Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

That has never been proven, AFAIK.

I do agree that homosexuality is an aberration, but I suspect it is caused by the psychological trauma of child molestation by adults who were themselves molested.

It's disturbing to see adults encouraging young children to explore that behavior in public schools as is happening now.

You're a fucking moron, Gimp.

There is ZERO factual evidence to support your conclusion, Gimpy.

Here's what facts look like, Depends-shit-for-brains:
epigenetics—instead of or in addition to traditional genetics—might be involved. During development, chromosomes are subject to chemical changes that don't affect the nucleotide sequence but can turn genes on or off; the best known example is methylation, in which a methyl group is attached to specific DNA regions. Such "epi-marks" can remain in place for a lifetime, but most are erased when eggs and sperm are produced, so that a fetus starts with a blank slate. Recent studies, however, have shown that some marks are passed on to the next generation.

In a 2012 paper, Rice and his colleagues suggested that such unerased epi-marks might lead to homosexuality when they are passed on from father to daughter or from mother to son. Specifically, they argued that inherited marks that influence a fetus's sensitivity to testosterone in the womb might "masculinize" the brains of girls and "feminize" those of boys, leading to same-sex attraction.

Such ideas inspired Tuck Ngun, a postdoc in Vilain's lab, to study the methylation patterns at 140,000 regions in the DNA of 37 pairs of male identical twins who were discordant—meaning that one was gay and the other straight—and 10 pairs who were both gay. After several rounds of analysis—with the help of a specially developed machine-learning algorithm—the team identified five regions in the genome where the methylation pattern appears very closely linked to sexual orientation. One gene is important for nerve conduction, whereas another has been implicated in immune functions.
Nonsense! Even for a dumb fuck like Legion it's nonsense.

He's 12B trolling. Even gimps like Legion get bored.

He's better as masturbating than he is at baiting....which is very common for gimps.

He likes being dominated by TOW.


Ewww. I wouldn't touch Lesion with someone else's hoo-haw. :laugh:

He has a decided fixation on posting about molestation. As Mason said, he uses it to tempt others into committing a 12b offense. He has a lot of trouble dealing with those smarter than he is, which is most of us, so he uses that ploy to try to level the playing field.

It's not working. lol
I will remove the rest of your post because it screams bigotry -- only you're attempting to use science to justify it. Why do I say this? Because you are a homophobe who feels the need to put down those whose orientation may or may not differ from yours. while failing to virtue signal loud enough to be heard. Call it "genetic damage" or whatever, it amounts to someone trying to pretend to be open-minded and tolerant, but who in actuality is everything but. When you use a loaded word like "blame," you are loudly signaling that what you are discussing *needs* blame.

Or to put it another way, those of us who truly do accept people as just people, and who don't give a shit what their sexual orientation is, feel no need to use the Bible, science, the word "blame," or evil gnomes to illustrate our POV. We just see ppl as ppl.

Show your insecurity all you like by censoring truth.

If there is a bigot here it is you.

I was explaining reality, not criticizing it.

I see you have nothing to contribute to this.

I will remove the rest of your post because it screams bigotry -- only you're attempting to use science to justify it. Why do I say this? Because you are a homophobe who feels the need to put down those whose orientation may or may not differ from yours. while failing to virtue signal loud enough to be heard. Call it "genetic damage" or whatever, it amounts to someone trying to pretend to be open-minded and tolerant, but who in actuality is everything but. When you use a loaded word like "blame," you are loudly signaling that what you are discussing *needs* blame.

Or to put it another way, those of us who truly do accept people as just people, and who don't give a shit what their sexual orientation is, feel no need to use the Bible, science, the word "blame," or evil gnomes to illustrate our POV. We just see ppl as ppl.

Show your insecurity all you like by censoring truth.

If there is a bigot here it is you.

I was explaining reality, not criticizing it.

I see you have nothing to contribute to this and cannot quote anything, stupid, to make your bigoted case.

Show your insecurity all you like by censoring truth.

If there is a bigot here it is you.

I was explaining reality, not criticizing it.

I see you have nothing to contribute to this.


In other words, I hit the nail on the head by terming your discussion an exercise in bigotry. Carry on.
You are the one ignoring reality.

If gayness is not as I described it, stupid, then what is you censored ex0planation?


My response about dealing in reality was to someone else, not you, Sparky.

Why do you feel the need to cast blame on a variation in human sexuality?

It is obvious that we are born with whatever sexual attraction(s) we have. No one chooses to be straight or gay or bi. There is no god that "made" us or gave us orientation. We can see the same variation in other lifeforms we share the planet with.
Why do you believe you and only you know the TRUTH?

Get the quote where I said such a thing, or be seen to be as stupid and dishonest as our other friend.

I hold the truth until someone comes up with a better truth.

You a holes are attacking the messenger while the message, you dare not touch.

Mental coward.

Get the quote where I said such a thing, or be seen to be as stupid and dishonest as our other friend.

I hold the truth until someone comes up with a better truth.

You a holes are attacking the messenger while the message, you dare not touch.

Mental coward.


I quoted it, dipshit. Read it again.
In other words, I hit the nail on the head by terming your discussion an exercise in bigotry. Carry on.

Cary on with your lies.

I note you still quote nothing.

Liars tend not to.

Enough though.

I am not interested in one like you activating my net bully.

Get to the topic or get lost.

Nature is the cause of gayness.

I have to see it as a naturally occurring genetic damage at the DNA level. That is what effects/creates our chemistry and sexuality.

I think nature creates for the best possible end and that this condition is not the best end for our type of animal. This is proof that it is all about chance and not having a choice in being gay or not.

I do not discriminate against that condition any more than any other conditions that effect reproduction or other bodily functions.

I do not wish DNA damage to any soul.

I came to discus.

Get to it or get lost.


Me too. Stop lying like a fucking moron and playing dumb when you get your ass kicked, dipshit.

I dislike liars and other dishonest people. You strike me as a liar. The other possibility is that you are mentally ill, which, IIRC, is what you are. In that case, you are a curiosity to me.
Because people lie.

That's why "surveys" and polls are worthless.

Prove it.

Of course, I'll understand if you can't.

Just because you are a member of JPP's Frequent Liar club doesn't mean everyone else is a liar, Gimpy.

Polls and surveys can be valid as long as they come from reputable sources which use reputable techniques. That's why, despite whining about polls about him, the Trump administration used polling data to formulate opinions, responses and policy. If you weren't such a dimwitted little gimp, you'd know this.

Sane, intelligent, non-gimps understand that each poll or survey in question depends upon its source and the validity of its methodology.
