Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

It maters because without knowing who or what created gays, homophobes do not know who to blame and end in blaming the wrong party.

Does justice matter to you and is blaming the right party for something not the moral thing to do?


Blame who and for what? Why would it change if God created gay people or not?
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?


Hadn't seen you in awhile. Just get out of prison or a mental ward?

For starters all of nature = God. At least from a Panentheist POV. The Evangelistas and Satanists will disagree.
Why is it necessary to have someone to blame for anything? Do we need someone to blame for people who have red hair? Should we find a scapegoat to blame for being homely, extraordinarily tall, low IQ, stuttering, disliking coffee?

The fact that you feel something or someone is to blame for being gay indicates to me that YOU are a homophobe yourself.

I blame Nature.

I have to see it as a naturally occurring genetic damage at the DNA level. That is what effects/creates our chemistry and sexuality.

I think nature creates for the best possible end and that this condition is not the best end for our type of animal. This is proof that it is all about chance and not having a choice in being gay or not.

I do not discriminate against that condition any more than any other conditions that effect reproduction or other bodily functions.

I do not wish DNA damage to any soul.

You might know that if a theist happens to engage, the more moral here might change his ways.

It is not me seeking a scapegoat. It is me trying to get those who abuse gays to stop.

My side might have already won as few ever advocate for homophobia.

Blame who and for what? Why would it change if God created gay people or not?

Theists might question why their God would create something for them to hate.

Scriptures also say that God creates all things for his pleasure.

IOWs. God likes it when he creates a gay soul.

The bible never lies about God, to a theist, does it?

Hadn't seen you in awhile. Just get out of prison or a mental ward?

For starters all of nature = God. At least from a Panentheist POV. The Evangelistas and Satanists will disagree.

I agree with your first.

We are all in God together, alone.

I know none identifying themselves as you describe in your last, so it I ignore till I get a link.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I agree with your first.

We are all in God together, alone.

I know none identifying themselves as you describe in your last, so it I ignore till I get a link.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


There's a few Evangelistas and Satanists on JPP but I'm a staunch Panentheist.

I blame Nature.

I will remove the rest of your post because it screams bigotry -- only you're attempting to use science to justify it. Why do I say this? Because you are a homophobe who feels the need to put down those whose orientation may or may not differ from yours. while failing to virtue signal loud enough to be heard. Call it "genetic damage" or whatever, it amounts to someone trying to pretend to be open-minded and tolerant, but who in actuality is everything but. When you use a loaded word like "blame," you are loudly signaling that what you are discussing *needs* blame.

Or to put it another way, those of us who truly do accept people as just people, and who don't give a shit what their sexual orientation is, feel no need to use the Bible, science, the word "blame," or evil gnomes to illustrate our POV. We just see ppl as ppl.
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?


Theological discussion aside, why not just do a survey or study of children of or raised by gay parents regarding nurture or nature? Yes, people are born gay...a common anomaly in the human equation. It is what it is. Don't sweat the small stuff.
I blame Nature. I have to see it as a naturally occurring genetic damage at the DNA level. That is what effects/creates our chemistry and sexuality.

That has never been proven, AFAIK.

I do agree that homosexuality is an aberration, but I suspect it is caused by the psychological trauma of child molestation by adults who were themselves molested.

It's disturbing to see adults encouraging young children to explore that behavior in public schools as is happening now.
Homosexuality is the result of a cycle of repetitive child molestation that has perpetuated throughout the centuries.

How was the first homosexual created? Were they molested by a same sex-parent?

Nonsense! Even for a dumb fuck like Legion it's nonsense.
Nonsense! Even for a dumb fuck like Legion it's nonsense.

Legion is a Depends-wearer and I can always tell when he has a full load by posts like this:
Homosexuality is the result of a cycle of repetitive child molestation that has perpetuated throughout the centuries.

How was the first homosexual created? Were they molested by a same sex-parent?
Link, please, unless this is just another Depends-load of gimp shit.

Stereotypes are rooted in reality, so that is not a problem.

That's not true stereotypes are the product of ignorance and tyranny of the majority.
In this situation heterosexual is the majority ,so the assumption is than homosexuality is wrong,because it's behavior is a minority attraction.
It's as simple as some prefer hamburgers over hot dogs.Some prefer cake over pie.
No different in sexual attraction.