Atheists are more intelligent than religious people, say researchers.

If you already read it then its you that is stupid in not believing it.

He's actually claiming that he never read it and he read it at the same time. He's locked in paradox. He's being quite irrational. This isn't Sybil's first paradox either. He's never cleared any of them.
He only reads the bullshit because the truth makes him soil his diapers.

delusional | dəˈlo͞oZH(ə)nəl | adjective
Characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition. Based on or having faulty judgment.



I used to worry about the cult. Then they infuriated me. Now they're just completely, absolutely worthless piles of dog shit living in human skin. They don't even blink when they lie. I swear half of the time they don't even know what's true and what isn't.

Libhater is a perfect example of a MAGA moron. He absorbs alt reich propaganda and then repeats it because he's been convinced that his entire purpose in life is to annoy libs. To this day he's claiming things about the Pew study that aren't true because 1.) his shit rag source said so and 2.) he hasn't even bothered to open the Pew study. A CliffsNotes student who failed every test.
You post it, it is from an anti-science source with a terrible right wing slant. Since you are so immersed in that crap, you lack the knowledge base to resist it. Rightys have no skepticism. they read it or hear it on Fox, it has to be true.

It is YOU that denies science, Sybil. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
You are now also locked in paradox. First you claim there is no source, then you claim a source as 'Fox News'.

You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sybil.
Religion is inculcated into children by religious schools, families, and communities. Almost all of us have been subjected to the repetitive religious dogma. To resist that takes confidence in your own thinking. It also requires the intelligence to see the terrible gaps in religious teachings. George saw it for what it is.
atheism may be the only phenomena where the irrational preach their superiority.......personally I have never met an intelligent least not one who can explain why it is wrong to believe things that cannot be proved while simultaneously saying there are no deities.......

Atheists don't preach. There are a lot of people that call themselves 'atheists', but are actually fundamentalists in the Church of No God. The word 'atheist' means no theism (no religion at all).
Don't let these losers (usually Democrats) redefine words.
is the only value of religion the amount of proof it contains?

can philosophy be proven, isosceles?

No, there is no value of religion. I don't necessarily judge people for being religious if they do it the right way, but no one should fear the prospect of eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell to do the right thing. Religion is a mind control mechanism that creates a class of elites (i.e., humans who decide they should tell other humans what an unseen god thinks they should do). Religion is a way to explain the unexplainable so that some people can sleep better at night. In its best and purest form, religion persuades morality and good behavior. It isn't lost on me that many of the worst, most awful humans alive and dead are or were self-identified as religious.

Philosophy and religion are not related. Philosophy is rational and methodical. Religion doesn't even know what those things mean.
That's exactly what I claimed, and here's a breakdown chart in the link that clearly shows that I was as usual right on the money. Now take your bullshit and shove it.

PEW Research:

Young women diagnosed with a mental condition:

* 56% of young white liberals
* 28% of young white moderates
* 27% of young white conservatives

Here are the statistics of young men diagnosed with a mental condition:

* 34% of liberal Democrat men
* 22% of conservative men

Read the entire link where Zach Goldberg suggested that these young mentally challenged female liberals need only to look
at the overwhelming hatred seen from those older female liberals that represent the dem congressional squad to see where
they're headed for as they get older.

So now its up to you docdutch to give me your apology for being so dumb and so wrong. :)

In summary: Conservative men and women are quite a bit more mentally stable than are the liberal men and women. Just the facts.
Even a liberal magazine titled Evie wrote an article saying there's a real possibility that there is a "scientific correlation" between
liberal ideas and mental illness. YOU DON'T SAY! LOL!

While I appreciate you providing the source, you must remember that polls of this sort are essentially random number generators. Conclusions based on subjective descriptions are essentially useless.
Thanks for putting up another chart that unquestionably shows just how young liberal females have the highest rating among those suffering from mental disorders.
I noticed a few other mentally disturbed liberals here couldn't accept the fact that white liberals in general, whether they be male or female are on the high end of
suffering mental depravity. Any of you libs need to find another chart other than the Pew study to prove just how mentally depraved you are, because I've wasted
too much time proving you all to be liars and plain old stupid.

You have never taken a statistics course in your life. You're actually a stupid and uneducated person.