An Apology for DamnYankee

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which you got from no one else but PMP.

I'm really getting sick of that same fucking lie being repeated over and over.....I could give a fuck what you wear on your head, whether it's a tuft of hair, a flower or a splatch of your best friends sperm.....I haven't discussed you with USFree, DY, Satan or the neighbor's Shitzu......take your fucking whining and shove it up your ass........
I'm really getting sick of that same fucking lie being repeated over and over.....I could give a fuck what you wear on your head, whether it's a tuft of hair, a flower or a splatch of your best friends sperm.....I haven't discussed you with USFree, DY, Satan or the neighbor's Shitzu......take your fucking whining and shove it up your ass........

Now you're talking about something he could get into~ Just sayin`
Hold your breath waiting on an apology. Nothing to apologize for. I didn't start it....I finished it.
And none of your damn business.

You didn't finish shit, bitch.
You lied, were exposed, and now the entire board can see how dishonest you've been.
You've been spanked and pwnd.
Two things: Did it ever occur to you to just ask DY? Second, who has ever done what you fear? I have never seen anyone do it. Sounds just like the rationale our government uses to justify legislation to protect us.

It may occur to you that you may want to be careful about what you are posting (not aimed at you personally, this is more general) because if a post is reported and we believe that the information is at a level of personal (hairstyle not so much, something like rehab yes) that can be damaging (and we do not quickly find a post that makes it clear the poster had previously made it public) we will act to protect the privacy of a user and prefer to apologize later, when necessary, in such circumstances.

You have this picture in your head that we got a report and acted. We didn't. We looked, asked each other, spoke about it and tried to do some quick and fruitless research, then acted.

We're actually talking about asking the other poster to explain themselves but we realize there is a way to contact us in your defense (using the contact us feature). Our main goal is to end the offense, our users do deserve for us to take action on what we consider our most important rule. Notifying a person who has information about somebody else can actually cause the issue we are trying to avoid by quick action. This is our number one rule for a reason.
It may occur to you that you may want to be careful about what you are posting (not aimed at you personally, this is more general) because if a post is reported and we believe that the information is at a level of personal (hairstyle not so much, something like rehab yes) that can be damaging (and we do not quickly find a post that makes it clear the poster had previously made it public) we will act to protect the privacy of a user and prefer to apologize later, when necessary, in such circumstances.

You have this picture in your head that we got a report and acted. We didn't. We looked, asked each other, spoke about it and tried to do some quick and fruitless research, then acted.

We're actually talking about asking the other poster to explain themselves but we realize there is a way to contact us in your defense (using the contact us feature). Our main goal is to end the offense, our users do deserve for us to take action on what we consider our most important rule. Notifying a person who has information about somebody else can actually cause the issue we are trying to avoid by quick action. This is our number one rule for a reason.

Then how about banning both parties, allow each side to present their case and then either ban the person who made the offending post, or ban the complainer for making a false accusation?
Then how about banning both parties, allow each side to present their case and then either ban the person who made the offending post, or ban the complainer for making a false accusation?

This would be like imprisoning the victim "just in case". It isn't likely to happen.

As for banning somebody for making a false complaint. We'll actually think about that... We're not going to retroactively do anything like that, but if we can make it workable... Let's just say it is something we'd like to think about a bit.
This would be like imprisoning the victim "just in case". It isn't likely to happen.

As for banning somebody for making a false complaint. We'll actually think about that... We're not going to retroactively do anything like that, but if we can make it workable... Let's just say it is something we'd like to think about a bit.

Taking the Devil's Advocate side, isn't banning someone and expecting them to "defend" themsleves, the same definition as yours?
I understand your need to stop an explosion of personal info being released; but why should someone be "punished", when they haven't done anything?

I'm not saying that the solution is easy; but at the moment it appears to lean more towards the accuser, whether they are telling the truth or not.
Taking the Devil's Advocate side, isn't banning someone and expecting them to "defend" themsleves, the same definition as yours?
I understand your need to stop an explosion of personal info being released; but why should someone be "punished", when they haven't done anything?

I'm not saying that the solution is easy; but at the moment it appears to lean more towards the accuser, whether they are telling the truth or not.

Ironic, seeing that you were the one, begging, pleading, cajoling for me to give you permission to post either a picture of me, or some other personal information.
You're the main culprit here, egging DY, ID, and PMP on, and the first one to mention that you had personal info of mine to post. I say the mods should be looking closely at you, and no further. I made a mistake. You have an agenda.
Ironic, seeing that you were the one, begging, pleading, cajoling for me to give you permission to post either a picture of me, or some other personal information.
You're the main culprit here, egging DY, ID, and PMP on, and the first one to mention that you had personal info of mine to post. I say the mods should be looking closely at you, and no further. I made a mistake. You have an agenda.

So if DY had said he made a mistake and thought you had posted about your addiction, that would have sufficed to prove him innocent?

You know you wouldn't have accepted such an excuse and the bottom line is you lied.
It's either that or you have a mental problem which prevents you from remembering what info about yourself you've released; in which case, you should sell your computer and stay off boards such as these.


