Atheists: a 5 year old is on her deathbed....

Only a fool refuses to accept all possibilities. Need I say more!

Only a fool can not face reality and clings to childish solutions for their inability to face mortality.
You call the impossible possible only because you are of weak character.
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Only a fool can not face reality and clings to childish solutions for their inability to face mortality.
You call the impossible possible only because you are of weak character.

It is extremely entertaining how you atheists are so positive you are right but get so defensive when your beliefs are challenged. I have asked this many times and not one of you has been able to answer truthfully.

1. If I am wrong what do I lose?
2. If you are wrong what do you lose.

there are only two correct answers.
It is extremely entertaining how you atheists are so positive you are right but get so defensive when your beliefs are challenged. I have asked this many times and not one of you has been able to answer truthfully.

1. If I am wrong what do I lose?
2. If you are wrong what do you lose.

there are only two correct answers.

According to Scripture, there is no such thing as an atheist. They know there is a God. They simply refuse to admit it. They do this because of pride. They refuse to admit that they are not good enough and don't measure up to God's standard of perfection. They also love their sin more than they love the One who created them. So, when they end up before the Gods Throne of Judgement, there really shouldn't be any surprised expressions.
It is extremely entertaining how you atheists are so positive you are right but get so defensive when your beliefs are challenged. I have asked this many times and not one of you has been able to answer truthfully.

1. If I am wrong what do I lose?
2. If you are wrong what do you lose.

there are only two correct answers.
1. Nothing
2. You seem to think you know the mind of your God, if there is a god as you believe, no one knows how this god will deal with any of us.
It is extremely entertaining how you atheists are so positive you are right but get so defensive when your beliefs are challenged. I have asked this many times and not one of you has been able to answer truthfully.

1. If I am wrong what do I lose?
2. If you are wrong what do you lose.

there are only two correct answers.

1 Your common sense.
2 I am not wrong.
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What a very odd thing to say. I'm not surprised you would stoop to using the word in such a dated and offensive way, though...

As I said before, I am not just calling you offensive names here. I honestly believe you are in arrested mental development.
To believe what you claim you do, you would have to be.
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According to Scripture, there is no such thing as an atheist. They know there is a God. They simply refuse to admit it. They do this because of pride. They refuse to admit that they are not good enough and don't measure up to God's standard of perfection. They also love their sin more than they love the One who created them. So, when they end up before the Gods Throne of Judgement, there really shouldn't be any surprised expressions.

You are insane.
There is no alternative assessment here. If you believe that drivel you just posted, you have to be insane.
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What a heartbreakingly beautiful realization that all of our pets, along with the rest of God's creatures, are running healthy, happy, and pain free together after passing over the Rainbow Bridge;) They are in our hearts, forever, until we meet again...
What a heartbreakingly beautiful realization that all of our pets, along with the rest of God's creatures, are running healthy, happy, and pain free together after passing over the Rainbow Bridge;) They are in our hearts, forever, until we meet again...

I get that you grieve for, and miss your pets who have expired. I do too.
But to take a childish poem that is full of lies only a child or a simpleton could believe as true and declare it as fact leaves me to conclude that you are retarded or you are just fucking with us.
I don't rule out either one at this point.
I get that you grieve for, and miss your pets who have expired. I do too.
But to take a childish poem that is full of lies only a child or a simpleton could believe as true and declare it as fact leaves me to conclude that you are retarded or you are just fucking with us.
I don't rule out either one at this point.
Why do you have such a problem with anyone who choses to believe that there is a heaven? You're welcome to say that you disagree with anyone who does. I don't understand the need for the name calling... Especially the term "retarded"...or "simpleton", for that matter.
Why do you have such a problem with anyone who choses to believe that there is a heaven? You're welcome to say that you disagree with anyone who does. I don't understand the need for the name calling... Especially the term "retarded"...or "simpleton", for that matter.

It's called fright.
Why do you have such a problem with anyone who choses to believe that there is a heaven? You're welcome to say that you disagree with anyone who does. I don't understand the need for the name calling... Especially the term "retarded"...or "simpleton", for that matter.

Those terms are not meant as simply offensive language.

I see them as accurate assessments of your state of mind.

If you are serious that you actually believe that poem, you are not right in the head.
You are retarded.

She is, you have no idea. You might as well try to nail jello to a tree than try to have an adult discussion with that one. I find her outrage about your use of the word "retard" to be hilarious hypocrisy. She often calls other ppl "unwell," "sick," "psychotic," "insane," "crazy," etc.

As for the whole afterlife/heaven/Nirvana/rainbow bridge deal.... personally I don't care what someone believes as long as they don't insist I have to indulge too.

CO had the best post here so far.... "Who wouldn't want spiritual advice from someone wearing a red rubber nose and giant shoes?" LOL
It's called fright.

To the contrary. I am not afraid of dying. I am at peace with reality.
You on the other hand are so scared shittless that you will one day end, that you are willing to give up your common sense and adopt fairy tales as reality in order to cope with your weaknesses.
I must say that, in a way, I feel sorry for you.
You are so afraid that you figure everyone must be as frightened of dying as you are.
You are dead wrong.
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