Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

From the U.S. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System: Anderson and Blosnich reported that gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals have higher odds of adverse childhood experiences compared to their heterosexual peers.

From the U.K. Avon Longitudinal Study: Xu and associates reported boys with a history of childhood parental maltreatment are more likely to be non-heterosexual “even after controlling for important covariates.”
Originally Posted by Taichilliberal View Post
If what you say is true (or you truly believe it to be) then NO Poll, survey or questionnaire result is valid. This effects EVERYTHING, especially politics. So according to your "logic", there is no way to determine anything in society, much less convey certain information.
Quote Originally Posted by Butch Uncle View Post
Polls and surveys can be valid as long as they come from reputable sources which use reputable techniques.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Well, depending upon how old you are you might have noticed the decades of newspaper, magazine, radio and TV coverage of gay folk who were raised by staunch, died in the wool "straight parents"...their entire young life going through a staunch, died in the wool straight life style (dress, sports, high school sports, prom, etc.), yet being miserable because they felt "different". The documented trauma of "coming out" to said parents, friends, community.

They could be lying.

The Chronology of the Posts™ has blasted your pathetic points into atoms of absurdity.

:palm: Okay, let me just TRY clear this up for you.

Originally, you stated this in response to my question of why can't a survey be done of children raised by gay parents, "Because people lie.
That's why "surveys" and polls are worthless."

So I just pointed out the inevitable conclusion of your statement, to which you quote some poster named Butch Uncle (clicking the arrow to name reveals the author to actually be Dutch Uncle - you really need to grow up, son), who essentially makes your initial blanket declaration WRONG.

See genius, in your zeal to disprove what I say, you inadvertently disproved your own statement, and support/bolster mine.

Then you stupidly just declare that anyone who gives answers that you don't like "could be lying". Again, if that is indeed the case, then your declarations regarding this subject are dubious at best, because there can be no valid sources if everyone is either potentially lying or decidedly lying. All your links pertaining to sexual abuse and gay sexuality are questionable because as you say, they could be lying.

And just so you know, all your links have NOTHING regarding gay kids raised by straight parents who WERE NOT sexually molested by parents, relatives or family friends. They exist, don't cha know. And then there's the "chicken or the egg" question.....where did these sexual molesters (in some cases, same sex molesters) come from? Were they born or just one day magically decide to be gay? Follow your "logic", the mind boggles.

Once again, you contradict your own argument. It's all there in black & white....this is why when one follows the chronology of the posts with the intelligence of at least a high school G.E.D., they see how intellectually impotent you truly are. Carry on in your predicted denial and repetition.
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The Chronology of the Posts™ clearly and conclusively proves that you have humiliated yourself once again.
The Chronology of the Posts™ clearly and conclusively proves that you have humiliated yourself once again.

and there you have it, dear readers. Every blessed time this clown is properly challenged, he resorts to this childish mess. As you can see, the fool can't even properly mock me, because he doesn't understand it's HIS OWN WORDS that do him in every time. Once again, I've reduced Legion to what he truly is; just another intellectually impotent MAGA troll. He's done and I'm done with him as the chronology of the posts will ALWAYS be his undoing.
and there you have it, dear readers. Every blessed time this clown is properly challenged, he resorts to this childish mess. Once again, I've reduced Legion to what he truly is; just another intellectually impotent MAGA troll. He's done and I'm done with him as the chronology of the posts will ALWAYS be his undoing.

The Chronology of the Posts™ belies your boastful bloviations.

You have my leave to withdraw.