Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Homosexuality vs Heterosexuality is like burgers.
Some like certain toppings others like very different toppings.
And this doesn't address Quality of lovers.
Would you rather have a boring opposite sex lover?
or a same sex lover that rocks your world?
Who created that murderer that you would lock away?

The Royal We did, and that is why we should be kinder to that victim and ourselves by not locking him or her up forever.

To isolate a person is cruelty, and the less of that we do to each other the better.


Every event that ever contributed to molding his brain, at a neurological level, created the murder. Could be a combination of shitty parents, bad friends, etc. Maybe it was frustration of a neighbor's dog barking until 3am that caused neuron A to fire rather than neuron B, and it was that little change that caused him/her to make a deadly decision.

Like any other influence, the fear of prison contributes to the decision making. That doesn't mean fear is always enough to prevent the deadly decision from being made. An understanding of our lack of free will takes away the desire for punishment as a form of.retribution
I think you missed the point.

People are attracted to who they are attracted to. Whereas one couldn't possibly understand how others would prefer anyone from the list I provided, it's exactly the same for anti gay positions.

Because they don't understand the attraction, they come up with excuses to denounce it.

I agree and showed how your offerings do not apply given the harms received and lack of justice for the two main groups.

Every event that ever contributed to molding his brain, at a neurological level, created the murder. Could be a combination of shitty parents, bad friends, etc. Maybe it was frustration of a neighbor's dog barking until 3am that caused neuron A to fire rather than neuron B, and it was that little change that caused him/her to make a deadly decision.

Like any other influence, the fear of prison contributes to the decision making. That doesn't mean fear is always enough to prevent the deadly decision from being made. An understanding of our lack of free will takes away the desire for punishment as a form of.retribution

The benefits to a governments, in terms of rewards for lacking retribution, are quite visible and working nicely is the more advanced Northern E U countries.

Their life enjoyment stats are way better than in most countries.

well hopefully things worked out for you

I had fun. I've been with the same one 16 years now, no end in sight. It's all good, except she's a Democrat.
You know what they say about liberal women being attracted to Conservative men? It's true ;)
all creatures are hardwired to procreate. They are constructed to enjoy the process in a variety of ways including hormonally. You have to make a decision to ignore it.

More the female than the male. Males are wired to fuck as many times as possible…and only the ignorant believe they only fuck to procreate.

The preference of who or what to fuck varies among individuals. The common trend is to fuck post-pubescent females. Note that Pedo Don’s and Epstein’s sex trafficking operation wasn’t pedophilia since they dealt with post-pubescent albeit underaged females. Trump liked 15-17 year olds although Epstein, according to Trump, liked them a bit on the younger side.

Obviously there’s biology and there’s the law. Homosexuals were still having homosexual sex even when it was illegal just like Pedo Don and his sex trafficking operation had a lot of customers even though it was clearly illegal. Note all the powerful men involved: Pedo Don, Slick Willie, Prince Andrew and many other less well known yet powerful men with a libido to scratch.

Yes, sane people can control their impulses but not the desires themselves….as most married men who have looked at another woman knows. Human beings can’t control their sexual preferences anymore than the married man who looks at a Playboy.
Libido refers to sexual desire, or the emotion and mental energy related to sex. Another term for it is “sex drive.”

Your libido is influenced by:

  • biological factors, such as testosterone and estrogen levels
  • psychological factors, such as stress levels
  • social factors, such as intimate relationships
  • High libido is difficult to define since the baseline for “normal” libido depends on the person. It’s different for everybody.

One person’s “normal” may be a desire for sex once a day, while someone else’s “normal” is having zero sex drive.