I also find it amusing that ASKING you for permission to post what I know about you and how I know it, is described by you as "begging, pleading, and/or cajoling"!
You truly are amusing and I thank you for providing me the opportunity to laugh at your reasoning.
Is it really a good idea for you to be drinking martinis, what with your addictive personality?
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So if DY had said he made a mistake and thought you had posted about your addiction, that would have sufficed to prove him innocent?

You know you wouldn't have accepted such an excuse and the bottom line is you lied.
It's either that or you have a mental problem which prevents you from remembering what info about yourself you've released; in which case, you should sell your computer and stay off boards such as these.

View attachment 1457

I also find it amusing that ASKING you for permission to post what I know about you and how I know it, is described by you as "begging, pleading, and/or cajoling"!
You truly are amusing and I thank you for providing me the opportunity to laugh at your reasoning.
Is it really a good idea for you to be drinking martinis, what with your addictive personality?

UT-OH You've been singled out by the self righteous ONE as being a "culprit" and "egger on'ner" and "One who the mods need to be watching" :rofl: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You're the main culprit here, egging DY, ID, and PMP on

???...the only "egging" that effected me was making sure you didn't get someone banned with false for the "main culprit", I see no one here more responsible than you.....

unfortunately, the last thing I expect to see is an apology from the person who started this crap.....
No you started something because you are an old man who forgot his own big mouth had already posted shit. You then went after a poster by reporting him for posting personal shit against the rules. Damo ended it because Freedom was diligent to get to the truth- something the moderator billy failed to do!

Hey Free maybe you should be a mod?

Every single mod consented to the banning and every single mod consented to the unbanning. (well... soc has been mia for a while, so he wasn't really involved in this matter) I don't know why you continue to insist that ban actions are an individual game. They are not. Every single ban that has ever been done is usually 2-5 discussion threads on our mod forum, discussing various things, and each mod spells out in black in white that they A) find compelling evidence B) recommend a ban.

We stand together on this stuff. And if there is ever a major dissenting opinion, it typically means the issue is dicey and thus it falls apart and nothing is carried through.
Aw, what's the matter, sweetie, your figure flaws got you down?

Try the Spanx line. It'll help you aspire to what I was genetically blessed with.

Yes, I have seen what you were "blessed with" and it ain't for the faint of heart- chris reading in all her blessed glory
Every single mod consented to the banning and every single mod consented to the unbanning. (well... soc has been mia for a while, so he wasn't really involved in this matter) I don't know why you continue to insist that ban actions are an individual game. They are not. Every single ban that has ever been done is usually 2-5 discussion threads on our mod forum, discussing various things, and each mod spells out in black in white that they A) find compelling evidence B) recommend a ban.

We stand together on this stuff. And if there is ever a major dissenting opinion, it typically means the issue is dicey and thus it falls apart and nothing is carried through.

If it was discussed so "intently" then why was I able to find the information, after reading through approximetly 40 posts (took about an hour)?
If it was discussed so "intently" then why was I able to find the information, after reading through approximetly 40 posts (took about an hour)?

because you knew what to look for, due to the fact you like stalking poet and know where he's posted very specific stuff?

Make no mistake, what was reported to us, was "personal info" in the sense that.... it's very personal facts about someone. It was also done by someone that has participated in posting personal information in the past. And was also currently being malicious and obviously harassing another user. So with that, it all looked to add up. It's also very rare a user posts their own very private information on here.

Lastly, as has been said many times in this thread before, no one that is banned is completely cut off, they are provided with a way to contact us if they feel we are in error. But given the nature of how important it is to protect personal information on this site, when faced with what we believe is sufficient evidence, we ban first. This is important because we feel protecting peoples privacy outweighs the potential of someone being banned for a day or two due to a mistake before it's cleared up.

It can be a sticky situation sometimes, though easily avoidable for 99% of users given most are respectful, non-malicious, hateful or spiteful posters. For the rest, it's obviously a different story.
because you knew what to look for, due to the fact you like stalking poet and know where he's posted very specific stuff?

Make no mistake, what was reported to us, was "personal info" in the sense that.... it's very personal facts about someone. It was also done by someone that has participated in posting personal information in the past. And was also currently being malicious and obviously harassing another user. So with that, it all looked to add up. It's also very rare a user posts their own very private information on here.

Lastly, as has been said many times in this thread before, no one that is banned is completely cut off, they are provided with a way to contact us if they feel we are in error. But given the nature of how important it is to protect personal information on this site, when faced with what we believe is sufficient evidence, we ban first. This is important because we feel protecting peoples privacy outweighs the potential of someone being banned for a day or two due to a mistake before it's cleared up.

It can be a sticky situation sometimes, though easily avoidable for 99% of users given most are respectful, non-malicious, hateful or spiteful posters. For the rest, it's obviously a different story.

The first part of your accusation is BS.
I went to the link that shows all of Poets recent posts and just started back tracking, so you can take your stalking theory and shove it.

And here I thought it was in only countries that you were required to prove your innocence, instead of being proven guilty.
Ja, mein moderater

As to your 99%, your bias is showing; because more then less people on these forums have indulged in underhanded behavior. It just seems that specific individuals get a pass, as long as they "make nice".

By the way, since your so informed of people's behavior; what poster, other then Poet, has revealed so much about their personal life? Especially so much that they can't remember what they've revealed, or so he says.
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