Atheists more Intelligent

I believe in emotional energy transmissions and egregores. and jesus.
and Buddhism.

I can sense people's energies, sometimes, seems hard to believe that's from Atheist (Nothingness) and have sensed the spirits.

I've had people sense the same things I have.

The fact that ecosystems are delicate, and easily destroyed, support creation too.

If I sin, I'm more likely to get demonic nightmares.

The fact that good things feel good & bad things feel bad. (It's like we're programmed for good)

Yes, I'm a believer, but not 100% certain.
Right, you mean the eye witnesses! Calling what God created magic is so ridiculous, Creation speaks of God everywhere you look! I suppose you are an evolutionist!

I don't know, if you get out in nature, it's not so hard to see that everywhere you look is magic & creation of life.

Invasive species can ruin an ecosystem, if they are so easily ruined, how dang hard were ecosystems to create by chance?
About impossible!

In fact, I'd say impossible.

Besides, just because I see likely creation, doesn't mean I'm anti-Evolution.

Everything evolves, life evolves, people evolve, everything in the World evolves and it's not surprising , and doesn't disprove religion!
I don't know, if you get out in nature, it's not so hard to see that everywhere you look is magic & creation of life.

Invasive species can ruin an ecosystem, if they are so easily ruined, how dang hard were ecosystems to create by chance?
About impossible!

In fact, I'd say impossible.

Besides, just because I see likely creation, doesn't mean I'm anti-Evolution.

Everything evolves, life evolves, people evolve, everything in the World evolves and it's not surprising , and doesn't disprove religion!

Everything evolves. Fundamental principle of Nature.
I can sense people's energies, sometimes, seems hard to believe that's from Atheist (Nothingness) and have sensed the spirits.

I've had people sense the same things I have.

The fact that ecosystems are delicate, and easily destroyed, support creation too.

If I sin, I'm more likely to get demonic nightmares.

The fact that good things feel good & bad things feel bad. (It's like we're programmed for good)

Yes, I'm a believer, but not 100% certain.

thanks for your testimony, brother.
Not to mention the Trojan War was once thought to be legendary until archeological evidence demonstrated that Homer was actually writing about a quasi-historical event, even if embellished by Greek mythology.

The weight of evidence points to the existence of a historical Jesus. Virtually all reputable scholars of antiquity agree on that.

I do not know why that makes some posters angry.

No one is suggesting anyone be forced to accept he was divine, and no one has a gun to their head compelling them to accept embellishments or allegories in the New Testament

All excellent points and agreed.

I think some people are angry just because they are ignorant; either due to youth or a low IQ. Why else would they resort to emotion instead of reason?
Yeah, yeah, I am done with you bashing my faith. I am not perfect, no Christian is. I came here to discuss politics, and immediately upon finding out I was a conservative I was bashed relentlessly, so now it is my venting area and comic relief thanks to you! You, to me, are like one of those ankle biting dogs!

Another scumbag lie, probably from a follower of Satan. Dude, I never bashed Christianity, just your obviously false claim of being a Christian.

Scroll back, moron. You came here to discuss politics? All the Christians I know, real Christians, are Christians 24/7, not part-time like you. How many hours a day are you a Christian and how many are you something else?
the obvious explanation being that you are searching for excuses for your disbelief? one gives a fuck if you don't's your choice.......

Are you serious? All you have a is a handful of vague texts about a mythological Messiah, and these texts are riddled with contradictions, plagiarisms, and historical inaccuracies.
I don't know, if you get out in nature, it's not so hard to see that everywhere you look is magic & creation of life.

Invasive species can ruin an ecosystem, if they are so easily ruined, how dang hard were ecosystems to create by chance?
About impossible!

In fact, I'd say impossible.

Besides, just because I see likely creation, doesn't mean I'm anti-Evolution.

Everything evolves, life evolves, people evolve, everything in the World evolves and it's not surprising , and doesn't disprove religion!

I am not trying to disprove God! I am saying if you see creation you see God!

That relies on an article of faith which is beyond historical analysis.

What is remarkable in a historical context is that multiple highly educated and literate Greek speakers wrote down the oral stories of an obscure peasant from rural Galilee within a a few decades of his execution.

Jesus' small group of peasant followers in Galilee were almost certainly illiterate and Aramaic speaking. The fact that their oral tradition about him was deemed important enough to write down by erudite authors of the Greek speaking Hellenistic world is fairly extraordinary.

It's not "remarkable" because Jesus didn't exist.
Awesome. Thank you for actually writing down that you think we're all ambulatory meat computers responding to biochemical programming and of no more value than the sum of our chemical components. It's this philosophy that allowed Totalitarian Socialists like Mao and Stalin to commit mass murder in the millions. Why not? The lives of others are "ultimately purposeless and meaningless" and easily replaced by the survivors fucking, which they do without prodding. Just throw them some food and take any kids they have for special indoctrination. Easy peasy.s

I'm sorry if the reality of our existence depresses you. But I'd rather face reality than life in fantasy. I don't need to be coddled with religious nonsense. I don't need to waste the only existence I'll ever know preparing for an imaginary existence I'll never know.
I don't know, if you get out in nature, it's not so hard to see that everywhere you look is magic & creation of life.

Invasive species can ruin an ecosystem, if they are so easily ruined, how dang hard were ecosystems to create by chance?
About impossible!

In fact, I'd say impossible.

Besides, just because I see likely creation, doesn't mean I'm anti-Evolution.

Everything evolves, life evolves, people evolve, everything in the World evolves and it's not surprising , and doesn't disprove religion!

My response is more we did not evolve from single cell organisms at the bottom of the ocean! God created man.
My response is more we did not evolve from single cell organisms at the bottom of the ocean! God created man.

And who created your god? You can't say "the Bible says he always existed," because if that's the game you want to play, then I can easily play the same game by claiming something equally absurd. (For example, if you ask me where I, as an atheist, think the universe came from, I can reply that it came from a universe that existed before it, and that one came from one before it, ad infinitum.)