An Apology for DamnYankee

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I am so much better than many here. You ought to know, from personal experience. Again, your stupid ass couldn't place in an second grade spelling bee. "Febble"?????????????????????????????????????????? The word you were going for was "feeble". It's ok, once in a while , to pick up a dictionary....provided you can find it based on how it's spelled. LOL.

None of those "aligned' with me, would hesitate to call me on my shit, were shit present. Can you say that? I think not...vermin have to stick up for vermin. I respect the moderation, and they have respected me, in this situation...contrary to popular belief.
You're the one with the weak position. And I can spell, bitch.

Your BS is so weak, that you're only defense is to complain about the spelling of others.
You're just another weak minded poser who needs to find any reason to try and make themself appear to be above it all.
The sad part is; is that you're so pathetic, that you'll never be able to see your own failures and instead will continue to walk around with your nose in the air oblivious to the fact that the stench originates from right above your upper lip.
But wait a minute.
Isn't the growth dependent upon you and not others; therefore you offering an apology should have nothing to do with what anyone else does or says, you lying fuckwad.

When folks are busy trying to stab you with their "steely, verbal knives", you don't apologize when one of them drops one. Penelope.
You truly are an idiot and that alone is reason enough to continue to poke you with the pointy stick.
You lied when you said I groaned your every post.
You lie everytime you try to infer anything about my employment; because you have no knowledge of what it entails.
You lie everytime that you suggest that anyone "better" themselves and yet you completely ignore your own failings and shortcomings.
You lied when you said either DY was leaving or you were.
You lied when you said I was a "dumb mf'er", unless you have proof that I ever knew your mother.
You could help me remember her though. Does she wiggle and take part, or just lay there? Does she cry out in enjoyment, or does she remain mute? Does she smoke afterward, or just collect her quarters and leave?

You want to play the dozens?
It's just a little game.
But the way I fucked your mother, was a CRYING SHAME.

You're nothing but a village idiot; but at least you belong to our village.

LOL. Buttons successfully pushed. You just lost it, girl. Put your cracked face back together.
When folks are busy trying to stab you with their "steely, verbal knives", you don't apologize when one of them drops one. Penelope.

But according to you; you adhere to the 12 Step program and you issuing an apology for a wrong you've committed, has nothing to do with the beahvior of others.
Their behavior is theirs and your behavior is yours.
What you're doing is attempting to make others responsible for YOUR behavior.
LOL. Buttons successfully pushed. You just lost it, girl. Put your cracked face back together.

So you admit you were lying, in an attempt to see what response you would receive.
Thanks for finally admitting that you're a liar and nothing more.
Oh really? How would you know what anybody's doing or where they're doing it? Maybe you should provide some evidence of all this background business you're accusing us of.

Oh that's right, you don't do evidence. You just park your nasty ass here and reel out the lies in the hopes some gullible fool believes them. Well, you got one on the line, didn't you, the imbecilic bigot alias. I don't mind telling you I laughed uproariously when he got caught and banned for posting personal info you provided. Bet he'll think twice about doing your bidding when he returns. :D

Keep stomping those orthopedic loafers ms. ugly stic. Vodka inhaling is bad for your disposition as evidenced by your behavior. I have all the proof I need- and more over I know you know it <kisses and hugs>
Your BS is so weak, that you're only defense is to complain about the spelling of others.
You're just another weak minded poser who needs to find any reason to try and make themself appear to be above it all.
The sad part is; is that you're so pathetic, that you'll never be able to see your own failures and instead will continue to walk around with your nose in the air oblivious to the fact that the stench originates from right above your upper lip.

Ad augusta per angusta high places, by narrow roads.

Complain? I'm not complaining. I'm pointing it out. You're a dumb ass, trying to compare yourself to me. I'm more intelligent than you. Far more clever. Talented and accomplished.
What else do you need to know? Poor white trash....vs. intelligent negro. Hell, yeah, I'm uppity. And can back it up.
You have some nerve. All that vulgarity and nastiness from two of the board's biggest hypocrites and you're calling out Rana?

:rolleyes: You're not actually taking sides, you're just randomly addressing all your comments to one side. :rolleyes:

i called out rana for her comments about christians, that has nothing to do with the shit being slung between you guys. btw...your post is entirely dishonest and ironic. typical for you though.
But according to you; you adhere to the 12 Step program and you issuing an apology for a wrong you've committed, has nothing to do with the beahvior of others.
Their behavior is theirs and your behavior is yours.
What you're doing is attempting to make others responsible for YOUR behavior.

Where did I say that I adhered to a 12-Step program? I mentioned a 12-step program's requirement of honesty, as conditional. Are you preaching to me? On what authority?
I take full responsibility for my words and actions. Is there a problem?
Ad augusta per angusta high places, by narrow roads.

Complain? I'm not complaining. I'm pointing it out. You're a dumb ass, trying to compare yourself to me. I'm more intelligent than you. Far more clever. Talented and accomplished.
What else do you need to know? Poor white trash....vs. intelligent negro. Hell, yeah, I'm uppity. And can back it up.

I never said uppity, you did.
I'm actually beginning to pity you; because you're so sure that you're correct, that you'll never ever change and will die just another pathetic soul who no one wants to associated with.
So you admit you were lying, in an attempt to see what response you would receive.
Thanks for finally admitting that you're a liar and nothing more.

You keep calling me a liar. I keep calling you a racist scumbag. Somebody is lying, and it ain't me.
I never said uppity, you did.
I'm actually beginning to pity you; because you're so sure that you're correct, that you'll never ever change and will die just another pathetic soul who no one wants to associated with.
Right. But not soon enough for you. And I'm ok with that.
Where did I say that I adhered to a 12-Step program? I mentioned a 12-step program's requirement of honesty, as conditional. Are you preaching to me? On what authority?
I take full responsibility for my words and actions. Is there a problem?

So you refer to something that you have no intendtions of adhereing to; ergo: you're not a recovering addict, you're just an addict.

The problem lies in the fact that you can't even be honest, regarding your own words and/or actions.

I pity you.
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