An Apology for DamnYankee

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And here I thought it was in only countries that you were required to prove your innocence, instead of being proven guilty.
Ja, mein moderater

We had reason to believe personal information was being posted given the information we had at the time. When we learned we were incorrect we immediately lifted the ban and apologized... I don't really know what else you would want. Protecting personal information is very important.

By the way, since your so informed of people's behavior; what poster, other then Poet, has revealed so much about their personal life? Especially so much that they can't remember what they've revealed, or so he says.

i specifically said that it's very rare for people to reveal stuff about their personal life, so I don't know why you are asking me to name others, when I said it was rare..
Yes, just as you have done on many occasions. Are you suggesting that toad would now see these as not "mere words"? And if she does not why can't she manage to admonish so many other posters like poet; zappa etc who use these "mere words" so liberally? Yes, I know, to answer honestly would shine a light on her hypocrisy- but go ahead show us your ability to be honest for a change tom.

Why can't you just grow up and show your family a good example, I'm sure that they are very proud of how you behave on here.
The first part of your accusation is BS.
I went to the link that shows all of Poets recent posts and just started back tracking, so you can take your stalking theory and shove it.

And here I thought it was in only countries that you were required to prove your innocence, instead of being proven guilty.
Ja, mein moderater

As to your 99%, your bias is showing; because more then less people on these forums have indulged in underhanded behavior. It just seems that specific individuals get a pass, as long as they "make nice".

By the way, since your so informed of people's behavior; what poster, other then Poet, has revealed so much about their personal life? Especially so much that they can't remember what they've revealed, or so he says.

Are you seriously going to deny that you don't get some sort of buzz at harassing people? You have a long track record as many can attest, how many years did you dog Christie over the "bitch got in the way"? I seem to remember that you insisted that you would never rest until you got an apology for it.
We had reason to believe personal information was being posted given the information we had at the time. When we learned we were incorrect we immediately lifted the ban and apologized... I don't really know what else you would want. Protecting personal information is very important.

i specifically said that it's very rare for people to reveal stuff about their personal life, so I don't know why you are asking me to name others, when I said it was rare..

Going on ID's previous history she will never stop harping on about it and it will get more and more embellished as time goes on. You should ban her and then all of this shit would stop.
because you knew what to look for, due to the fact you like stalking poet and know where he's posted very specific stuff?

Make no mistake, what was reported to us, was "personal info" in the sense that.... it's very personal facts about someone. It was also done by someone that has participated in posting personal information in the past. And was also currently being malicious and obviously harassing another user. So with that, it all looked to add up. It's also very rare a user posts their own very private information on here.

Lastly, as has been said many times in this thread before, no one that is banned is completely cut off, they are provided with a way to contact us if they feel we are in error. But given the nature of how important it is to protect personal information on this site, when faced with what we believe is sufficient evidence, we ban first. This is important because we feel protecting peoples privacy outweighs the potential of someone being banned for a day or two due to a mistake before it's cleared up.

It can be a sticky situation sometimes, though easily avoidable for 99% of users given most are respectful, non-malicious, hateful or spiteful posters. For the rest, it's obviously a different story.

Uh, I don't have a problem telling the truth about myself, in any forum that I have been in. Anyone that has been in a 12-step program knows that honesty is the key to reclaiming one's life. I did not willfully lie about anything. I simply didn't recall that I had shared that bit of info about myself. And look, as in another forum, some forum members take the info and use it as a weapon............"to score points". How low is that? As if they have no skeletons in their closets, or "have a past". Always the "holier-than-thous". The "fake" Christians. I'm not going to change who I am because people have low self-esteem, and are unable to compete with my intelligence or integrity. Sorry.
If it was discussed so "intently" then why was I able to find the information, after reading through approximetly 40 posts (took about an hour)?

Maybe, because you're the only one with a "hard-on" for me. It's really unflattering.....groaning my every post, chasing me all over the forum. If anyone has mental issues, it would be you. Are you denying it, in open forum?
Are you seriously going to deny that you don't get some sort of buzz at harassing people? You have a long track record as many can attest, how many years did you dog Christie over the "bitch got in the way"? I seem to remember that you insisted that you would never rest until you got an apology for it.

And when we all moved here from AOL, he was the one who stated we should leave the old shit behind and start over, new board, new day. Yet within two days iceslut was bringing old business over and using meme as her cat's paw.
And when we all moved here from AOL, he was the one who stated we should leave the old shit behind and start over, new board, new day. Yet within two days iceslut was bringing old business over and using meme as her cat's paw.

A leopard can't change spots, anymore than a skunk can dispel his or her stink. Folks generally tell you who they really are, within 5 or 10 minutes. And when they do, believe them.
A leopard can't change spots, anymore than a skunk can dispel his or her stink. Folks generally tell you who they really are, within 5 or 10 minutes. And when they do, believe them.

Truer words. They want to have it both ways. If we try to keep above the fray, we're hypocrites, as in iceslut calling me Ms. Holier than thou. If we get down into the fray, we're troublemakers and no better than the people we argue with. It's a no-win situation with these people, they always leave themselves enough wiggle room to justify the continued attacks.
Truer words. They want to have it both ways. If we try to keep above the fray, we're hypocrites, as in iceslut calling me Ms. Holier than thou. If we get down into the fray, we're troublemakers and no better than the people we argue with. It's a no-win situation with these people, they always leave themselves enough wiggle room to justify the continued attacks.

Exactly right. In my instance, rather than to address the topic or issue, some folks would rather resort to bringing up your personal info, to invalidate you as an honest or capable they are "pure, as the driven snow". I would spray Lysol if I had to be in the same room with some of these folks. They are not worthy to touch the hem of my garments. Riff raff.
Exactly right. In my instance, rather than to address the topic or issue, some folks would rather resort to bringing up your personal info, to invalidate you as an honest or capable they are "pure, as the driven snow". I would spray Lysol if I had to be in the same room with some of these folks. They are not worthy to touch the hem of my garments. Riff raff.

You know hypocrite, going and gathering your "personal attack" posts would be easier then blinking an eye, right?
Going on ID's previous history she will never stop harping on about it and it will get more and more embellished as time goes on. You should ban her and then all of this shit would stop.

Yes, because you never participate in shit. Tell us Tom how did you know my age- I had never told anyone. How did chris know the names of my kids- I had told no one. Though mods my have taken sides they are not so stupid, that they are blind to your hypocrisy and disingenuous superiority over the flame wars.
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You know hypocrite, going and gathering your "personal attack" posts would be easier then blinking an eye, right?

What? Do you think I'm a you? Gather them, dear. When you go back through them, be sure to note who started the ruckus. And isn't your own house "burning", and you have the wherewithal to be up in other people's business? Ain't you all of that. You must be super woman. Or super ho.
Yes, because you never participate in shit. Tell us Tom how did you know my age- I had never told anyone. How did chris know the names of my kids- I had told no one. Though mods my have taken sides they are not so stupid, that they are blind to your hypocrisy and disingenuous superiority over the flame wars.
What? Your personal info was posted "allegedly", and you have the nerve to side with Freedom, Alias, and Damn Yankee who are making personal info "the holy grail"????
You can't call anyone a hypocrite, a slut, bend over, or anything. You, yourself, embody "hypocrisy".
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