stories" about others while trying to blot out how often her first three exes looked elsewhere for the love and affection she couldn't provide.

Or that you are so fat your wife has become a flat one dimensional fuck toy.
Maybe, because you're the only one with a "hard-on" for me. It's really unflattering.....groaning my every post, chasing me all over the forum. If anyone has mental issues, it would be you. Are you denying it, in open forum?

And here you are lying again.
I find you amusing and nothing else and I'm not groaning your every post, nor am I "chasing you" all over the forum.

Go lie to your counseler, seeing as how it's obvious you have no intention of bettering yourself.
Isn't asking for forgivness also part of those 12 steps; because you lied and created a situation where DY was consequenced unjustly. You owe an apology; but since you've based your life on lying to yourself, I'm sure none will be given.

He clearly stated he didn't remember posting the info. You acusing someone of lying does not then compell them to apologise.
A leopard can't change spots, anymore than a skunk can dispel his or her stink. Folks generally tell you who they really are, within 5 or 10 minutes. And when they do, believe them.

So that first impression you made, was accurate and foretold all that has passed!! :)
You mean in that thread or some other thread you didn't cite?

He was 3rd poster I believe in that thread. He was the first to snark. Saying FU. Yes, I could find many more examples if I wanted to invest the time- That was the first try by simply going into his recent posts on his page and picking a snark. I then went to the beginning of that thread and saw that, yes, his was the first. I have never said he is always the first, simply that he far from only the "finisher" and never the "starter" of crap.
The first part of your accusation is BS.
I went to the link that shows all of Poets recent posts and just started back tracking, so you can take your stalking theory and shove it.

And here I thought it was in only countries that you were required to prove your innocence, instead of being proven guilty.
Ja, mein moderater

As to your 99%, your bias is showing; because more then less people on these forums have indulged in underhanded behavior. It just seems that specific individuals get a pass, as long as they "make nice".

By the way, since your so informed of people's behavior; what poster, other then Poet, has revealed so much about their personal life? Especially so much that they can't remember what they've revealed, or so he says.

Awwwww...USF gots his undies all bunched up cuz hims don't like Grind pointing out that USF is a stalker...
What? Do you think I'm a you? Gather them, dear. When you go back through them, be sure to note who started the ruckus. And isn't your own house "burning", and you have the wherewithal to be up in other people's business? Ain't you all of that. You must be super woman. Or super ho.


You try to make it appear as if your "above the fray", so to speak; but everyone knows that you're no better then anyone else here, when it comes to the very things you whine about.
The only difference is; is that those who "align" themselves with you, don't dare to call you on it.
They're to worried about losing part of their febble foundation.
Excuse me? Who was that directed to? Damn Yankee, that's who. With whom I've had bad blood since I arrived. If this is your example, you failed.

BS! The test was not because I have bad blood. The test was whether you are a starter or finisher of crap. You are a intellectually dishonest bitch- your quoted post right here proves that without a doubt. Keep making your justifications though, that ought to aid you well in your recovery <sarcasm>
Isn't asking for forgivness also part of those 12 steps; because you lied and created a situation where DY was consequenced unjustly. You owe an apology; but since you've based your life on lying to yourself, I'm sure none will be given.

Excuse me, but when you don't recall saying something....something so personal, obviously in a "fit of anger", and someone reminds you of it, months later...were you lying, or simply didn't remember? Rhetorical. Unjustly? Is it just to make reference to my sexual orientation, the n-word, and to submit that I'm headed to Hell in a gasoline handbasket, day in and day out...on a "political debate forum"? Were it any other person other than DY, Alias, ID, or yourself, I'd apologize in a heartbeat. But I suggest you wait for it. You'll be waiting.
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