An Apology for DamnYankee

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Excuse me, but when you don't recall saying something....something so personal, obviously in a "fit of anger", and someone reminds you of it, months later...were you lying, or simply didn't remember? Rhetorical. Unjustly? Is it just to make reference to my sexual orientation, the n-word, and to submit that I'm headed to Hell in a gasoline handbasket, day in and day out...on a "political debate forum"? Were it any other person other than DY, Alias, ID, or yourself, I'd apologize in a heartbeat. But I suggest you wait for it. You'll be waiting.

So what, exactly, was this "personal information" that I supposedly exposed, and you forgot? :)
i called out rana for her comments about christians, that has nothing to do with the shit being slung between you guys. btw...your post is entirely dishonest and ironic. typical for you though.

Well knock me down with a feather...Yurt finds a way to justify his double standard.
Keep stomping those orthopedic loafers ms. ugly stic. Vodka inhaling is bad for your disposition as evidenced by your behavior. I have all the proof I need- and more over I know you know it <kisses and hugs>

If you think I wear "orthopedic loafers", whatever that's supposed to mean, you clearly know nothing about me, Ms. Muffin Top.

But one thing I know for sure about you, you've been had BIG TIME, and your swollen bleached-out mophead is too arrogant, too stupid or both, to realize it.

I have the proof I need, and what's more, you know I know. :D
I saw what I thought was an unfairness and undertook the task of righting it.
I would have done the same if it had been Poet.

What you and Poet both fail to see; is that both of you are cut from the same cloth, just from different corners.
Neither one of you is willing to consider anything that goes against your ingrained beliefs and both of you automatically dismiss the majority of anything that is presented to you.

Where I differ, is that I've argued with you on some of your comments; but heaven forbid that a Liberal ever challange Poet.

On the other hand, I do believe that a percentage of the mods are to willing to fasten themselves to oneside, rather then be objective and deal with all violations the same.

Now that I've posted this; let all of the spitefull comments commence. :D
You liberal shit bag! :D
i called out rana for her comments about christians, that has nothing to do with the shit being slung between you guys. btw...your post is entirely dishonest and ironic. typical for you though.

Well knock me over with a feather. You still find a way to excuse yourself for not calling out actual shit-slinging, but instead fixate on a comment about religion. What a weasel.
This post has been reported. I doubt that it will be dealt with as it should be.

Report this one while you're at it, hypocritical piece of shit.

Keeping up the good fight

Join DateAug 2011Posts1,010Thanks719Thanked 287 Times in 230 PostsGroans363Groaned 64 Times in 58 Posts

Or that you are so fat your wife has become a flat one dimensional fuck toy.

Well knock me over with a feather. You still find a way to excuse yourself for not calling out actual shit-slinging, but instead fixate on a comment about religion. What a weasel.

why are you such a liar?

not taking sides:

why is it you guys have such a personal vendetta? again, not taking sides. shit is slung from both banks.

i just don't get it.

it is ironic that you're fixated on me. apparently i can't comment on rana's comment about religion because you are obsessed with lying about me. what the fuck do you care? you zappyretard are so fixated on your faux outrage that you give yourselves a pass on all your own shit slinging. why can't rana answer her own question? why is it you and zappy need to come to her rescue?
Report this one while you're at it, hypocritical piece of shit.

Keeping up the good fight

Join DateAug 2011Posts1,010Thanks719Thanked 287 Times in 230 PostsGroans363Groaned 64 Times in 58 Posts

Or that you are so fat your wife has become a flat one dimensional fuck toy.

Since this is about children, are you suggesting that Zap married a child?
At least my daughter's going to have the same "Daddy" throughout her life and not have to get used to a "new dad" every few years!

no surprise poet, rana and christie support zappy talking about ID's daughter. ID was wrong to talk about your wife, but why bring her daughter into this? asshole.
Report this one while you're at it, hypocritical piece of shit.

Keeping up the good fight

Join DateAug 2011Posts1,010Thanks719Thanked 287 Times in 230 PostsGroans363Groaned 64 Times in 58 Posts

Or that you are so fat your wife has become a flat one dimensional fuck toy.

You mean my post in response to his attack of me? The statement that damo himself made to zap, on two separate occasions- FORBADE zap of posting about our children. He was told he could never again bring them up in a negative way to harass... he did. We shall see how serious damo was.
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