An Apology for DamnYankee

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I already intimated that I didn't recall posting that info. In any event, seeing that you have never made a mistake, I wouldn't expect you to empathize.
However, you, yourself, referred to Damon Wayans character from In Living Color, referring to my particular hairstyle. Not DY. Not Alias. You. Then DY starts referring to me as "Patchy". One need only to add 1 +1 to get to 2. But you lied and said that I divulged details of my particular hairstyle, which is only attached to my alternative alias, which you got from no one else but PMP.
And why are you still asking me personal questions...evidently, that you surmise the answers to???? Are you "on leave" from the correctional facility where you mentioned on your profile let it be known, that what's good for female geese is good for male ganders. Do you want to continue to play?

I also haven't seen you apologize for your "mistake", so you're comments appear a little bogus.

Let's play:
When you were married in 2003; did you take your then 30 year old partner to Louisiana, to meet any of your family and celebrate 7 years of kicking your addiction?
Hold your breath waiting on an apology. Nothing to apologize for. I didn't start it....I finished it.
And none of your damn business.
Hold your breath waiting on an apology. Nothing to apologize for. I didn't start it....I finished it.
And none of your damn business.

No you started something because you are an old man who forgot his own big mouth had already posted shit. You then went after a poster by reporting him for posting personal shit against the rules. Damo ended it because Freedom was diligent to get to the truth- something the moderator billy failed to do!

Hey Free maybe you should be a mod?
No you started something because you are an old man who forgot his own big mouth had already posted shit. You then went after a poster by reporting him for posting personal shit against the rules. Damo ended it because Freedom was diligent to get to the truth- something the moderator billy failed to do!

Hey Free maybe you should be a mod?

Nah, we all saw something that was rather personal, and none of us remembered him posting about it. If you remembered anything about it you could email us by using the contact us link at the bottom of the page. It would have been dealt with then as well. The first thing we worry about is the privacy rule. We believe it is better to err on the side of privacy and apologize later if we find out otherwise.
Nah, we all saw something that was rather personal, and none of us remembered him posting about it. If you remembered anything about it you could email us by using the contact us link at the bottom of the page. It would have been dealt with then as well. The first thing we worry about is the privacy rule. We believe it is better to err on the side of privacy and apologize later if we find out otherwise.

OH, I see ,so you all just banned without asking questions or seeing if anything wrong had been done...nice~
OH, I see ,so you all just banned without asking questions or seeing if anything wrong had been done...nice~


This is a case of somebody really trying hard to take what we say in the wrong way. I'm good with that. I look at the source. We debated the cause (revealing rehab) asked if anybody remembered them talking about it. Tried to find it, didn't. Banned.

It is best to act quickly in such cases before the person who is likely to be banned decides to leave it all out there and give out "all they have"...

This is a case of somebody really trying hard to take what we say in the wrong way. I'm good with that. I look at the source.

Yes yes damo I know you are good with BS. And I know you taking what will be the applauded position of "considering the source" as some sort of win- but I know you are being disingenuous and weak. You made a public statement in the other thread that was wrong. You have still failed to admit to it- more weakness... But I'm good with that.
:rofl: don't need to ms ugly stick- but I think you should keep stamping your orthopedic shoes and demand that I do so :D

How frantic of you. Instead of digging up the post and throwing it in my face, you resort to the usual obfuscation. Because what you have is a super-sized portion of nothing. So put up or shut up, Ms. Hairy Mole.
We debated the cause (revealing rehab) asked if anybody remembered them talking about it. Tried to find it, didn't. Banned.

It is best to act quickly in such cases before the person who is likely to be banned decides to leave it all out there and give out "all they have"...

Two things: Did it ever occur to you to just ask DY? Second, who has ever done what you fear? I have never seen anyone do it. Sounds just like the rationale our government uses to justify legislation to protect us.
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